Tag Archives: work

November 19, 1925

Jax Beach, Thurs Nov-19.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Before starting on my report and with lots of work ahead of me, I am passing up the first day of the Fair and the first thing I am doing is to write to my little girl. It was mighty nice of you to write so often when I was away and I feel that I have been mean in not writing to you. Your last letter with the 2nd page missing shows that you are hurt, and I am very sorry. To write from Marco Island is about the same as writing from Regan Wells. The mail service is very poor even where the towns are better. I was up at 6 o’clock in the morning and I worked hard all day, scouting through brush, cactus, over hills, among shells etc. When night came I was as tired as the next one, and with everyone going to bed at about 8 o’clock and with no place to write, I passed it up with hopes of getting through with my work as soon as possible.

November 19, 1925

November 19, 1925

It may seem strange to you that I am so busy at times that I do not write, but you will have more patience with me when you are more familiar with what I am doing. I work hardest when I am alone on a problem and am apt to take it easy when I am working with some one else. I try to make a creditable showing when there is a chance and to this end I am apt to neglect personal duties. When you are with me, Dear, I am sure that this will be different. When I am real busy I seem to pass the time quicker and I do not long for you as much as when I have lots of time. But I wish for you real often and always wonder how you would like to be with me at just that time. There is no doubt, Dear, about my love for you. I love you with every tender affection and I would not hurt your feelings for anything in the world if I knew it. I hope you will be patient with me just now as I have several irons in the fire and it is up to me to do something with them.

Mr. Bishopp has just asked me for a list of my articles with exact references, and I know that he wants this for use in a recommendation for a salary increase. It will come in mighty handy too. At this time I believe it will go through as there is a sufficient amount to permit it. We can use the money OK.

You certainly surprised me Dear when you said you had 1000 at interest. I had no idea that you had saved any, as it would seem to be a difficult thing to do. It is difficult for me to save unless I have a place for it as soon as it comes and it sounds mighty good to know that you can save. You will have to be our Secy.-Treas. It almost took me off my feet when you said you had this for furniture. If you use it that way, Dear, we will arrange to put an equal amount at interest for you. We will not split hairs over anything, for my salary is yours as much as mine and I want you to always feel that what is yours is yours and what is mine is yours. You are going to be a wonderful little wife and I am proud of you. I know that we are going to get along OK.

I am enclosing a Fulford report which sounds good to me. They have never discounted any of their notes through banks and have made the improvements too. It is a real development and I would not be surprised if our little lot down there brings enough to build a home. I’d like to take up the balance with the 15% discount but cannot at the present time. Most of the people who have purchased there will probably do this as very few were sold to salaried people like myself. Most salaried people down there bought options for $100 or thereabouts and made or lost in 30, 60, or 90 days. I try to be a little more conservative, though I probably missed some real big money. I might have lost out. Many are losing in property in Florida, due to the fact they did not use common sense in buying. A person should see what they are buying and if they can visualize it ahead of the other fellow, they make the money.

I have not yet made up the list for you Dear but I’ll begin on it today. It would seem to be about time to set the date too. Would like to know what you have in mind. Perhaps Wednesday before Christmas would be a good time. We could then visit my folks and come to Jax. We would return to Dallas about March 1st.

Mrs. Mac has not sold her cottage yet and if she does not sell it we will be comfortable here for the time. She does not seem anxious to sell, though he wants her to sell.

Will close for this time, Sweetheart, as I must get busy. I love you with all my heart.

Yours only & always,

November 4, 1925

Wednesday Night.

My Dear Sweetheart,

I had a real good letter from you last night and I feel much better now. I was worried until I received this one. It is a bit cold here now and the wind is blowing, but it isn’t very disagreeable. Yesterday was the same way. I spent the day in Jax. Dr. K.S. said it had been a long time since I had seen him and it was interesting to visit. He is not going to the meeting in Dallas, but thinks he would like to go to Dallas in June when the A.M.A. have their meeting. I imagine we will return to Florida just after that meeting in June.

November 4, 1925

November 4, 1925

Yesterday’s paper gave an account of land purchase in the west part of Jax for developmental purposes. Said $500,000.00 was paid for a large tract, but it did not give the acreage and location. The company are ones who developed three sections near Miami and they are high class and restricted. This development will be of some value in boosting our acreage though I cannot tell much about it right now. Ours is higher than anything they could have purchased and should make a good residential section. I had a notion of selling one of the tracts, but I don’t know whether it is wise or not. It might be better to sell the Fulford one, though I am not anxious to turn it loose either. If we had the Dallas home in Jax we could hold onto all.

