Tuesday Night.
Sept. 15, 1925.
My dear Sweetheart:
With the crickets and coyotes furnishing a rather weird, lonesome accompaniment, I should be able to write you a very touching letter tonight. However, I am not going to try to bring forth the tears. I would give ‘most anything to be with you now though. I love you, Dear.

September 15, 1925 (Ina)
I believe I failed to tell you in my last letter of the pleasant visit we had yesterday afternoon from Mr. and Mrs. Parman and Mrs. Roark. We enjoyed it so much. Mrs. Roark has just returned from Kerrville where she went with the intention of spending two days with friends there, but she spent three weeks instead. You should hear her describe the “perfectly lovely“! things she saw and time she had. She is still full of enthusiasm over everything, but I have never seen her act as “grown-up” as she did yesterday. No doubt ’twas my “dignity”? that calmed her so. Really, though, I think it is when she is out among the flowers, rocks etc. that she lets her imagination run away. As for me, I like her very much. She is just as sincere and conscientious as she can be, and never says an unkind word about anyone. Of course she has her faults, and so have we all, but she is sweet. She has been with Mrs. Parman for several days but expected to go to Regan Wells today to get things ready to go to Dallas to meet Dr. Roark. I think he expects to work there for a while. By the way, Mrs. Roark added to my hope chest by giving me a pretty hand embroidered linen guest towel. It was mighty sweet of her to do it, and I surely did appreciate it. I’ll show it to you and let you dry your face on it after we are married. Now, don’t you think I’m good to you?
Mr. Parman has just returned from a business trip to Houston, and thinks that he may leave next week for Dallas to work for a while. He is awaiting further instructions.
I know you will be glad when Mr. Bishopp writes you definitely as to where “we” will be this winter. You would like very much to know before making your trip down the state I am sure. No doubt he will write you again as soon as he will have had time to have heard from Dr. Hunter.
Sweetheart, we were sorry when you wrote that you doubted if either your mother or sister could come for the wedding. Mama and I have often talked about it and hoped that your Mother, Father, brother, or sister and her husband could come. We would be glad to have any of them as guests in our home, and had intended writing them after the date was set and inviting them to our home. I think it would be so nice if your sister could be here to play the wedding march, don’t you? We didn’t know whether she played the pipe organ or not, but, for some reason, ours has not been installed yet, and probably will not be by that time. Remember, your people are just as welcome as they can be here and we would be very glad to have them. Yes, I know that I am going to love them all, and I am looking forward with lots of pleasure to knowing them. It’s sweet of them to want you to bring me to see them, and I would enjoy it so much too. I sincerely hope that I will not be a disappointment to them.
Thanks for the invitation of A. Harris & Co. to open a charge account. There must be something about your name or the look on your face that gives the impression of your being a married man. I hadn’t noticed that you had such a “married” look. You certainly don’t look “henpecked” and I sincerely hope you will never have reason to even feel that way, much less to look it.
My! how I do wish I could see you and Claudelle tonight.
Always, your