October 22, 1925 (Walter)

Box 61 Jacksonville Beach, Fla.
Oct 22, Thursday A.M.

My Dear Sweetheart,

At the time I was worried about why you were so blue, I received three letters forwarded from Caxambas. Believe me I was mighty glad to get them. They were just as sweet as they could be. I note what you said about the judge with much interest.

October 22, 1925 (Walter)

October 22, 1925 (Walter)

I have received a letter from Mr. B. The original went to Caxambas and has not been returned yet. I am sending the copy which was mailed to me here. You will note what he says about plans for work. I had written him of the state fair here which holds from Nov. 19 to 28th, and had suggested the opportunities for meeting various persons interested in our work. He did not mention it directly, but his reference to Mr. Smith and others appertains to the fair. It happens that Thanksgiving comes during this week and should I come for you at that time, I would miss the fair here. It is rather important that I be there for those people are the ones who will pull for an appropriation for Florida work. It is too bad that the fair has to come during that week. I wish I could be in both places at the same time, but I feel that it is an opportunity and a duty to be here. I have a suggestion, Sweetheart, and I am wondering how it will strike you. Could we make it about Christmas time and then come here by train. About the first of March when I am wanted in Dallas we could go there and spend a while, then you could spend a while at Uvalde. We could then drive back here during the latter part of May.

The people at Jupiter (near West Palm Beach) want me to be there during the latter part of March and for the month of April, but we do not have an appropriation for that work and we would give Mr. Parman’s work preference if I were needed down there. I think it would be safe to leave your car at Uvalde with the idea of returning for it. This seems like moving about a great deal but no doubt you would like to be here about two months so as to know of conditions etc. and would then like to meet the Dallas people while I can be there. Then you would probably want to be at home for a little visit so you could tell Mother Lewis how mean I had been to you etc.

With all my love, Dear, I am