I am as busy as can be Dear, and it seems that the work goes slow at that. It requires lots of time and attention.

With worlds of love, Dear, I am


October 29, 1925 (Walter)

I don’t know whether this is Wed or Thurs Nite.
Anyway it’s dark.

My Dear Sweetheart,

I have been so interested in my work that the past two days have gone by so quickly that I didn’t realize it. I did not intend to let yesterday get by without writing to you but it was so late Dear, that I went right to sleep. Maybe you think that I am a poor sweetheart, but I have been so interested in my work. You are the only one I have written to for quite a while. I should write several letters but it seems a loss of time to write to anyone except you. Last winter I did the same thing and my mother wrote to Mr. Bishopp to find out where I was. When you are with me Dear I’ll have to wish some of my letter writing onto you. There won’t be much of it, because I am getting to the point where I have very few to write.

October 29, 1925 (Walter)

October 29, 1925 (Walter)

I am glad that you are over your blues, Dear, and I hope you realize that it was just a play on your imagination. It is very difficult to get mail or to send letters from southern Florida. I just received yours of the 19th, which makes about 10 or 11 days.

I am doing quite a little staining and microscopic work just now and it takes an awful lot of time to get anything accomplished. The material is so small that it is quite different from what any of our men are doing. I have to try methods on fresh material to get a technique as it is just a little different. Dr. White has written about how he is working on the other stuff, but it doesn’t help me any. I haven’t told him anything about what I am working on here, for I wouldn’t gain anything to do it.

I love you Dear and I wish I could be near enough to tell you all about it. With a sweet goodnight.

Always your

October 25, 1925 (Ina)

Sunday Afternoon.
Oct. 25, 1925

My dearest Sweetheart:

Your letter and the letters from Mr. Petit and Mr. Bishopp came this morning and Dear, they made me feel so good. You see, until now, everything has been so indefinite that it didn’t seem real. I knew that you and I loved one another and that we were engaged, but that was all the definite information I had. I am sure that you too were very anxious to know something for sure. Mr. Bishopp’s letter was very very interesting and I appreciate your sending it to me. Yes, Dear, some time about Christmas suits me for the wedding and the other plans you mentioned sound good to me. I am glad you have expressed an opinion as to some particular time and place as it makes me feel like we are really going to be married. If Mr. Bishopp doesn’t write you pretty soon of any change in plans, we can set a date before long, can’t we? Somehow, I like the idea of having something definite in mind and working toward it.

October 25, 1925 (Ina)

October 25, 1925 (Ina)

Mr. Petit’s letters were very interesting also. I was so sorry to hear of Dr. Hunter’s death. Although I was not personally acquainted with him, I have heard a great deal of him for several years and have heard so many fine things about him. All of the men seemed to think so much of him. Sweetheart, I note what was said of his opinion of you, and I am proud of it. Mr. Petit writes an interesting letter and puts quite a bit of individuality into it which always adds a great deal to a letter I think. That is what keeps a letter from sounding like a news paper write-up.

It is raining so much this afternoon that we can’t go to Mrs. Crisp’s funeral. I think it always makes it a great deal sadder to have to bury a person on a cold gloomy day in the rain.

Sweetheart I want to tell you again how “tickled to death” I am over your letter and that I love you, love you and love you and will be mighty happy when I can be with you always.

Your own

October 23, 1925 (Walter)

The Beach, Friday Night.
Oct 23d

My Dear Sweetheart,

Have gotten into the harness again and have lots to do, though I had very little work carried over from a few weeks ago. Before leaving I cleared up all the work I could and did not have any experimental animals left. At the present time I am running some traps on the beach and during the day I am using the material as fast as it is caught. It is quite a chore to have a bunch of experimental animals and I am keeping away from it unless it is necessary.

October 23, 1925 (Walter)

October 23, 1925 (Walter)

Mrs. Mc has her house for sale and today there were two parties to look at it. I hope she doesn’t sell for I am pretty well located for my work and too I am in hopes that you can be here with me for a while. The boom is causing lots of people to look for houses at Jax and most of the cottages down here have been rented for the winter. Jax is getting into the real boom and I believe that it will have a good substantial growth from it. It is not a tourist city like Miami and Palm Beach, but its growth will be of a more stable kind. Lots of eastern capital is coming now and real buildings are going up. I hope we will cash in well on our acreage.

