Tag Archives: work

May 18, 1930

Sunday PM.

My dear Sweetheart,

It is almost 7 o’clock. I have just returned from the Laakes’. We had a fried chicken dinner which was up to the standard of Mrs. Laake’s dinners. The Gearys (3) and (“L O D”) Miss Palliet were there. I exhibited the Kodak pictures with much pride. I spent part of the morning in touching up the front door facings with ivory paint. I expect to go home and get something accomplished on the thesis msc. Smithie is typing the Shelmire paper. The latter will have additions when we return from Longview & neighboring towns. We plan to leave next Thursday noon. It will probably be Sunday night when we return to Dallas.

May 18, 1930

May 18, 1930

I want you to do as you think best, about staying longer in Uvalde. I am anxious to see you and Walter White and I want to be with you some before going to Charleston. It might be wise to drive to Uvalde and leave the car until I return. On the other hand it might be better for you and Walter White if you made the trip by train to Charleston. I dread the drive for you two. Perhaps “Jimmie” can drive the car through for us, that is, if we can get his appointment through. Things are rather indefinite and will remain so until about July 1st. How would it be for me to drive to Uvalde about the 1st and leave the car there. When I return from Charleston, you will want to come to Dallas, won’t you? If not, I could have everything packed now and placed in storage. We could rent the place. It depends upon how you feel about it.

With love to all and with lots and lots for yourself & Walter White,

Always your

May 15, 1930

Walter’s current project is figuring out the etiology of endemic typhus (Rickettsia typhi). He suspects – correctly, it turns out – that rat mites are vectoring the pathogen.

Thursday PM.

My dear Sweetheart,

Your letter and the pictures came this noon. The pictures are very good and I am mighty glad to see them. Will keep them for the Baby Book. Walter White seems to be holding his own with so many new people.

May 15, 1930

May 15, 1930

I am enclosing a letter which was received from Mother today. Uncle Henry lost the little boy we saw at Sibley, La. I’ll write to him and to Mother tonight.

Yesterday Dr. Bedford brought his addition to the manuscript. It is very good for a rough draft but there is some duplication of information. This noon I had lunch with him at the Athletic Club. We plan to go to Longview and nearby places next Thursday PM. They have had quite a few cases of typhus. We want to determine whether or not rat mites are present. He wants to test samples of blood for typhus reactions (Weil-Felix test).

Mr. Somnier painted the gables of the house and the front of the garage. Today he is mowing the lawn and cutting the weeds in the back yard. The place is changing quite a bit. Perhaps this will be an added inducement to get the Mrs. to return to her husband.

With all my love, I am

Your Walter.

May 12, 1930

Monday Noon.

My dear Sweetheart,

Last night I received two letters. We did not get the mail Sat PM nor Sun. AM so both were in the box when I went down last night. I spent a long day yesterday. Did not work on the manuscript. I painted the woodwork in the kitchen and breakfast room. I followed suggestions about using yellow to tone down the green, but when the paint (satin finish like that used in the bath room) dried it was quite dark. It seems to harmonize with everything but it makes the kitchen a little darker. I have a small can of floor paint for the back porch. I want to get the porch painted in a few days. Mr. Somnier says he will come out and help fix the steps, gate, garage door and replace some missing shingles on the roof. I want to get the hammer knocking and paint odors fixed up before you and Walter White return.

May 12, 1930

May 12, 1930

Does Claudelle mean that she will make some more drawings when she returns to Dallas or should I send some material for her to work with at Parman’s lab? Think it would be better to do them here if she has time. Mr. Roberts has some drawings to be made, too, but his paper is not as urgent as Babcock’s.

I am proud of the behavior of Walter White. Hope he is as good when you do not have company, especially during the night. I certainly miss both of you and Claudelle.

With love from


May 9, 1930

May 9. 1PM.

My dear Sweetheart,

Your letter came this morning. It is mighty fine that Walter White is on his good behavior. Hope he keeps up his reputation.

May 9, 1930

May 9, 1930

A letter from Bish suggests that we wait about crating furniture until after he and I make the survey in June. He thinks it will be as late as June 10th before he can meet me down there. It looks like I should go down by train and make the necessary hand shakes and then return for you. I have an idea that he wants the moving expense charged to the sand fly appropriation. The appropriation will not be available until July 1st. So far as he knows it is satisfactory to move during this summer.

