When Walter moved to US Industrial Chemicals, he stuck closer to home, so the archive is pretty sparse for 1946. In fact, all I have for this year are a couple of letters (the second is coming up tomorrow) and some images of Walter, Ina, and some of their friends. These negatives are in a now-extinct sheet film format that is baffling my scanner, so please excuse any digital artifacts.
- Ina, sewing.
- Walter talking to a guest. Note cigar.
- Family friends, identity unknown.
- Family friend reading comics. Boys may be Walter White and Lewis Dove.
- Someone’s kid.
I can identify some of those people and places in the photos. The second one shows Walter talking to Claudelle, Ina’s sister. The “Family Friends” photo is of Claudelle and her husband B.M. Gaddis, who worked with Walter and is mentioned in several of the letters. They are at home in Arlington, Virginia, probably in the late 1940s. I believe the man reading the comics to Walter and Lewis is Colonel Emory Cushing, who was in Europe during World War II, working with Walter on louse and other pest control. That photo was probably taken right after the war at our home in Cheverly, Maryland because I recall that he came to visit often. I am not sure, but “Someone’s kid” may be me, your father, probably about 1942.