I expect a letter from you tonight, Dear, as we have not had mail today.


October 22, 1925 (Walter)

Box 61 Jacksonville Beach, Fla.
Oct 22, Thursday A.M.

My Dear Sweetheart,

At the time I was worried about why you were so blue, I received three letters forwarded from Caxambas. Believe me I was mighty glad to get them. They were just as sweet as they could be. I note what you said about the judge with much interest.

October 22, 1925 (Walter)

October 22, 1925 (Walter)

I have received a letter from Mr. B. The original went to Caxambas and has not been returned yet. I am sending the copy which was mailed to me here. You will note what he says about plans for work. I had written him of the state fair here which holds from Nov. 19 to 28th, and had suggested the opportunities for meeting various persons interested in our work. He did not mention it directly, but his reference to Mr. Smith and others appertains to the fair. It happens that Thanksgiving comes during this week and should I come for you at that time, I would miss the fair here. It is rather important that I be there for those people are the ones who will pull for an appropriation for Florida work. It is too bad that the fair has to come during that week. I wish I could be in both places at the same time, but I feel that it is an opportunity and a duty to be here. I have a suggestion, Sweetheart, and I am wondering how it will strike you. Could we make it about Christmas time and then come here by train. About the first of March when I am wanted in Dallas we could go there and spend a while, then you could spend a while at Uvalde. We could then drive back here during the latter part of May.

The people at Jupiter (near West Palm Beach) want me to be there during the latter part of March and for the month of April, but we do not have an appropriation for that work and we would give Mr. Parman’s work preference if I were needed down there. I think it would be safe to leave your car at Uvalde with the idea of returning for it. This seems like moving about a great deal but no doubt you would like to be here about two months so as to know of conditions etc. and would then like to meet the Dallas people while I can be there. Then you would probably want to be at home for a little visit so you could tell Mother Lewis how mean I had been to you etc.

With all my love, Dear, I am


October 14, 1925 (Ina)

Wednesday Night.
Oct. 14, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

It was late before I finished work this evening and I’m tired and sleepy tonight so I will continue this note tomorrow and post it tomorrow afternoon. Mr. Burney wants me to work again in the morning but I think I can finish by noon tomorrow.

October 14, 1925 (Ina)

October 14, 1925 (Ina)

I love you, Sweetheart, just as much when I’m tired as I do when I’m rested.


Thursday afternoon.
After washing dishes.


I didn’t work long this morning, and had the honor of coming home in the rain. The little Ford and I did some fantastic dancing on the slippery road, but I finally succeeded in guiding it safely home. It was quite a task at times when I was not a successful mind reader. How did I know when it was going to suddenly jerk around to the left or right like a person turning clear around to see who is coming? I didn’t get ditched though, all for which I am duly grateful.

My work down at the office would have been very pleasant had it not been for the District Judge. Of course a Judge is necessary, but, by the time Court adjourned this term I feel sure that you couldn’t get a single soul to testify that this particular Judge would ever be necessary anywhere. Honey, he is as cross as a bear all the time. Honestly, I didn’t dare even suspect that such a disposition existed on earth. He is rather old, and is a widower (I don’t know whether it’s grass or sod, but if his wife is dead, I know she’s glad – poor woman!) I wouldn’t be a lawyer, or a witness or a juror or a little puppy or anything in his court for anything on earth if I could help it because his tone of voice can make you fear for your life. I’m ‘most scared to death of him. He orders the lawyers to “sit DOWN!!-!!**!!!” Bang!!! Just like that. And if they don’t, he threatens to send them to jail or do anything else he wants to with them. During the spring term of court this year, as the Judge was leaving the courthouse, a young lawyer whom he had abused (verbally) considerably in the courtroom, greeted him at the front door with his fist and knocked him down. The town (the people who knew him not) said it was an outrage, a young man taking advantage of an old gentleman like that etc. etc., and I shared in the general opinion most heartily, but now – I almost respect the young man for doing it. Of course it looks cowardly, ungentlemanly etc., but this man has the rare quality of working up the rage of a person who is sure absolutely that he possesses no temper whatsoever. I couldn’t help but sort of tremble when he was around and he was a little cross to me once, but he shocked me this morning when he started to leave by heartily shaking my hand, complimenting me very highly on my work, (and he called me “Little Girl” twice!!, telling Mr. Burney that he just must have me to help him next spring during court, and, wishing me a happy and prosperous year, he threatened to give me a box of candy but failed to do so in his rush to catch his train. I’m glad he didn’t give me the candy though, because he needs it and lots more to sweeten his disposition.

