1024 N. Oregon St.,
El Paso, Texas,
Feb. 4, 1941.
Dear Ina & Walter:
It is hard to say which was the more surprise, your letter or the announcement of the arrival of your third son. To say the least both came as a surprise.

February 4, 1941
On account of a severe attack of cold and a lot of work — only to be followed up by wife having a similar attack, this is the first time I have had to acknowledge receipt of your letter and the news. Certainly, congratulations are in order.
Several years ago, Walter, long before you met Miss Ina, you remarked that if you ever married and had children you want them all to be boys — so what?
On some two different occasions we have discussed the subject of transfers — you and I. Mention was made that some employees remain “put” at some one station for ever while others are continually being transferred from pillar to post. I know several, personally who have been stationed upward to 25 years at one post while others have averaged being transferred each 24 months. Within our Bureau it seems that you head the list. Trotter has averaged a transfer each 24 months. I have averaged a transfer each 30 months. Say; are we living right, or not? Are we so darn good or so darn rotten that they just keep on moving us to see if they can land us in a hole in which we will fit — or are others so good they hate to lose their valuable service by transfer — or so rotten they fear to transfer them for fear they will get lost in the shuffle?
The above paragraph is written for a specific purpose. Last year we were told in a casual way that possibly 1941 would see another transfer for us. We happened to not be in on the last wholesale transfer list last year when one-third of our force was transferred. If we are to be transferred this year same will probably come before June 30th. Furthermore, if a transfer is in the offing, goodness only knows in what direction it will be. A tentative application for leave for vacation has been made for the month of April and if same becomes a reality we had slightly planned going to New Orleans and in that event would certainly like to take you up on your cordial invitation to visit in Florida. Surely you would like to cast a line into the Gulf of Mexico in the vicinity of Panama City. According to the map Panama City is not far from the Gulf.
If we were to learn we were to be transferred in that general direction before June 30th, we would probably delay our vacation date. So that is that.
Under separate cover we are sending you by insured parcel post a little gift for that new boy of yours. Hope you three like it. To you and your family every good wish and contratulations from,
Your friends,
The Pettits