Tag Archives: swimming

August 23, 1941

Sat. A.M.
Aug. 23, 1941.

Dearest Sweetheart:

Tommy is 7 months old today. I don’t know how much he weighs, but he is a heap big man. He sits alone on the floor and plays now. No doubt it will not be long before he crawls. He really is a very fine baby.

August 23, 1941

August 23, 1941

Honey, I employed a Mexican girl to come at 8 o’clock every morning and stay until she washes the dishes after noon. During that time she cleans the house (at least she cleans as much as Mama will let her), and does most of the boys’ and my laundry. I pay her $3.00 a week, although I had a hard time persuading Mama to let me do it.

I must say you were smart to do all of that laundry. I can’t imagine ironing that many shirts.

It is definitely summer time here, but 108ยบ here doesn’t seem as hot as the Panama City temperatures.

We are going to see Reitha this afternoon. She brought her baby to see us when it was a month old. Last Sunday afternoon she carried W.W., L.D., and me to a show. Mama talked to her over the ‘phone this A.M., and she said tell you “hello.” She seems to be happy. Bolivar is making $30 a week keeping books for the construction company at the new air school here, and says he is in line for another raise. He started at $20 per week, was soon raised to $25, and now to $30.

Mama said to tell you she is very proud of your boys, and that she wishes you could take your vacation now in “good, cool Uvalde.”

A few afternoons ago Papa carried W.W., L.D., and me to the Nueces at the La Pryor crossing. The children could only wade though, because the water that was not real shallow was much too deep for them. He plans to take us all to Garner Park Sunday afternoon for a swim and a picnic supper.

Honey, will you please find out how early in Sept. the grammar schools open? The high school opens a week before the others, I believe. Uvalde schools are changing from 11 to 12 grades this year. We have 12 in Panama City. The work here will be rearranged in the grammar grades.

I do hope the control project has been arranged by now.

It is time for the postman.

We think of you lots and wish for you.

Lots of love,

P.S. Have the sweeper and the ice cream freezer come? The freezer is not paid for because there had been difficulty in getting that item, and the lady in the Panama City Sears office thought it best to have it shipped to that office C.O.D.


July 30, 1939

Sunday A.M.
July 30, 1939.

Dear Sweetheart:

I’m wondering how you are feeling this morning after the meetings of Thursday, Friday, and Saturday. I hope Mr. Gaddis has left town. Did you and the young lady have a good time at Mrs. Ruggles’ dinner Friday evening?

July 30, 1939

July 30, 1939

Last night Walter White asked me when you were going to take your 60 day vacation. I told him that I doubted if you would ever take it all, and explained that you were a very important man. He promptly said that he wished you were not so important so you could be with us more.

The long walks, the reduced weight, the coat of tan, and even the home-made meals sound good. No doubt you feel much better. I wonder if you are eating at home today.

The children and I are eating dinner at Thelma’s and Bob’s today. Reitha has gone horseback riding with one of her male admirers this morning. The joy of being at home has not worn off for her yet. She is so fond of her little baby brother; she bathes and dresses him several times a day, and takes him around to show him to everyone who hasn’t seen him yet; she even takes him along when her boyfriends come by for a ride in the daytime. She was eighteen yesterday. A few afternoons ago she went with us to Shut-in at Con Can for a swim. She was by far the most attractive girl on the beach; she wore the white bathing suit you and I gave her for graduation. Walter White, Ina Marie, and Lewis Dunbar went in too, but Thelma, little Dolph, and I stayed out and watched them. How much would I give if I didn’t go through such agony of fear when our children are in the water! Reitha is a good swimmer, but I doubt if she could rescue big, heavy Walter White if he were to step off in a hole. I realize, though, that he can’t learn to swim on dry land or even in very shallow water. Lewis Dunbar ventures in only far enough to wet his ankles.

The children are so pleased when they receive separate letters from you. Walter White didn’t know I was going to write today, so he has already gone to Ina Marie’s. Lewis Dunbar is here though.

Lots of love, from your

Edited 2013.4.4 11:22 to fix spelling of Con Can.

July 21, 1939

Friday A.M.
July 21, 1939.

