Monday Nite.
Oct. 5, 1925.
My dearest Walter:
Just three months ago this afternoon I saw you last. In many ways, it seems much longer than that, but it certainly has not been long enough for me to forget you a particle, nor has it been long enough for me to lose any of my love for you. It would take more than mere time to make me do that. I am going to love you always. Instead of its diminishing, it has grown bigger and stronger as the days have passed, and, if it is possible for it to be stronger than it now is, it is going to continue to grow after we are married.

October 5, 1925
Sweetheart, I am glad you wrote Mr. Bishopp. Perhaps it will remind him that he should give you a definite idea as to where you may spend the winter. I hope he will let you know before long so that you can make definite plans. You see, it will be necessary for me to know when you can come in time for me to order the invitations and get them ready and mailed at least two weeks before the wedding day. I don’t know for sure whether they do the work here or not and, in case they do not, they will have to order them for me which will of course take time. Surely he will write you soon.
You asked for my opinion on driving the car to Fla. I agree with you in that it would depend on the length of time we would be there as to whether or not we should take it. I had thought, and I believe you mentioned this when you were here, that it might be nice to drive it part of the way and ship it the rest of the way if we found the trip by auto tiresome. This is, of course, if we knew where we were going to stay in Fla. long enough to justify us in taking it. Just use your judgement about it, Dear, and it will suit me. You know more about the distance etc. than I do.
Mama and I had a most exciting time this afternoon when we were coming home from down town. Just as we turned the next to the last curve before we reached the house, Mama discovered a big rattlesnake in the road. We stopped, found a fence post and Mama instructed me to kill it (the snake). Just at that time, it coiled and rattled ready to spring, so she and I both decided that the fence post I was holding was unusually short, and the snake unusually long, and neither one looked safe. So, while Mama guarded the rattler with the post in hand at an extremely safe distance, I rushed to the house int he Willys-Knight after Papa who was nowhwere to be found. I did find the pistol and the little twenty-two, and thus well armed, I drove back to where Mama was standing, ready to run any moment. On arrival I found that the pistol was not loaded, and the twenty-two was on safety and neither of us could get it off. That snake was the most patient one I ever saw. It had remained in that same coiled, rattling position all that time, seeming to dare us to shoot. I suppose the poor thing knew not to worry when a woman was behind the gun. After a long conversation we decided that I should drive back and either bring Papa or the shotgun. I did so, and brought Papa. He slipped the gun off safety, gave it to me, and I shot the snake, the first time right in the head and killed it dead. So the poor thing didn’t have to die of impatience after all.
I love you, Sweetheart, and I get all thrilled when we plan anything about our wedding or honeymoon, because then I realize, as much as I can, that it really isn’t just a dream after all, but that I am really and truly going to be with you always. I do love you so very much.
Your devoted,
P.S. The clipping from the newspaper came and I was glad to see that the property was increasing in value. We surely do hope it keeps it up, don’t we?