Tag Archives: work

July 7, 1927

The Lab. 8:30 PM.

My Dear Little Girl,

Guess this one will reach you about one day late. I have been driving to the Young Street Station every night and in that way I believe they leave town at 10 PM. Tonight I worked on the car until just a few minutes ago, so I cannot drive down town. I have the blue part repainted and tomorrow PM I expect to go over the black portions. It does not make a perfectly smooth job but it will be much better than it was.

July 7, 1927

July 7, 1927

Bish left for Minard this evening. Don’t know why but Mr. Roberts has been doing some work out there. They have one pretty hot prospect for their home, but Mrs. B said she kept putting them off another day and had not yet decided. In one letter to Wash Bish said he would try to get there by the 18th. Tomorrow will be the 8th. It will take five days to drive it. He should leave the 13th which will be next Wednesday. I do not believe that the car will be ready so that I could drive to Uvalde this week end, and I believe it would be a good idea for me to come after he leaves, provided of course he does not wait too long. I am getting pretty anxious to see my Sweetheart and I am coming just as soon as I can. Perhaps my media supplies will be here before the middle of next week so that I can bring some tubes for cultures.

I love you Dear with all my heart,


July 6, 1927

July 6, 1927 – The Lab

My Dear Sweetheart,

Had one letter at the Apt & another came in the mail this noon. They make me feel so much better. There was also a letter at the Apt from Mrs. Roark. I read it and am forwarding it to you. I gave Mrs. Rankin $1 to hire a woman to go over the woodwork in the Apt. She is very anxious for us to come back when you return.

July 6, 1927

July 6, 1927

As yet I do not know when I can come to Uvalde, but I hope it will not be long. I have some supplies to come yet and I want to make some media before I leave. The sterilizer came yesterday. Have not tried it yet.

I am going to try and improve the finish on the car. I would not want the Uvalde people to see it as it was. Think I can improve it some. Will not change the color.

I love you, Dear, with all my heart.


July 3, 1927

Sunday 12:30 PM. Lab.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Haven’t had dinner yet. Thought I’d drive down town by the P.O. before eating. Will post this at the same time. The Uvalde paper came last night and I enjoyed reading it. I am at the Lab today. I fed the kittens and have been doing a little work and some reading. Am reading what Bish has on the nematodes. He has most of what has been published by the Zoological division. Since he is to move his library before long I want to go over this section of it and obtain some of the better publications.

July 3, 1927

July 3, 1927

I sure do miss you Sweetheart. Have been trying to keep this to myself but must tell you. Have kept busy and it helps some but I find myself looking at your photo and wishing for you. It won’t be so long now, before I see you though it will be after the 9th or 10th. I hope that you enjoy the 4th. I’d enjoy it more if I were with you. You sweet Little Thing.

I love you, Dear,


July 2, 1927

The Lab. Sat. Nite

My Dear Sweetheart,

Have just returned from the Apt. Did not have a letter there, so will go by the P.O. when I post this one. Bishopp returned this A.M. He was in Uvalde yesterday but said he was out of town most of the day. Parman didn’t know he was coming, so they had gone up the canyon. Bish said that he intended to phone you while there.

July 2, 1927

July 2, 1927

Things are going as usual here. Am getting in some supplies occasionally. Eventually, I’ll get what I want for my work. Bought a blood counting outfit (haematocytometer) today. Had selected it during Bish’s absence ($14 worth). Said he did not have a chance to make any blood counts at Ohio State. The centrifuge & some glass ware has already arrived.

This PM I posted a box of Martha Washingtons to you. They are a summer variety for shipping. Not a peace offering. Haven’t been guilty of anything that I would not want you to know about.

I love you Dear with all my heart & I hope it will not be so long before I see you.


June 29, 1927

The Lab. Wednesday PM.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Did not write yesterday. Had to be at Laakes at 6PM. It was a great picnic. It would have been perfect if you had been there. Mrs. L. had lots to eat. 4 fried chickens, potato salad, sandwiches two kinds, some small cakes which were very good, ice tea, and watermelons. The beer was served at the house before & after the picnic. The niece looks a great deal like Mrs. Laake. She did some dances, recitations etc. She was very good. It began raining when we reached the park but soon it was cool and ideal for a picnic.

June 29, 1927

June 29, 1927

Have some Angoras now. They are going to be OK to work with. Think the problem will be about the best one of any they are working. Have been buying a few things for the Lab, otherwise the money will not be available. Bish is in San Angelo. Some of the things I ordered are beginning to arrive. It looks as though I will be about the only one with supplies.

Had a letter from Mr. Parman saying that the Florida material had reached Uvalde. Will unpack some of it when I come down as I will need part of it in Dallas.

Am going down town now for a few more things.

With all my love, Dear,


June 27, 1927

Monday Night. Front of P.O.
Near Union Station.
20 min. to 8 o’clock

My Dear Little Girl,

Waited until I went home before writing. Found your good letter there, and I thoroughly enjoyed it. It was pretty hot there, also every other place today. Thought I’d drive down to get cool. It is much cooler here now.

June 27, 1927

June 27, 1927

Had an answer to my letter to Mr. Parman. It was OK. I think he feels OK about my coming to Uvalde.

