Dec. 18 – 1930.
My dear Sweetheart,
I am enclosing your list of names for Xmas cards. I tried to supply addresses. Pardon my delay in returning the list and also no letters during the past two days.

December 18, 1930
Last night and the night before Dr. Shelmire came by and took me to their home for dinners. We came back to the lab at night. Our first series of feeding tests did not get us anywhere. The animal used for infecting mites apparently did not carry the infection. We are feeding two other species from new inoculations. The suspense is great. Some of the new animals received infected mites 3 days ago, others last night, and still others are to get theirs tonight and tomorrow night. We are allowing different intervals of time for development of organisms in the mites.
Yesterday I made application with the Southland Mortgage Co. for a lien to replace the one held by Mr. Harper. Also, I paid the city taxes (no penalty). Under the new scheme we would pay 10.60 per month on each $1000 loan with options of paying $500 at any time. The rate is 8% on the unpaid balance. Statements are sent by them every six months. There is no brokerage fee but the renewal with them will cost about $55. This covers guaranty policy, recording fees etc. We would not have another renewal of the lien.
I happened to mention it to Mr. Bruce. He said that he and Mrs. Bruce had some small loans maturing and that he thought they might be interested in making us the loan at 7%. He went home last night and I should hear from him Monday. I told him that you might feel that we were taking advantage of their friendship. He said that it was a business proposition as he could get only 6% in Kansas. If we let them have the loan it would probably mean another renewal as soon as they get a permanent location, one or two years. I don’t know how you feel about it.
I am enclosing cards from the Cushings and Mrs. Miller. I read them. Hope this is OK. Your letter of Tuesday came a few min. ago. I am glad to know that my family is OK.
Dr. Shelmire just left. He came out to be here with me when we inoculated some more pigs. In a few min. I am going to Oak Cliff for more mites. We want to have a colony going indefinitely with pigs. We want to try to carry the infection along by introducing new pigs to infected mites. Mr. Sommier is making the housing quarters for the mites.
I love you Honey and I certainly miss you. The Shelmire baby made me mighty homesick for you and W.W. “Wo” talks a little but I don’t savvy his language. He walks about 10 to 12 steps. The Shelmires have to be very careful about making a fuss over Wo when little Bedford is around. The dinners out there were very nice, and they were very hospitable. Mrs. Shelmire wants to meet you and W.W.
With all my love,