Tag Archives: work

October 6, 1925 (Ina)

Tuesday Night.
Oct. 6, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

Yes, we have no letters today. I looked in the post office box, but there was not a single solitary one to be found. It had been quite a while since I had missed a day and I had almost forgotten the feeling, but I recognized it at once this afternoon. I can hardly wait until tomorrow when I feel sure I will receive one, and perhaps two, and then I’ll be happy.

October 6, 1925 (Ina)

October 6, 1925 (Ina)

This has been a busy day for me. It seems that I have done a little bit of everything and a great deal of some things. Besides my regular routine, I have almost made a satin dress for Mama, have gone down town, and have made two calls. It has been a regular summer day – the kind that makes you feel like you have been working harder than you really have!

I wonder how you have been spending the day, Dear. You have been busy too, I know. I have been thinking of you lots during the day and am wishing for you right now. I hope your work still looks encouraging, and that you will succeed in accomplishing that on which you have worked so hard since Dr. White left.

I love you, Sweetheart, worlds and worlds, and will be so happy tomorrow when I get a letter.

Always, your own

October 4, 1925 (Ina)

Sunday A.M.
12:05 o’clock.

My dearest Sweetheart:

Although it is five minutes past Saturday night (I did intend to write you “last nite”), I will say Hello-o.”

In the first place, I’m terribly tickled. Claudelle caught a ride and has been here for the past few hours. She is in bed now, so I think we will be in Dreamland soon. I’ll write some more later, but I had better get some sleep now.

I love you worlds, Sweetheart. Bless your heart!

Goodnight and sweet dreams.

Always, your

October 4, 1925 (Ina)

October 4, 1925 (Ina)

Sunday Nite
Oct. 4, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

She has come and gone. Dr. Donaldson, (she’s a “Miss”) a friend of ours in San Antonio, was coming out in her car yesterday evening, so she asked Claudelle and Lucille to come with her. Of course they were more than glad to do it, and we were glad too. They returned this afternoon about 4:30 and we all felt so good that we had seen them. This doctor, a young lady a little older than I, lives next door to C. & L. and has been mighty nice to them since they have been there. We surely do appreciate it too. You would think from the way the girls acted when they came home that they had been away three years instead of three weeks. They are both like babies when it comes to staying away from home. However, after their visit today, and after relieving their “system” of all the things they wanted to tell us, I think they have gone back satisfied. Claudelle likes all her work and all her teachers, so I think she will get along fine. Outside of her studies, she has two hours work in the office every day every week, and all day Saturday and Sunday every other week. We were afraid at first that it was too much but she says not. She likes it all. She sends her sisterly love to you.

Your “Dr. White” letter came yesterday, and I am glad you wrote me what you did. It often helps lots fo express one’s feelings, and, too, I am especially glad that you feel free to express them to me. You know that I am as deeply interested as anyone can possibly be, and am anxious for you to tell me. I am glad that you are handling Dr. White as you are, and it is certainly nothing but right that the credit be placed where it rightfully belongs. I’m glad you are standing up for your rights because that is the surest and often the only way to get them. Each person naturally understands his own case better than anyone else does, and is more capable and naturally more interested in securing due credit. No doubt Dr. White feels that it should all be coming his way thru habit and on general principles. I sincerely hope you can prove to him that he is wrong – that someone else in the world has ideas that are worth while besides himself. Best luck in the world to you! I’m with you.

