Ina married Merritt Sarles, a former colleague of Walter’s. Merritt’s wife had died several years earlier. I remember attending this wedding. During my senior year of high school in 1986, I lived at their house in Millersville. They seemed happy together.
Tag Archives: wedding
December 12, 1940
Regular readers will recall that Claudelle is Ina’s sister, and Gaddis is one of Walter’s colleagues at the USDA, who divorced his first wife in June 1940.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Nicholson Lewis announce the marriage of their daughter Claudelle to Mr. Bevy Marshall Gaddis on Thursday, the twelfth of December Nineteen hundred and forty.
Fredericksburg, Virginia
At Home after the fifteenth of January, Arlington, Virginia.
July 18, 1935
P.O. Box 178
Gainesville, Fla.
July 18, 1935
Dear Walter –
These two weeks have passed by so rapidly that when I think of my delay in this over-sight, narrow-mindedness or whatnot on my part, I am almost ashamed to write. If Hell is paved with good intentions I have a well paved road to that destination. Probably I can plead married life for neglect in writing to you.
I don’t know how I will ever show my full appreciation to you for all you have done for me, especially on that day of July 3rd of which I have a faint recollection. Mere thanks is insufficient but I will soon come to bat and score something. Violet mentions you frequently and she especially likes to recall the mad rush to the Court House when her feet were willing but failed to contact terra firma.
As you know, the picture, after the wedding, turned out perfectly. Did you save one for yourself? If not, I am holding one for you so please let me know.
I am enclosing a money order in the amount of $43.66 which appears to be the amount due you. I have not checked over the bills but I feel certain that you spent more than that. If so, I will send money order for the difference. At the moment I have mislaid these bills but I believe my memory is correct relative to the totals.
[Margin note in Walter’s hand: “Recd OK. He gave me $100, besides this PO order. I gave a complete list itemized – Walter.]
Walter I most sincerely thank you for all your help and many courtesies. The whole day of July 3 was so perfectly planned and carried out that I am still marveling at the events of the day.
Remember we have the welcome sign out at our house for you.
Sincerely yours,
W.G. Bruce
July 3, 1935
December 23, 1925
December 19, 1925
T.P. Station, New Orleans.
Saturday 11 A.M.
My Dear Sweetheart,
I arrived here this morning about an hour late, but as the train was due here at 7:30, it gave an extra hour to sleep and less time to wait at the station. I leave at 1245 and should arrive in Dallas at 7 tomorrow morning. I expect to leave my work in shape so that some one at Dallas can take care of it, and will leave there Monday night for Uvalde. I haven’t looked up the schedule, but am quite sure that there is a night train down there. I may take a bus from S.A. but at any rate will be in Uvalde Tuesday. I’ll phone as soon as I get there.
I love you, Dear, and am mighty happy that the time is so near for me to come for you.
Always your,
December 15, 1925
Jacksonville, Fla. Dec. 15 1925
Tues. A.M.
My Dear Sweetheart,
Since writing you yesterday I have planned to go direct to Dallas before coming to Uvalde. Will leave here Friday noon, arrive Dallas Sunday A.M. Will see Alvis & will probably come to Uvalde leaving Dallas Monday night.
I love you.
December 14, 1925
Box 61 Jax Beach, Fla
Dec. 14th (Monday).
My Dear Sweetheart,
I have written to Bro. Campbell to the effect that both you and I would like to have him officiate and that we would like to use the church. In the event this cannot be done, I have asked him to wire me. I will see him the day before the wedding.
I expect to come direct to Uvalde from here and have written Alvis about it. Have asked him to wire in case he cannot serve. To wire me here. I am quite sure that he will be there.
The time is getting shorter, Dear, and before long I’ll see you and be with you always. I love you lots.
December 13, 1925
Sunday A.M.
My Dear Sweetheart,
Your letter telling me that the invitations had been sent out and also one of the invitations has been received. It certainly sounds wonderful to me and I get quite a kick out of it. I feel very enthusiastic over it. It certainly seems wonderful and we are going to be happy.
I am going to try and be good to you, Dear, and while I am a poor man, I believe that with your help we will soon be on our feet. With a love such as ours, I feel that we will work together and in a reasonable time will have a nice little home of our own. I know that we are going to be happy.
I had suggested that we go via New Orleans and this seemed to meet with your approval. Since Mr. B is coming to Dallas and will not get there before about Xmas eve, I am thinking that it would be a good idea to go via of Dallas. I do not know how long he will be there, but I want to talk with him a few minutes. If you object, we will not go that way for I feel that you have a right to say what you would like to do. The situation, is that he will have to return to Columbus shortly after Xmas and I probably would not be able to see him. There are a number of things I want to talk to him about, but will take time to discuss only the prospects of an appropriation for work at Marco Island. It seems to be coming along fine & Dr. Howard is showing an active interest.
In the event we went by Dallas we would not try to see friends at that time, but would stop at a hotel. During the day I could go out to the cottage with you and meet Mrs. Goodman. After you have seen the place, and while we are in Mississippi we could decide whether or not we would want to live in the cottage with the Goodmans or whether elsewhere. I want you to have a “say so” and I am leaving it that way so that it will meet with your approval.
