Author Archives: Alan

October 3, 1935


Dear Ina,

Will be at Trenton Ga for a meeting at 2 PM Friday and will return to Atlanta Saturday. On Sunday I plan to get away for Miss. & expect to meet Parman at the College. From there will go to Hattiesburg, Baton Rouge etc. Will give an itinerary later. I tried to get wool underwear for Walter White but had no luck here.

With love


October 3, 1935

October 3, 1935

September 21, 1935

Letterhead: “Young Men’s Christian Association, Army and Navy, ‘With the Colors.'”

Birmingham, Ala
Sunday Sept 21, 1935

My dear Ina & Boys,

Mr. Thomas Duck Jr. drove here with Daddy last night and we will see Tom McGebee this afternoon. We have an exhibit for the fair which begins tomorrow morning. Mr. Duck delivered one of the exhibits for me yesterday and another man took another exhibit to Newnan Ga.

September 21, 1935

September 21, 1935

Night before last I spent at Eatonton Ga. about 65 miles from Atlanta. I did not get away from Savannah until about five o’clock in the PM and could not drive all of the way that night. Yesterday I dictated replies to a number of letters on my desk, but I did not clean up all of them. Tomorrow I’ll be in Atlanta again and I’ll try to get everything cleaned up. I am not sure yet but I may get back to Savannah Tuesday night. I could have the exhibits shipped without seeing them, but I’d like to come home again anyway.

I am sending Mother Dove the check we talked about (40).

Mr. Duck spent last night & this AM with a relative here. He will be back just after dinner today.

I want Walter White to be a good boy, and I am pretty sure that he will be.

With love,

This stationery was left over when the war closed & the YMCA can’t afford better.

September 5, 1935

After a brief visit home to see Ina and their two boys, Walter is back on the road for the screw-worm control program.

Thursday Noon

Left Tifton this morning and will go to two places before Atlanta to get a good scout started. Expect to be [in] Atlanta Friday, Montgomery (515 Dexter Ave.) Saturday & Sunday will go to Gainesville. Plan to get Dr. White for control area in Camden County, but must get scout in northern Ga., Tenn., & N. Carolina first. Hope storm did no injury.

With love

September 5, 1935

September 5, 1935

August 21, 1935

Mobile, Ala – August 21, 1935

Benzol not expected here until tomorrow some time. Following is my schedule care of county agent each place.

Cedartown – Aug 23 10 AM
Calhoun ” 23 230 P
Jasper ” 24 1030a
Canton ” 24 3 PM
Atlanta – Sunday & Mon AM
Lawrenceville Aug 26 230 PM
Winder ” 27 10 AM
Jefferson ” 26 2 PM
Lincolnton ” 28 10 AM
Hartwell ” 28 2:30 PM
Savannah ” 29 AM


August 21, 1935

August 21, 1935

August 19, 1935

Postcard from Mobile, AL.

Monday PM

Thanks for the card & news. Am glad to know the health of the family is more normal. They made a bust on our notice of benzol arrival. Not here until Thurs. noon. Will try to borrow some here tomorrow. Left Daddy Lewis at Uncle Will’s. They send love to you. Promised Daddy Lewis I’d write to you for him also to Mother Lewis.


August 19, 1935

August 19, 1935

Benzol is one of the treatments Walter is distributing for screw worm cases in livestock.

August 18, 1935

Brookhaven, Miss.
227 Washington St.
Sunday eve 8/18 –

Dear Ina,

What is the trouble? I have been meeting the trains for the past 4 or 5 days expecting to meet your Papa. He wrote me that he would be here the 15th and I have not heard a word from him since. Am very much worried about him. Let me hear from you at once. I have planned for a pleasant time with him, I do hope nothing serious has happened. Do let me hear from you at once, am writing your Mother also.

Your affectionate
Uncle W.L. Lewis

August 18, 1935

August 18, 1935

August 13, 1935

Tuesday AM

Dear Ina,

Bish is in Louisiana and I am to meet him Thursday either Atlanta or at meeting in Alabama.

Hope W W is getting OK & that you are sleeping some.


August 13, 1935

August 13, 1935

August 12, 1935

Plain postcard, postmarked Atlanta.

Monday PM.

Arrived here about five o’clock. A real hot day for driving. I left a pair of white trousers on a hanger in our closet. Would you send these out & have them cleaned & pressed. My room at YMCA is 516. I have had the same number all of the time. Just in case you phone & can’t get me at office.


August 12, 1935

August 12, 1935

July 18, 1935

P.O. Box 178
Gainesville, Fla.
July 18, 1935

Dear Walter –

These two weeks have passed by so rapidly that when I think of my delay in this over-sight, narrow-mindedness or whatnot on my part, I am almost ashamed to write. If Hell is paved with good intentions I have a well paved road to that destination. Probably I can plead married life for neglect in writing to you.

July 18, 1935

July 18, 1935

I don’t know how I will ever show my full appreciation to you for all you have done for me, especially on that day of July 3rd of which I have a faint recollection. Mere thanks is insufficient but I will soon come to bat and score something. Violet mentions you frequently and she especially likes to recall the mad rush to the Court House when her feet were willing but failed to contact terra firma.

As you know, the picture, after the wedding, turned out perfectly. Did you save one for yourself? If not, I am holding one for you so please let me know.

I am enclosing a money order in the amount of $43.66 which appears to be the amount due you. I have not checked over the bills but I feel certain that you spent more than that. If so, I will send money order for the difference. At the moment I have mislaid these bills but I believe my memory is correct relative to the totals.

[Margin note in Walter’s hand: “Recd OK. He gave me $100, besides this PO order. I gave a complete list itemized – Walter.]

Walter I most sincerely thank you for all your help and many courtesies. The whole day of July 3 was so perfectly planned and carried out that I am still marveling at the events of the day.

Remember we have the welcome sign out at our house for you.

Sincerely yours,

W.G. Bruce

July 3, 1935

Walter helped out with a friend’s wedding. Here’s his accounting for the expenses. The grand total of $78.25 would be $1315.85 in today’s money. Note that the announcements cost more than twice as much as the ring – standards have apparently changed.

July 3, 1935

July 3, 1935