Sunday PM. May 15th
My Dear Ina & Boys,
Your letters were appreciated very much. I think Lewis Dunbar and Walter White are improving in their letter writing. I am enclosing a sticker for Lew’s automobile (Northwest Airlines). A statement on insurance in Charleston is also enclosed for Mother. It is due June 1.

May 15, 1938
These are rush days and nights. Today I listed some expense accounts & I hope to get them in some time this week if the sec’y is not rushed too much with other things. Hoppers are hatching and bait materials are being shipped. The next six or 8 weeks will tell the story of control or no control. Naturally everyone is doing all he can to get them poisoned while they are young and before they leave the hatching beds along the roadsides and edges of the fields.
I am glad that you sent the gifts to Mother Lewis & Mother Dove, also that the boys had one for my wife.
I feel sorry for Gilbert but perhaps it is best after all.
I am enclosing a receipt on the New England payment of $100. I think we can afford to pay another $100 on it now, if you will send it. Seems better to do this than try to reduce Kenmore house now.
Our work is pretty trying but we seem to be ahead of the game this year by shipping some materials early. Also some were shipped in excess last year which helped a great deal. Gaddis was here when I got back but left two days later after the conference with Annand & Packard here.
Tomorrow I am to talk an hour to the University of Minn. students in Entomology on screw worm control. This makes the 3rd time I’ve been called on to do this in universities up here. Iowa, Missouri & Minn. I packed some graphs and haven’t used them yet but plan to take them to Minn. U. tomorrow.
Strong is to receive his doctorate at LSU on May 31 and you and I were invited by Anderson to attend the banquet. I wrote to him of the affair & expressed regret that we could not be present. No doubt Strong and Rohner will come out before long. I look for them when Congress closes its session. It looks as though our G hop funds might be replenished with another million or more before the closing of the session*.
With lots of love to all three of you.
A million-dollar appropriation in 1938 would equal about $16 million in today’s money.