Atlanta, Ga.
Thurs. Nov. 21, 1935.
My dear Sweetheart,
I am at Mr. Townsend’s apartment and the paper was kindly furnished by him. Every evening has been spent with him and at the present time we are listening to Amos & Andy. Tonight we went to a movie, a Monte Carlo picture also Mrs. Laake’s niece, Dorothy Dare in a technicolor picture. A Western ranch with color scenes of the Grand Canyon, Bridal Veil Falls & others. She plays the leading feminine role. Has red hair with green dress.

November 21, 1935
Sunday night at Valdosta Laake and I visited until 11 PM and again the AM of Monday. Said he filled a date after he left me Sunday night. I forgot that he might have a date and did not think to inquire. Saw Mr. Yeomans yesterday AM. He ran a color movie on the potato weevil for me. He is in Valdosta now but will be back for Saturday morning. I am expecting Mr. Strong then and I have invited Roberts to come up for the conference. Dr. Bishopp is in Dallas today and should be back in Washington Saturday.
Following my report on Dr. Stiles, Cushing wired that if we could not find a place for him we should terminate his appointment. Mr. Brundrett agreed to take him, but today Cushing advised that I would have to describe the job as one Brundrett could not take care of by his present personnel and that such a transfer would have to be a demotion for Dr. Stiles. He suggested no arrangements until Bishopp returns to Washington. This sounds like Cushing talked it over with Rohner. Cushing is supporting me on my name “the true screw worm” since it is already in use & the name “primary screw worm fly” has not become established.
Plenty of letters had accumulated on my desk, but today I dictated answers for most of them. They should go out tomorrow.
Roberts and Prince are going to Mississippi for Thanksgiving and at the same time Mr. Hull plans to be in Mississippi. Roberts suggested that if I went to Savannah, Miss Fulcher could come home for Friday & Sat. and could write any letters for me during that time. This sounds OK, so with your consent I’ll plan to come home about Wednesday night. Put my name in the pot for Thanksgiving dinner. Ask Dorothy if she can make some of those good biscuits. I have the snake jumping racer [?] for Walter White and I hope he will be a good boy. Also, I have a keen little truck for him to show the neighbor kids. Excuse the ink, him quit. With love to the three of you.