Your real estate letter came this morning on my way to Sunday school, and I was very much interested in it. I have thought about it a lot today, and, since you wanted my opinion, here it is: really and truly, Sweetheart, it seems to me to be rather a big investment in addition to that which you already have. Don’t you think so? Of course you intended selling the lot at Fulford before purchasing this, but, even at that, this would be a larger investment, especially when you consider the rather heavy expense of improving it to the extent that you mentioned. Of course, Dear, the boom that is on down there now may last forever, and then again it may not, and they often do not, you know. I know it would be mighty fine to own quite a bit of real estate and then be able to sell it when prices are soaring, but it doesn’t always happen that way. I have known of a number of cases where it didn’t and it was pretty bad. You see, you are down there where everyone is boosting – boosting just as hard as they can, and where the real estate agencies are at their busiest. They employ people who are able to talk to a person, and, no matter how conservative he is and how good his judgement is, he is finally convinced that the best thing in the world for him to do is to invest. And it is mighty quick easy money when it hits and it often does, but there is also a good chance to lose. I believe in investing some and taking a chance on some, because if we want to be “dead sure” about everything we undertake, we certainly don’t accomplish anything. But, Dear, it is so easy to plunge too deeply when you are constantly surounded by boosters. I know that you are not of the disposition to be easily influenced, but I have known others who were very conservative to have regrets, after it was too late, that they had yielded one time too many. You don’t know how glad I am that you are interested in real estate because I am too. I am sure you are going to make something out of some of it. That is about the best way I know to accumulate something. When we have some particular place to put our money when we make it, and some particular object in view, we are sure to accumulate a great deal more than if we had nothing substantial in which to invest. However, even in our family for the past few years, we have experienced the great uncertainty and anxiety of having everything tied up in property which we were unable to “cash in” for quite a while. It is a pretty miserable feeling when it lasts long. Of course, at the time, Papa was unable to work, and practically everything he has made since we have been in Texas has been on real estate. He is conservative too, but has come very near investing too much several times. Of course, Dear, you are making a good salary now, and are able to keep up the payments, but (and I am not out looking for calamity) suppose something should happen that you were not able to keep up all the payments, and, at the same time, the boom would get “off,” then the mental anxiety and anguish would come and the loss would be great. I believe I would rather stand a chance of having less than to stand the chance of losing all. I realize that you are living where everything is very much alive, and I am living where everything is considered very much dead, but, between the two extremes, I believe we will be able to strike a happy medium on opinions. Sweetheart, sometimes don’t you think it would be wise to sell some of the property that you now have at a good profit and apply that on the balance that is unpaid on the others? In that way, you would not stand a chance to make quite as much if prices continued to increase, but still you would at least be safe on what you had, and also stand a chance to make a great deal without much effort. This principle of “Safety First” may not apply to things down there now. Of course I don’t know just how things are but you asked for my opinion and I didn’t want to pretend to believe one way when I really believed the contrary. Sweetheart, please don’t misunderstand this letter by feeling that I am speaking with too much authority, and trying to manage your business. I am not, and don’t mean it that way at all. I expect you to use your judgement in the matter, but I gave my opinion as per your request. Mine may be wrong – it often is – but I have given it to you just the same.

Dear, I love you with a heart “full up” with the deepest and truest love that a person can have. We are going to get along fine together and be so happy. I am going to be frank with you and you are with me, so we are not going to have misunderstandings. I would be so very very happy if you were here right now so I could try to tell you how much I really and truly do love you.

Always, your

October 4, 1925 (Walter)

The Beach, Sun A.M.

My Dear Sweetheart,

I did not write to you yesterday but I mailed you a copy of an advertisement concerning the Jax acreage. I wrote Mr. Bishopp a detailed letter concerning the work and when I had finished it, I did not write to my sweetie. There were almost eight letter size pages of his letter. Today I am going to write him a personal letter. The other was more of a report of work in progress.

October 4, 1925 (Walter)

October 4, 1925 (Walter)

Perhaps it was not necessary to write him so fully but I have always done so when I was stationed to myself, and he seems to like it. He will then know what is on my mind and what I have ahead of me for winter work. I wrote to him one time during Dr. White’s stay here and that was about the time he left for Washington, so there was quite a bit to tell him. I wanted him to know of the new lead I am working and at the same time I told him that it did not seem necessary to share credit with Dr. White on anything except what we worked together when he was here. I know that Mr. B. is with me there, for he was inclined to believe that the other paper should have been prepared in sections, each one dealing with his own work. However, he did not dictate how it should be prepared. He never does, and that is one reason why I like to work in his division. He suggests, but never dictates.

The weather is certainly delightful here now and the surf is fine. It is so much better than during the active season when so many were down here. But of course the reason so many were here then was because it was so much better here than in their homes during the hot weather. Now it is cooler and more pleasant in both places. I understand that it is pretty hot down the state as it is more tropical. No doubt I’ll start down there the latter part of this week. I am getting my work in shape so that I can leave for a while. I am anxious to see how Fulford looks and to see what the prospects are.

Considering everything, it looks as though we would find it more desirable to live in this part of the state the year round than in the southern part. The northern people want an extremely warm winter when they leave the north and that is what they find down the state. The beaches here are developing now and are “the finest in the world.” Within a few years I believe there will be a great change here. At this time it is impossible to get water front property as the prices are so high. Ocean front sells for $800 per front foot & even higher.

I like this little place better, the longer I live here, and it can be used to good advantage as a laboratory as well as a cottage. If we decided that we wanted to buy it, we could move it to the rear of the lot and let it face the other street. This is a corner lot 75 ft front & 150 ft deep. Then we could build on the front to suit ourselves. If we simply wanted the place as an investment, I believe it would be good. We can tell more about it this winter, and after you are down here.

I love you Sweetheart and then I love you more and more and more. With a real big hug and a kiss, I am always


September 29, 1925 (Ina)

Tuesday Nite
Sept. 29, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

This has been a very interesting day and not a very busy one either. We had our busy moments in the office, of course, but not nearly as much as I expected. The District Clerk was out of the office a great deal of the time and his deputy was busy in another office, so the main idea was to have someone there all day in case a rush should come. While I was not busy I enjoyed hearing the cases or talking with some of the lawyers who were not busy. Our office joins the courtroom and we left the door open most of the time.