I phoned Mrs. Laake last night. She sends her love. Mr. Laake is in Menard. He is expected Sunday morning.

All bills except telephone are in. I am paying all of the Harper interest (132), also 25 to Dr. Harmab.

Am beginning a revision of the A.B. paper for Hopkins. Gave the Babcock MS to Mr. Smith yesterday.

I pulled dandy lions from the lawn last night. The back yard and driveway also need attention. The Bermuda grass is growing nicely and the Euonymous twigs in the new transplanted places look OK. The house is OK.

All of us send love to all of you. We hope you sleep well. We miss you.

With love,

August 16, 1928

Walter and Ina are together now, and therefore not writing letters to each other, so I’ll be posting some work- and family-related correspondence to and from them during this period.

Uvalde, Texas, Box 509
August 16, 1928.

Dr. F.C. Bishopp,
Bureau of Entomology.

Dear Dr. Bishopp,

Enclosed you will find a copy of a letter I have just written to Mr. S.J. Miles, Miles Furniture Co., Corsicana, Texas. I made up the expense account of the late Frank Adams, and on the last portion of the account I furnished a sworn statement regarding the account. There is a small item of expense for lodging and meals amounting to $6.50 which I intend to submit on my account. The amount covers the period of August 1st to the 4th, when the accident occurred. I presume that it can be handled on my account provided an explanation accompanies it.

August 16, 1928

August 16, 1928

Mr. Sonnier arrived yesterday afternoon and will work with me for a few weeks. We have some mighty interesting studies on the goat louse survey, but it is a little early to draw conclusions. When herds are located which have not been dipped, we do not find L. stenopsis. We find the blue louse on young animals and on old animals which are dipped occasionally. As yet I have not found herds which had been dipped at short intervals. Many of them are dipped two or three times between shearings, but with intervals which are too long to obtain control of L. stenopsis. One dipping is fairly effective for both T. hermsi and T. climax. The protozoan found in L. stenopsis could be a commensual in T. hermsi and T. climax. This phase is one to be worked later. At the present time I am fixing lice for sections and I trust that these can be made upon my return to Dallas. The pathogenic organism of L. stenopsis should be demonstrated in sections. I have hopes of culturing it in vitro so that a further demonstration can be made of the effectiveness in control.

We shall have other need for a microtome. I have some tissue from shedding goats. We have the tissue obtained by Mr. Adams, and may have additional tissue of this nature. The Spencer Rotary should serve our needs, but I would like to have you talk with Dr. White about it. The chances are that others will use this machine and I should like for others to help select it.

At the present time the microtome and an extra knife should be ordered. I shall need a small oven, but we can get this when I return to Dallas. The large one cannot be regulated satisfactorily, but can be used for infiltrating. The smaller one would be needed for culturing.

Yesterday I wired you regarding Mr. Roberts. I do not want you to think that I am interfering with your business. I have no desire to do so. It occurred that Mr. Roberts might be in Uvalde until he can be appointed in the grade of assistant. Mr. Roberts was reared in this section and in a letter to me he expressed a desire to be in Uvalde. He would work here for the amount you could pay him. I would like to see Mr. Roberts in our service if it is at all possible to keep him. My interest in the thing is for the good of the service, whether it is a question of keeping a good man or discharging a poor one. I know that Mr. Roberts could get the tissue which we wanted Mr. Adams to obtain. He could continue the experiments on the amount of tissue used by larvae in their development. Mr. Adams had a method of extracting fluid from larvae with a saline and he then diluted this to a normal salt solution. With this he was making some injections to see if immunity could be established. He was testing for toxic effects also. It might be well to reserve the tests for toxicity until the B.A.I. can cooperate. Mr. Parman favors such cooperation on the toxicity tests. Mr. Roberts would have plenty to do in getting the tissue and in studying the amount of tissue consumed.

Very truly yours,

Walter E. Dove
Associate Entomologist.

July 16, 1927

Sat. P.M.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Your letter always comes every morning and I look forward to it. I have a wonderful little wife.

I did not attend to the freight today. Will have it transferred to storage Monday. Hope to have the expense check and also Carl’s check Monday. Will have the Willys Knight people to tighten up all bolts on the car, change the oil and tighten the clutch & brakes. Think it best to do this before I start for Uvalde. Bishopp suggested that I do some work at several places en route. Thinks I ought to spend 3 or 4 days in going down. In this way I can charge 7¢ per mile both ways which means practically $60 mileage. I think it is a good idea. Had thought of charging RR fare but would prefer 7¢ per mile.