Bish left last night for San Angelo. The requisition for a microtome reached Wash. too late for bids. No reason for letting that slip by except that he was careless. In one way it will save me a lot of work, but I’d much rather have it. I guess the other supplies will come OK.

Was out in the country with Mr. Somries [sp?] the animal man this PM. We bought 4 Angoras at 2.50 each. Will get my problem started pretty soon. When we returned Mrs. Laake had left a phone call for me. I am invited on a picnic with them tomorrow evening. Her sister and daughter have been there several days, also Mr. Palliett her father.

I love you Dear, more than I can tell you.


June 25, 1927

Saturday Night.

My Dear Little Girl,

Yours of Thurs. night was received at noon today. Pretty good service Sam’s postal boys are giving. Also received another Uvalde News today. This makes two since you left.

I am posting the manuscript to Dr. White tonight. He expects to get it into the June issue. Have also made out 5 reports for Dr. Hall telling him where they have some worm problems. Will also post them tonight. Looks as though I’ll have a clean slate for Monday. Will try and get some goat work started Monday.

June 25, 1927

June 25, 1927

Alvis phoned this afternoon. Mrs. Pettit invited me for a noon dinner tomorrow.

Everybody asks about you. I am always telling someone about my wife. Mrs. Brundrett comes to the lab sometimes. Haven’t seen Mrs. Laake. She has so much company now that I’ll go a little later. Mr. Laake is OK now. Mr. Palliet is with them. He is having Dr. Shelmire to treat a skin trouble for him.

The kittens are coming fine. The meat and milk is working wonders. They will soon be cats.

Dr. & Mrs. Roark expect to come down after the first of July. They wanted to rent their apartment to the Bishopps, but the Bishopps don’t know whether they are going to sell their home or not. Bish may go to Wash. by himself.

I love you Sweetheart and you don’t know how often I think of you. I have your photo on my desk.

Time to eat & I will have to take a bath too. This is Sat. nite.

With all my love,

Love to Everybody

On the back of the envelope, in Ina’s handwriting, is “Mr. W.E. Dove, 5113-1/2 Miller’s Court, Dallas, Texas.” Google Street View shows an apartment complex there now.

June 24, 1927

Friday PM. The Lab.

My Dear Sweetheart,

Was mighty glad to get your letter of yesterday and also a letter from Mother Lewis. You don’t know how much I miss you, Dear, but I want you to get out a good visit with Mother Lewis and all.

June 24, 1927

June 24, 1927

I am enclosing a letter from Sister which was addressed to both of us.

Today I made application for a renewal of our first lien on the Owenwood home. I think it will go through OK at 6-1/2%. It is for a five year period with yearly payments of $250 during the first four years. This will make it $3000 at the end of 5 years. This amounts to the same thing as the plan I mentioned, except that this is on a yearly payment plan instead of monthly. The rate of interest is the same as the other insurance Co. 6-1/2%. Will have to bring the abstract up to date and pay for an examination of it by an attorney, but would have to do this anyway if we renewed with Harper at 8%. The application goes to Denver before I’ll get a reply.

Today I collected the rent for the house. I had gotten down to my last dollar, so it came in handy. Brought the laundry home today. If you need some money, let me know.

The Bishopps have not yet sold their home. They plan to leave for Wash. during July. It will probably be after the middle of the month before I can come to Uvalde. I want to do some work down there which will keep me there for a while at least.

I am getting the manuscript in pretty good shape and I expect to send it to Dr. White pretty soon.

I hope you are feeling good and that the folks are also feeling OK.

I love you just lots and lots and I’ll be happy when I get my family together again.

With all my love,

June 23, 1927

Thursday Noon

My Dear Sweetheart,

Was mighty glad to get your letter last night. It seems that you have been away from here for ages. Am getting anxious to see you. Have been working on the manuscript pretty hard. It is a short one and the problem is to write it up so that Dr. White will not have too many changes. I have the first draft completed. The first part has already been written several times. It is practically the same thing that I gave in my part of our talk in Wash.

June 23, 1927

June 23, 1927

Mr. Laake has been on the job several days this week and seems to be OK now. Mr. Bishopp had to have his eye job repeated, but he thinks it is now OK. He has been getting some estimates on crating his library & household goods. So far as I know he has not yet had any luck in selling his home. Mr. Brundrette is working hard. He has a problem of his own and he seems to be getting somewhere with it. We will miss Gingell but things will go more quietly now.

Tomorrow I expect to find out something about the loan renewal. Will write you all about it. Carl is having two companies to look the thing over. I am having another from the standpoint of monthly payments. I have an idea that Carl’s judgement is OK about a straight renewal if we intend to sell. The other proposition is mighty attractive. Payments of $8 to $9 per $1000 per month, would clean up the whole amount in 10 or 15 years. The rents would do this OK. In 15 years the rents would pay taxes, insurance, & allow for considerable improvements.

Will write again tomorrow. I love you Dear and you have no idea how much I miss you. I expect to see you as soon as I can but it probably will not be real soon. If you want to return before I can come let me know. Also if you need some money, don’t fail to tell me.

With all my love,
