Thursday Nite.
Oct. 29, 1925.
My dearest Sweetheart:
Your nice long letter of Sunday A.M. came today and I have read it over and over and then some more. It made me feel awfully good to have you assure me that you do love me as much as ever, and you may rest assured that I enjoyed every minute of the letter. I had already decided, since I wrote you that almost heartbroken letter, that I was really mistaken because yours since then have already contradicted the feeling that kept insisting on taking possession of me. Sweetheart, I don’t believe in nor practice creating a big stir about nothing, but wrote you because I felt that way and wanted to know, and I certainly would want you to do the same way by me if you felt that way. Forgive me for it this time, please, and I’ll promise to try to never do it again any more.

October 29, 1925 (Ina)
No, Dear, Miss Hulett did not write a word to me. However had she done it, I would certainly have believed you in preference to her. I will say for her, though, that she is a most perservering young lady. Really, Sweetheart, do you think she loves you as much as she thinks she does? You know, true love is unselfish, and she doesn’t seem to feel that way. Even though I love you better than anyone else on earth, and it would just nearly – Oh, I don’t know what I would do if I should lose you – if I should find that you no longer loved me, I wouldn’t want you to marry me! I would, of course, first find out if it was my fault and if I had done something wrong, I’d do my best to right it, or, if there was a misunderstanding I’d do all in my power to explain it. If, however after all this was done, you still didn’t love me and especially if you loved someone else, I’d pass out of your life so quickly, so thoroughly and so completely that you would never be bothered with me again – nor would my ghost haunt you – no, not even on Hallowe’en! Of course I’m not expecting such an occasion to arise – absolutely no! It hurts to even think of such a thing.
I know, Sweetheart, that some of your letters have been short, but so have mine. I haven’t any room to talk there. I think it was principally because I couldn’t find out anything much about when you were coming or anything, and the indefiniteness of it all made me feel that perhaps you were not as much interested in it as you were at first. We didn’t have any cross words though, and we are not going to, are we?
I had quite a long letter from Mr. McCreless (the young minister) today, and he seems to be very enthusiastic over his work and life in general. He is in Ashbury College at Wilmore, Ky. this session.
I’ve been wondering if you have had to move yet. I hope it will not be necessary since you are so well pleased with your present location. You know, Dear, I really think it is nice that we are not going to move into a home of our own immediately after we are married. Since we are not, we will have a better opportunity to look around and see what we think will be best. Then, after we have decided, I think we will be better satisfied than if we had moved in a permanent home at once. I am not worrying at all about the “running around” that we are expecting to do when we are first married, because I think we will enjoy it (I know I will if you are there), and then we will appreciate a house of our own more when we do get it. No matter where we go, I am sure we are going to be happy.
With a new resolution to avoid all misunderstandings, and with worlds of love, I am,
Always, your