Tuesday Night.
April 15, 1936.
Dearest Sweetheart:
I am enclosing some mail I thought you would be interested in.
Your wife and sons have not forgotten your birthday. When you come home there will be a small gift for you. We might even sing “Happy Birthday to You.”

April 15, 1936 (Ina)
We started looking for you last Saturday and didn’t give up until your card came Monday afternoon. We were very much disappointed that you could not be home for Easter. We did not go anywhere until that afternoon about 5 o’clock when we went to Forsyth Park and saw people shivering in their thin Easter costumes. Walter White hid Lewis Dunbar’s Easter toys Saturday night. However, when he awoke before six Sunday morning he rushed to find Lewis Dunbar’s toys and bring them to the baby’s bed. He couldn’t wait. He wanted to go to bed early Saturday afternoon so I could hide his eggs. I talked him out of that. This afternoon he went to an Easter hunt (better late than never!) given to a crowd of children by Mr. Orsini and the 49th St. druggist. He didn’t find any eggs though. Don’t say that he was waiting for me to find them and put them in his pockets! The hunt was for advertising purposes.
Yesterday afternoon Sara and a Mrs. McArthur called on us. Sara invited me to a bridge party at her house next Friday afternoon. She said John looked up the regulations on shipping furniture and found that the government will not pay the charges unless a man is assigned to the new station for a period of at least a year and a half. So far as you know, you will be in San Antonio only one year. What shall we do?
I haven’t listed our house with a real estate agent yet, hoping that you would come home some time so we could decide which one we want to handle it. If we can’t ship our furniture we should keep a house to put it in, shouldn’t we ? I telephoned Mr. Rowland after receiving your card and he said there would be a charge of $15.00 for drawing up the papers if he renewed the loan and, since Mrs. Adams is ill in a hospital in Richmond, Va., he would have no authority to lower the rate of interest. I then called the Citizens & Southern. I have explained their terms to you. It looks as if we would not only save about $10.00 by giving them the loan but would have the privilege of paying it up at any time we wish, getting credits for the interest we would have paid had we allowed it to run longer. I asked about that because I thought we might sell to someone that would want to place the loan elsewhere at perhaps a lower rate of interest. Mr. Kline (I believe that is his name), of the Citizens & Southern, said that our arrangement with them would not interfere with a sale in any way whatsoever except, of course, anyone assuming the notes would have to be acceptable to the bank. He said he would get in touch with Mr. Rowland, and I telephoned Mr. Rowland to that effect. Mr. Kline said he would call me when he was ready for me to come down town; he was sure the transaction could not be completed in a day but Mr. R. could continue to hold the loan until it was completed.
Walter White is snoring so loudly – just like his mother! I’m sleepy too.
We love you lots, Honey, and hope to see you soon.
Always, your