July 16, 1927

July 16, 1927

A few weeks ago I suggested to Bish that we needed to put the goat work on a quantitative basis. He poured cold water on the idea. Today I told him my plan for working out a quantitative basis and it went over with him OK. It took a long time for the application to the problem to soak in. He thought it was OK. He plans to leave the 22nd but told me today that he doubted if he would get away before the 25th.

I’ll leave here about Wednesday, if the check comes in Monday. Might get away Tues A.M. but I have quite a bit to do on the animals. I’ll probalby spend three days in coming so that I can charge mileage with a clear conscience. This would put me in Uvalde Friday PM some time. Will phone you from Hondo.

I am getting mighty anxious to see my little girl and I’ll be there as soon as possible. I love you with all my heart.



July 15, 1927

Friday 6:15 PM.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Your letter was a mighty sweet one and I enjoyed every word of it. Did not autopsy any dogs today. It rained quite a bit last night and it was too muddy. Have plenty of time and will get some more later.

July 15, 1927

July 15, 1927

Bish returned from Medina this morning. Have not heard anything about when he expects to leave. Mr. Webb is going to work with Dr. McIndoo in Washington (the one with the Van Dyke). Webb is asking for a place with Bish in Washington. The budget for next year adds some for the cattle grub work, but 2/3 of the new appropriation was given to the B.A.I. I am not surprised though I would like to see Bish get most of it. An item of fifteen thousand was put in our budget for parasites of goats and sheep. This looks OK and it will probably pass for ten thousand by the time it reaches Congress. This will probably give me some help, and I do not want Mr. Webb or Mr. Babcock. Guess Babcock will stay at Sonora for some time.

Was mighty glad to know that Mother Lewis had some chickens. They won’t be too tough for me. Just as soon as possible I expect to come to Uvalde. I am mighty anxious to see all the folks, and almost frantic to see my wife. I love her so.

Our things have arrived from “Baltimer” and are creating storage charges for us. The RR notices were not received, but were returned to the freight office. Think I will have the transfer company to store them until you come back. There ought to be room at the Lab, but it would mean additional moving charges. Too they will be safer from fire if stored with the transfer Co. I know you will be glad to know that they are here.

Must go down town & post this. Also it is about time to eat. I love you Honey, I do.


July 12, 1927

Tuesday, 6 PM.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Your letter came this A.M. It made good time. Can’t tell you anything about the loan as yet. Probably tomorrow.

It will be several days yet before I can come to Uvalde, though I’d like to come right now. It seems ages since I saw you. Will have the advance of funds in about a week and I hope to leave shortly after the check comes. Will probably have an abstract fee & renewal charges.

July 12, 1927

July 12, 1927

Alvis came over last night. Brought a comb cleaner as a present. Cost about 10¢. Said he had tried to buy one in Dallas and was unable, so when he found them at Little Rock he bought about 5 so he could give each of his friends one. He seems to be getting along with his girl. He will leave town again within a few days. When he returns I understand that he has another job waiting for him.

Dear, I hardly know what to do with myself when I am here alone. Find it about as easy and enjoyable to keep busy as to try to do anything else.

Bish leaves tonight for Medina. Think he is going to give a few talks down there at the Farmers’ Short Courses. Says he will be down there a couple of days. Would like to see him leave for Wash.

The Roarks are not coming down this summer. Guess they will come this fall. Dr. Roark was placed on the Advising Board as a consulting chemist for the Corn Borer work. I imagine that this will give him some new duties which may delay his coming down here.

With all my love, Dear, I am


July 9, 1927

Sat. Night. At the P.O.
About 8 o’clock.

My Dear Little Girl,

Did not come down town until tonight. Waited until I received your letter to write. We didn’t get the mail this noon and I knew that I had one down here.

July 9, 1927

July 9, 1927

I spent the afternoon working. I was the only one at the Lab. Some of the supplies came today so I made up a few stains and fixers. Have some chemicals and glassware to come yet.

Phoned Mr. Diffey twice today. He expected a telegram on the loan at any time but had not gotten it this PM. We have three days grace and I guess it will come through by Monday.

I have no news, Dear. It’s the same old story, I love you so. Am getting mighty anxious to see you. Hope it won’t be so long before I can see you. I love you with all my heart.
