P.O. Box 178
Gainesville, Fla.
July 18, 1935
Dear Walter –
These two weeks have passed by so rapidly that when I think of my delay in this over-sight, narrow-mindedness or whatnot on my part, I am almost ashamed to write. If Hell is paved with good intentions I have a well paved road to that destination. Probably I can plead married life for neglect in writing to you.

July 18, 1935
I don’t know how I will ever show my full appreciation to you for all you have done for me, especially on that day of July 3rd of which I have a faint recollection. Mere thanks is insufficient but I will soon come to bat and score something. Violet mentions you frequently and she especially likes to recall the mad rush to the Court House when her feet were willing but failed to contact terra firma.
As you know, the picture, after the wedding, turned out perfectly. Did you save one for yourself? If not, I am holding one for you so please let me know.
I am enclosing a money order in the amount of $43.66 which appears to be the amount due you. I have not checked over the bills but I feel certain that you spent more than that. If so, I will send money order for the difference. At the moment I have mislaid these bills but I believe my memory is correct relative to the totals.
[Margin note in Walter’s hand: “Recd OK. He gave me $100, besides this PO order. I gave a complete list itemized – Walter.]
Walter I most sincerely thank you for all your help and many courtesies. The whole day of July 3 was so perfectly planned and carried out that I am still marveling at the events of the day.
Remember we have the welcome sign out at our house for you.
Sincerely yours,
W.G. Bruce