August 12, 1925 (Walter)

Jacksonville Beach, Fla.,
Wednesday Night.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Today was my lucky day. Everyday is lucky, but this one especially. This morning I had two letters and tonight I received the third one. They were just as sweet as they could be and, believe me, I was getting anxious for them to come. The other two came yesterday, but we were in Jax and didn’t get them until today.

We have been very busy today and the work is most interesting.

August 12, 1925 (Walter)

August 12, 1925 (Walter)

Had a letter from the Mr. Pettit whom you met at Kerrville. He was spending a while with his brother’s folks in Dallas and said that he was enjoying it very much.

You were mighty sweet about the honeymoon beginning here. I could hardly make up my mind to bring you to this cottage as it doesn’t seem good enough, but perhaps I could find a nicer one down here. I’d like to take you to the future home so that you would feel more settled and I am trying to get the station down here so that we won’t have to move any. The fellows in the colder climates sometimes move twice each year, so as to work in different locations, but the beauty about this work would be no moving. It should be very much like Mr. Parman’s work when it is started, but there are a few things I would have a little different from Mr. Parman. I am not criticizing, but have a little different idea. We will discuss them when we are together for you have some ideas on outward appearances of places that are better than mine.

You don’t know how much I appreciate what you said about where you lived. You are wonderful, Dear, and more and more I realize how very fortunate I am to have such a fiancee. We will try to make the whole married life a honeymoon and I’ll do everything I can to this end. I am sure that it is going to be just what we try to make it, for we can do what we try.

Dear, you said something about a wardrobe trunk when we were talking before I left Uvalde. If you have not purchased it, I would not be in a hurry about it. I am suggesting this because, the Florida creeping eruption studies may be completed this season and I’d rather not do sectioning of tissue in Washington with Dr. White this winter. If I do not work with him up there, perhaps we can come direct to our home down here. Then if I go to Johns Hopkins, we could get the trunk before we go up there. I don’t mean that all of the work will be finished on C.E. for no problem is ever completed, but work under the present arrangement will be completed and the future work will be a sort of a side line of my own and will be worked by myself only. There is more satisfaction in working alone on a problem, as far as individual credit is concerned, though Dr. White was very nice yesterday in suggesting that my name appear first on this summer’s work. I don’t know whether this was just a courtesy on his part or not. We are interested in different phases of the problem and after this summer, I believe we can work separately to better advantage. It looks as though we have the thing isolated, but we can’t tell for a few days yet. It will be kept quiet until we have had a chance to announce it at a meeting. If we are working with the right thing now, Dr. White will probably return about the end of this month and I hope we have it. It certainly looks favorable.

With all my love, Sweetheart, and assuring you that I am true to you, and with all confidence in you, I am,

Yours always,