I have an idea of coming direct to San Antonio, and then go by Dallas. I hope that this suits you OK, Dear. I cannot leave here before the 18th, and if I go by Dallas I would not see Mr. B and would have very little time there too. By coming direct, I could probably see you Monday night. Then we could go to Dallas together.
I love you with all my heart, Dear,
December 13, 1925 (Ina to Claudelle)
Sunday A.M.
Dec. 13, 1925.
My dearest Sis:
Just think! Only ten days from this afternoon at 3:30!! I’m so happy I can’t keep still.
I had a long letter from Mattie Lee a few days ago and it sounds very encouraging – that is, if you consider happiness so extreme that it borders on insanity as encouraging. I’m quite sure she has the only husband on earth at present, but ’twill not be so after the 23rd.
It is raining some this A.M., but I think it will stop sufficiently for me to go after the mail this afternoon and also go down to see Avis. She and her mother and son spent the afternoon with us a few days ago and she is very anxious to talk things over some more. She is going to sing “O, Promise Me.” Is that just right? The pipe organ will be ready for use by the 20th they say, and here’s hoping nobody steps to the tune of the wedding march until the 23rd. We want to initiate and dedicate it. Mrs. Hines is with Dr. Hines visiting in Miss., but will return Tuesday and I’ll ask her then. I’m sure she’ll do it. Grayden and John Monagin seemed glad to usher us in. Walter thinks Mr. Pettit will best man for us.
I feel queer going down town or anywhere, since the invitations are out. I don’t go any more than I can help. Mrs. Batchelor gave her S.S. class a party Thursday night and invited me, but I couldn’t quite make up my mind to go. I’m not going to Sunday School nor Church nor League any more “while I’m upon this (Uvalde) earth.” The invitation will be read at League this P.M. Mrs. Griffin wants me to take my Teachers Training exam before I leave, but I don’t think I’ll have time.
The gifts are beginning to come in some. At least I received a half dozen beautiful linen handkerchiefs from Mr. Goldbeck and a mighty pretty silver flower basket from Letitia, Ethel, and Mrs. Orrell. Oh, you have no idea how thrilled I’m getting. Confidentially, I’m getting almost silly. Of course I’m not sure I’ll have a wedding dress, but that is a small matter. I left it at Wolff & Marx to have it altered, and they haven’t sent it yet. They must be beautifying it considerably. They told me when we were there though that it would be several days before they mailed it. I think I can get my hat at Mrs. Idom’s after the dress comes.
I had such a sweet letter from Mother Dove a few days ago. She “broke down and admitted” that she would accept me as a daughter. Isn’t she sweet? Walter wrote that Marshall (ahem!) couldn’t leave his work to go to Mother Dove’s while we are there, and Ethel doesn’t want to leave him while she goes, so she insists that we visit them in their home after we visit Mother Dove. That will be fine I think. W. is going to leave the Beach the same day you leave San Antonio, but I’m afraid you will not arrive at the same time. He will arrive about Sunday or Monday I think. I can hardly wait (for both of you). W. and I are going to Miss. via Dallas but will stop there just long enough to leave some work and things, he said – we will not arrive at Mother D’s until about the 26th.
All this wedding excitement reminds me of – J.R. Thursday afternoon I saw him in Mr. Evans’ jewelry store and later in the afternoon Papa, Thelma and I saw him walking toward Dr. Hines, so we picked him up (he really isn’t so heavy, you know). We all like him very much. Now, if I were a single girl again, I would try to vamp that young man. But – we married folks don’t stand much show against you flappers! (deep sigh). How is Lucile’s strawberry blonde?
We assume that you have already purchased your slippers and hair cut, and we want to know how you are coming home. If you have to come on the train and haven’t enough money (of which we are sure), can you give a check on Papa at the Student’s Bank the last moment? If not, write us and we will send you some. We are so tickled that you will be home in five more days. Then we can talk everything over. We will try to get most everything done by then (except the “marryin'”), so that we can have plenty of time to talk.
We have our prospector (for the ranch, I mean) who made his third trip out here yesterday and brought his daughter. The first time he came was while we were in San Antonio. Mr. Shope carried him all over the place just the same though – one door was unlocked. Then a few days later he came out and took supper with us, expecting to spend the night, but finally decided to go back down town in order to go hunting early the next morning. Then, yesterday, he and daughter came just in time to eat dinner (lunch?) and spend part of the afternoon. It reminds me somewhat of little Goldenrod and the bear’s soup, bed etc. In this case, I hope we will be the Little Bear. He is crazy for the place, and says he will buy it for $16,000 cash as soon as he sells his ranch near Knippa. A company has an option on that ranch and expects to buy it as soon as work is begun on the dam – Pardon me! I should have said “construction” at the shut-in. He expects to know for sure soon. If something happens that the “construction” falls through, his trade, and consequently ours too, will fall through also. We are hopeful though. This is confidential, you understand.
I must stop though, or I will not have anything left for us to talk to you about when you return.
Lots of love to you and all the girls.
Love, Ina.