September 29, 1925 (Ina)

September 29, 1925 (Ina)

I went to Thelma’s after work and stayed until seven o’clock when I went to our monthly business meeting of the League. Mama was afraid for me to come home alone after dark, but the moon was shining and I started home about 8:30 which was not very late. No, Spooks didn’t get me. The moon was bright enough for them to get a good look at me, so they passed on.

Your letter of Friday night came today and made me feel good all day long, and I still feel that way. It gives me such a good feeling to know that someone loves me as much as you do and is as true to me as you are. I am sure too that I love you that much, Sweetheart, and I am as true as I know how to be. I love you, love you, and then love you a whole lot more.

Always, your own,

September 28, 1925 (Walter)

Monday Night 9/28.

My Dear Sweetheart,

The letter came today, three in one, and they were mighty welcome. I certainly missed them the past few days and some how they make everything look different. I have to pinch myself, to see if it is a dream, or if it is true that I have the love of such a wonderful little girl as yourself. You mean so much to me, Dear. I guess I realize it more after I have waited an extra day or two for a letter.

September 28, 1925 (Walter)

September 28, 1925 (Walter)

I had a busy day and I feel that I accomplished quite a bit. I know that your letter helped a lot.

Had a letter from Mr. Laake today to the effect that Mr. Bishopp had written to him asking about the work and whether he considered it urgent that I join them this winter. Laake says that he would like to have me with them but that he does not want to take any steps which might be contrary to my plans. He knows of our engagement, but I haven’t written to Mr. Bishopp as yet. I’ll do so soon so that he will know what is up. No doubt Dr. Hunter mentioned it to him recently.

Am tired and sleepy, Dear, and I’ll try to chat more the next time.

With a sweet goodnight and with all the love that is possible, I am,

Always your,

September 27, 1925 (Walter)

Sunday Night 9/27

My Dear Little Girl,

No letter last night or tonight so they will probably come in a bunch. I’ll be mighty glad to get them when they do come. Have worked most of today, though I did not get up as early as usual. Couldn’t go to sleep as early last night. This time I was thinking about my work as well as yourself.

September 27, 1925 (Walter)

September 27, 1925 (Walter)

The wind has continued with occasional showers, but they did not amount to very much. There is quite a crowd in the surf. They never pay much attention to rains down here. Dr. KS rather feels disappointed if he goes fishing and it does not rain. As a whole this summer has been dry.

For some time I thought that it would be mighty fine to live here at the beach the year round. One feels that way when he finds the surf so fine. I am not so sure of it now. The salt air rusts things pretty badly, and unless one lives right on the ocean front the mosquitoes give some trouble. I am not so sure but that it is better to live at a higher elevation, but near enough the beach to drive down. This probably accounts for the fact that there has not been as much development between Jax and the Beach. The growth of Jax has been along the St. Johns river, and I expect that soon it will push to the higher elevations west of the city. We hope so anyway, for we want to cash in on the acreage.

I have no news for you, Dear, as I have been sticking so close to my work that I haven’t picked up much. Hope to hear from Mr. Bishopp before long.

I certainly do love you, Dear, and I am mighty happy to think that the time is drawing nearer for me to have you with me always.

With a sweet goodnight,


September 26, 1925 (Ina)

Saturday Night.
Sept. 26, 1925.

My dear Sweetheart:

‘Tis 11:08 P.M. and I wonder what you are doing – slumbering sweetly though I suppose. I am rather late tonight due to the fact that we have company. This afternoon a Mississippi cousin of ours and his wife arrived – coming by to say “Hello-o” before returning to Mississippi. They left home the first of August and drove to California and other states out West. They have seen some wonderful scenery, they say, but have agreed that the old home state will be beautiful to them. It is true that often people have to get away from home for a while in order to properly appreciate it. They expect to leave here Monday morning I think. We have been enjoying them this afternoon – finding out where people we knew back home have gone and what they are doing etc. It is almost equal to a visit there.

September 26, 1925 (Ina)

September 26, 1925 (Ina)

No, Sweetheart, Claudelle was not trying to tease at all about your calling Mama “Mother Lewis.” I’m sure nothing of the kind entered her mind when she wrote it, and, had I had the slighest idea you were going to take it that way, I wouldn’t have sent you the letter. I’m sorry. It was really just this way: Thelma, Claudelle and I have always said “Mama & Papa,” but, as Lucile and Claudelle’s other intimate friends happen to call theirs “Mother,” she decided she would do likewise as she was going away and ‘twould be easier than if she were here with us. ‘Tis only a whim of hers and didn’t have the slightest reference to or connection with what you said. I told Mama how you took it and she was surprised and sorry too. She said she thought the “Mother Lewis” was nice – she liked it.