Dear Sweetheart:

Lewis Dunbar is in the back yard building a railroad and Walter White is at Ina Marie’s where he spent last night. They are enjoying the freedom of the wide open spaces immensely. Mama and I have carried them on several picnics. Yesterday afternoon we carried our boys and Ina Marie to the Nueces for supper and a swim. It was the first time they had been in the river since the flood, so I felt that I had to go in and locate any deep holes that might have been left. There were some, but I stood on the edge of them while the children swam to me over the shallow section. As much as I dislike the water, I feel that I should go in with them now while the water is clean. When we first came it was too dirty in most places for them to go.

July 21, 1939

July 21, 1939

Honey, you remember the car was missing some when we arrived in Uvalde. It grew worse, so I asked Papa to take it to Ray Baker, the best mechanic in town. Papa stayed with him while he examined it, and found that the overheating of the motor had done quite a bit of damage; he said we never would have been able to make the return trip with it in that condition. The points were bent, two valves had to be replaced and the others ground. I don’t remember what else had to be done except I had the crippled hose replaced with a new piece. The bill was $18.55*. I gave a check for $33.55 to cover it and to give me cash for $15.00, which I might need. I’m sure this work was not a mistake; I’ve never heard our car run like it did before the work was done.

It had been 7 months since my teeth had been examined, so I went to Dr. Massie and had them cleaned and the small amount of necessary work done. The bill will not be much. He examined Lewis Dunbar’s teeth and said it had been a long time since he had seen as fine a set of teeeth in the mouth of a child his age; they were perfect. I am taking Walter White today; I think the report will be the same on his. Dr. Massie doesn’t make any charge for just an examination.

I hope you are finding time to take your daily walk – and relax. It will pay.

Dr. and Mrs. Donier (recently he has received his Dr’s degree from Ames) have just been informed by Dr. Bishopp that they are to be in California by August 1st to work on gnats with Mr. Lindquist. They don’t seem to relish the idea. They are expecting a little Donier some months from now.

I hope you’re not playing on the Dibbles’ lawn.

Lots of love,

* That’s $226.32 in today’s dollars. Apparently the cost of car repair has gone up considerably faster than inflation.

October 7, 1925 (Ina)

Wednesday Nite.
Oct. 7, 1925.

My dear Sweetheart:

Yes, I feel much better this evening – I had a letter this afternoon and that was enough to make anyone feel good.

Mr. Burney, the District Clerk ‘phoned this evening and asked me to work for him tomorrow. Court is still in session, so he must be expecting a rush. However, if things are no more lively tomorrow than they were the last day I worked for him, I will have short hours and quite a bit of idle time in between.

October 7, 1925 (Ina)

October 7, 1925 (Ina)

Yes, Dear, I wish I could be with you to go in the surf. I knew it must be fine and refreshing. A plunge into anything cool is very welcome here on such a summer day as today has been. We have been expecting a norther for several days, but it must have been lost in transit. The old timers prophecy a cold winter this year, and it may be when it finally arrives. I am sure the climate is fine on the Beach, and I am looking forward with great pleasure to spending the winter down there – that is, if Mr. Bishopp sees it that way. If we can’t spend it there, we can spend it somewhere else. The part that concerns and pleases me most is that we are going to spend it together.

Sweetheart, it is nearly ten o’clock, so I had better go to sleep. Goodnight and sweetest dreams.

From the one who loves you, loves you and my! how she does love you!!


September 23, 1925 (Walter)

Same Place
Wednesday Night 9/23-’25

My Dear Little Girl,

Two letters tonight, Dear, Sat nite and Sun nite. Good ones, too. You certainly are sweet in writing me so regularly and you can bet that I enjoy them. Makes me feel that I have been mean toward you in not having written on Sat or Sunday, and that you went to church four times Sun while I went fishing.

September 23, 1925 (Walter)

September 23, 1925 (Walter)

I am glad to have an expression from you on our investments and had you been here I would have talked it over with you. I want to do this, Dear, when we are maried for you have some mighty good ideas and we can use them. The tracts are just open cut over pine land with a few palmettos growing, but they are high and dry and I believe that by spring they will sell for $300 per acre. If so, that would be a good time to turn them.

The surf was fine tonight but I was alone and I did not stay in very long. Had you been with me we probably would have played in the water much longer. Then, when we came out we would have enjoyed dinner. There are not very many people down at the beach now except the residents, but the water is warm and just right.

I was interested to know that Claudelle was taking shorthand. That is fine and good judgement on her part, for she will have plenty of time to find her other half.