Now! Your descriptions of Dr. White are mild compared with that, aren’t they?

Sweetheart, I have been thinking all along that it would be nice to have the wedding about Thanksgiving as Claudelle would be here anyway and would also at that time be here a few days with Mama after we left. Of course I don’t want it to appear that I am “rushing” you in the least because I know as well as you know that that would be a most unladylike thing to do. I realize that we can’t set a date yet as you don’t know where you will be or when or anything but perhaps you will know before long. At the time that is convenient for you to be married, I will be married at that same time too. Sweetheart, if, sometime while you’re “resting” you’ll make out a list of the friends and relatives to whom you want invitations sent you can send the list to me so that I will know how many invitations to order when we set the date. Since it is to be a church wedding, I expect my list to be rather long as I want to invite all my friends, and I want you to feel free to make yours as long as you like. As for where I would like to spend Christmas, I’d like to spend it wherever you do. I want to hang up my stocking right by the side of yours so Santa Claus will be sure to find it. Any of the three places you mentioned would be fine I think, if you were there.

Dear, I love you an awful lot, and I’d be mighty glad if I could see you right now.

Always, your

October 12, 1925 (Ina)

Monday Night.
Oct. 12, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

No letter today, but perhaps it will come tomorrow. I am sure you are busy getting ready for your trip.

October 12, 1925 (Ina)

October 12, 1925 (Ina)

Mr. Burney wants me to work for him tomorrow. The work is usually interesting and he is an ideal employer. He is eighty-one years old, is getting rather feeble, his right hand is partially paralyzed (of course these are not the things that make him ideal employer), and he is very slow in getting around. He is a good friend of our family, and was formerly our neighbor. No one could be any more patient or any better than he is. When I am not busy, he feeds me on red stick candy and tells me Civil War stories.

I haven’t any startling news to write you, Dear, but I want to keep fresh in your memory the fact that I love you, love you and then love you lots more.

Always your

October 9, 1925

Friday Night.

My Dear Little Girl,

Have worked hard all day toward closing up work and getting things together for the trip. It looks as though it will be Monday before I get started. It will take that long. As there will be no one here in the house I am getting things so that they can be stored. Also some material I’ll send to Washington and get that out of the say. Today I used all of my animals and there will be none to leave with the neighbors for attention.

October 9, 1925

October 9, 1925

You are a good shot to have killed the snake by shooting it through the head. They have rattle snakes down here so I am told, but I have never seen one. It might be a good idea to keep in practice with your shooting. If you had the revolver in the pocket of your car Sweetheart, and also had it loaded, it might be handy when you need it the next time. Really, no kidding, you should have it there for protection when you are driving. I often read and hear of cases in which a negro jumps on the running board. I wouldn’t have you frightened that way for anything in the world, and I’d feel better if I knew that you had some protection in case such a thing should happen to you.*

With a real sweet goodnight and with all my love, your,


* Yes, these letters were written in the early 20th century, and I’m not editing them. Walter’s and Ina’s opinions are their own, and were a product of the times and places they lived in.

October 7, 1925 (Ina)

Wednesday Nite.
Oct. 7, 1925.

My dear Sweetheart:

Yes, I feel much better this evening – I had a letter this afternoon and that was enough to make anyone feel good.

Mr. Burney, the District Clerk ‘phoned this evening and asked me to work for him tomorrow. Court is still in session, so he must be expecting a rush. However, if things are no more lively tomorrow than they were the last day I worked for him, I will have short hours and quite a bit of idle time in between.

October 7, 1925 (Ina)

October 7, 1925 (Ina)

Yes, Dear, I wish I could be with you to go in the surf. I knew it must be fine and refreshing. A plunge into anything cool is very welcome here on such a summer day as today has been. We have been expecting a norther for several days, but it must have been lost in transit. The old timers prophecy a cold winter this year, and it may be when it finally arrives. I am sure the climate is fine on the Beach, and I am looking forward with great pleasure to spending the winter down there – that is, if Mr. Bishopp sees it that way. If we can’t spend it there, we can spend it somewhere else. The part that concerns and pleases me most is that we are going to spend it together.

Sweetheart, it is nearly ten o’clock, so I had better go to sleep. Goodnight and sweetest dreams.

From the one who loves you, loves you and my! how she does love you!!