In one of C’s letters to me she closed it by saying “I love you and Mr. Dove and everybody.”

I am puzzled over Mr. Bishopp’s writing and not saying anything about your staying in Florida. He evidently hadn’t the information yet from Dr. Hunter. Don’t you wish they were as anxious to let you know as you are to know? It is inconvenient for you I’m sure, as you don’t know what to plan about your work. Surely you will hear soon.

I love you, Sweetheart, and if I could be sitting out in the swing in this beautiful moonlight with you, I believe I would try mighty hard to tell you how much. I’d give ‘most anything to be with you right now.


September 25, 1925 (Walter)

Jacksonville Beach
Friday Night 9/26*.

My Dear Sweetheart,

The dream was interesting. If you should find a church social when we go to see my folks, it is almost certain that you will meet everybody and then some more. Since I have been away there are quite a few strangers to me who have moved there.

September 25, 1925 (Walter)

September 25, 1925 (Walter)

If Thelma and Reitha keep bringing cats to your home perhaps they will have to start a new series of names when they have used the hours of the day. Maybe it would be well to start on the days of the week. I think Friday would be such a lovely name for a cat. If he had this name, it would be well not to feed him meat, unless it was a K.K.K. Kat**.

My landlady is curious to know when I am going down the state. She is planning to leave soon and will be gone all winter. I’ll store everything except what I take with me, and will continue the work here after I have returned. It is so interesting that I do not like to leave it.

With a real sweet goodnight, and with all my love, I am,

Always your

* I’m assuming he means Friday, 25 September 1925.
** I don’t get it either. If any readers understand this joke please post a comment.

September 25, 1925 (Ina)

Friday Night
Sept. 25, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

I did get it – the “sleepy” letter, you know. I was mighty glad to have it too, because I hadn’t “heard your voice” in two days. ‘Twas music to my ears again.

I know you were thoroughly tired out and sleepy when you wrote Monday, and I can imagine the sweet sleep you enjoyed that night. Your account of the trip was interesting, and I would consider myself quite a fisherman if I could catch as many fish as you did. One is all that I have caught in my whole life, and it was such a small perch that it would really be cruel to even use it for bait. There is quite an art in fishing and I hope I can learn it sometime, but I will have to start with my A B C’s. Dr. K.S. certainly seems to have it down to perfection. It just seems natural with some people. You promised to teach me, didn’t you?

September 25, 1925 (Ina)

September 25, 1925 (Ina)

It was too bad about Dr. Ransom’s death. Yes, you told me of him when you were here. Dr. White is a very faithful correspondent. You seem to have made a mighty good friend of him, and I think it’s nice, especially as he tried your patience so much during his stay with you. It speaks well for your disposition and tact to be able to retain his friendship during such trying circumstances. Besides the pleasure and satisfaction of knowing that you still have him as a friend, you may derive a material benefit from it. No doubt he will use his influence in helping you when he has an opportunity to speak a good word. We hope he does, don’t we? Every little bit counts, you know.

I love you an awful lot tonight, Dear. I never love you less, and it seems like I love you more all the time. Here’s looking forward to the time when I can be with you always. My! but that will be fine.

Lovingly, your

September 23, 1925 (Walter)

Same Place
Wednesday Night 9/23-’25

My Dear Little Girl,

Two letters tonight, Dear, Sat nite and Sun nite. Good ones, too. You certainly are sweet in writing me so regularly and you can bet that I enjoy them. Makes me feel that I have been mean toward you in not having written on Sat or Sunday, and that you went to church four times Sun while I went fishing.

September 23, 1925 (Walter)

September 23, 1925 (Walter)

I am glad to have an expression from you on our investments and had you been here I would have talked it over with you. I want to do this, Dear, when we are maried for you have some mighty good ideas and we can use them. The tracts are just open cut over pine land with a few palmettos growing, but they are high and dry and I believe that by spring they will sell for $300 per acre. If so, that would be a good time to turn them.

The surf was fine tonight but I was alone and I did not stay in very long. Had you been with me we probably would have played in the water much longer. Then, when we came out we would have enjoyed dinner. There are not very many people down at the beach now except the residents, but the water is warm and just right.

I was interested to know that Claudelle was taking shorthand. That is fine and good judgement on her part, for she will have plenty of time to find her other half.

I have no news for you except that I have been busy with a microscope all day. Am finishing some of the tests we started when Dr. White was here. I am in no hurry to go down the state as I have more than I can do right here and I want to know whether we are going to be in Florida this winter before I start down there.

Dear, if I could only be with you tonight may be I could give you somewhat of an idea of how much I really love you. I’ll be so happy with you that I won’t know enough to try and make you comfortable.

With a sweet goodnight and a real big hug,