I have no news for you except that I have been busy with a microscope all day. Am finishing some of the tests we started when Dr. White was here. I am in no hurry to go down the state as I have more than I can do right here and I want to know whether we are going to be in Florida this winter before I start down there.

Dear, if I could only be with you tonight may be I could give you somewhat of an idea of how much I really love you. I’ll be so happy with you that I won’t know enough to try and make you comfortable.

With a sweet goodnight and a real big hug,


September 3, 1925

Thursday Nite 9/3.

My Dear Sweetheart,

No letter today but I am sure that it will be here tomorrow. The letter of yesterday was a real good one so I’ll read it some more.

There was a good crowd in the surf this afternoon and the water was fine. It was one of the days when a person will not get sun-burned and can enjoy it all the time.

September 3, 1925

September 3, 1925

There has been no excitement of any kind. Everything is quiet. If you like a quiet place for a honeymoon you will certainly like it down here. But I’ll try and keep you from being lonesome.

I love you, Dear, and while this letter is a short one, I always want to remind you of this fact.

With a sweet goodnight,

Yours always, & all ways,

August 20, 1924

Wednesday A.M.
Aug. 20, 1924

Dear Walter:

I wonder what you are doing this morning – hard at work though I suppose. It still seems a little strange to me to stay at home and let other folks do the work at the office but I am really enjoying it. Claudelle works there a great deal of the time, and there is another girl working there also a great deal of the time while I am away. They work until late at night every few nights. At first I insisted on going back and cutting my vacation short, but my employer would not listen to such a thing, so I expect to take the full month.

August 20, 1924

August 20, 1924

I had a new experience Monday. I had never been squirrel hunting before, so I set my alarm for four o’clock that morning and a friend of mine and I started up in the Frio Canyon to a ranch near Reagan Wells to kill squirrels. We stopped and cooked and ate our breakfast on the way, and arrived at the ranch just in time, we thought, to kill lots of squirrels. However, they certainly must have heard us coming, because they succeeded so well in hiding themselves that we couldn’t find a one. We became discouraged and decided to go across the Divide into the main Frio Canyon and stop by at the “shut-in” to spend a few minutes with some friends. We did so and saw two squirrels on the way but did not succeed in killing either of them. So our experiences with those little animals were very unsatisfactory. We passed the hotel at Reagan Wells, and everything looked very much deserted that morning. All the scenery around there brought back very vividly to my mind the pleasant Sunday I spent up there.

You will notice that I am enclosing the negatives you requested. At least I suppose they are the proper ones. You are very good at giving vivid descriptions. It is mighty nice of you to think enough of the pictures to want them enlarged. Mama and I appreciate your thinking of sending us one.

I am so anxious to know what that is that you spoke of in your letter that you were going to tell me the next time you saw me. I hope it will not be long before I find out what it is. Your last letter sounded more encouraging about your coming in September than usual. It made me feel good, and I sincerely hope you can do it.

Two of the young men with whom I have been going have left town leaving only two with whom I go regularly. I don’t mention my dates in writing to you much just simply because I am afraid you will think I am trying to impress you as being very “popular.” I am certainly not trying to do anything of the kind, and I sincerely hope you will understand that I am not. I just feel like I want to tell you the things that I do, and I can’t do that without mentioning a date occasionally. I will trust you not to get the wrong impression.

With the exception of three times last summer, I had never been on mixed bathing parties until this summer. Mama and Papa did not approve of them and neither did I. However, the weather became so hot and swimming so popular that Mama and Papa would take their daughters out for a swim. Since practically everybody in Uvalde went to the same place to swim of course it amounted to about the same thing as taking your swimming party along with you. They finally decided that there really wasn’t any harm in it after all, consequently I go on swimming parties often. Mama and Papa enjoy swimming now as much if not more than we do. We go to the picture show once or twice a week, so these two things are the principal amusements for the young people of Uvalde. Of course they have dances occasionally, but as I told you before, I don’t go to those.

I am anxious to know of any further developments in your work. That certainly must be a very peculiar malady, and extremely interesting. I know you enjoy working with Dr. Kirby-Smith, and I certainly think he uses excellent taste in choosing a companion with whom to work. I hope it will be so that you can continue the investigation and complete it with him, and I sincerely hope you all will receive the proper credit. When you have put your whole heart into a thing and have worked hard, you certainly do want to receive credit for what you have done. As I said before, I am awfully proud of the work that you have done.
