Tag Archives: worry

August 9, 1939

Wednesday Afternoon.
Aug. 9, 1939.

Dearest Sweetheart:

You have no idea how happy your letter made me this morning. I shall be eternally grateful to you for taking my last letter as good-naturedly as you did. After I mailed it it began to prey on my mind; I was afraid you might not take it as I intended it. When I received no reply by yesterday afternoon I became desperate. At eight last night I put in a station-to-station call for you at Kenwood 8479, and kept it in until 11:15, but no one answered. You must have already left on your trip. During the few hours that I slept I dreamed and dreamed about you – disturbing dreams. If your letter had not come this morning you would have received a telegram.

August 9, 1939

August 9, 1939

The letter you enclosed makes me very happy. I think it is well worded, and I hope it brings the desired results. I feel that you will never regret it.

We can hardly wait until next week to see you. We have had a good visit, but are ready to leave because we want to be with you. We are looking forward to the Mississippi trip.

The children were proud of their letters from you. Walter White stayed awake as late as he could last night, hoping to get to talk to you. Finally he gave up, and with specific instructions to me as to what I should tell you for him, he dropped to sleep.

You may not receive this until you reach Uvalde, but I just had to write.

I love you ever so much, Honey.

Always, your

July 19, 1939

Wednesday Afternoon.
July 19, 1939.

Dearest Sweetheart:

Thank you for your letter and the air mail stamps. Often in writing you I have had the uncomfortable feeling that you think the reading of my letters takes up too much of your valuable time. It pleases me greatly to feel now that I was wrong. I shall be delighted to use the postage. The clever grasshopper post card puzzles Lewis Dunbar; he said he didn’t know they had such big grasshoppers. No doubt he has visions of capturing such a one on our return trip.

July 19, 1939

July 19, 1939

We are having a quiet, pleasant visit. We don’t see Reitha a great deal; she has a date almost every night, but not with the same one every time. She has been with Bolivar Black of Del Rio twice. The heat of our first week here almost finished her, she thought. We were entirely wrong in thinking that Thelma Lee had any regrets about her marriage. She is as happy as a bride, and Paul is as happy as she is. He makes $100.00 a month, and they live on it without the help of anyone.

If the survey begins on August 1st, will you be able to make your plans and requests for another year some time in September? I’m so anxious for you to let the Powers know that you are not going through another year like this one has been.

I don’t think I have ever thought of you as often as I have since we have been away this time, Honey. Some of my thoughts are very disturbing, based upon a sudden realization that I had just before we left Minneapolis.

You don’t know how much I love you.


[Enclosed letters from Lewis and Walter White.]

Dear Daddy I love you

July 18, 1939
220 W Mesquite
Uvalde, Tex

Dear Daddy,
We have had a good time here in Uvalde. We wish you were here. Mother wonders if you could come down here so we can all go to Mother Dove’s. We hope you will do it.

Yours Truly,
Walter D.

July 19, 1939
220 W. Mesquite
Uvalde, Tex.

Dear Daddy,

I have read your letter and I enjoyed it very much. We are using one of the stamps you sent us for this letter.

Your Son
Walter D.

August 18, 1935

Brookhaven, Miss.
227 Washington St.
Sunday eve 8/18 –

Dear Ina,

What is the trouble? I have been meeting the trains for the past 4 or 5 days expecting to meet your Papa. He wrote me that he would be here the 15th and I have not heard a word from him since. Am very much worried about him. Let me hear from you at once. I have planned for a pleasant time with him, I do hope nothing serious has happened. Do let me hear from you at once, am writing your Mother also.

Your affectionate
Uncle W.L. Lewis

August 18, 1935

August 18, 1935