Friday Nite
Oct. 23, 1925.
My dearest Walter:
Your letter of Tuesday night came, and it seemed good to receive one from you there again because that seems more like home. I don’t know why it is, but I sort of breathed a sigh of relief when I knew you were back there. No doubt it is because the mail is more regular, and then too I think there is more comfort in thinking of or writing to a person if you know where he is and that your mail will reach him in due time. It seems so indefinite otherwise. For instance, the letters you found at the Beach on your return were almost history by the time you received them and the ones I wrote you and addressed to Caxambas were no doubt a week or more old by the time they were forwarded to the Beach. At any rate, I love you just the same wherever you are, but the nearer you are, the better it suits me.
October 23, 1925 (Ina)
Dear, I appreciate your concern about my being so blue and I suppose I should have written you the reason at that time, but I was in hopes that I could soon decide that it was all my imagination. I was afraid I couldn’t explain it so you wouldn’t misunderstand me, so I thought I wouldn’t say anything. However, as you now know, I did write you a letter later, addressing it to you at Caxambas, explaining my feelings. I feel sure now that I was wrong about it, and I beg your pardon, Dear, for thinking it. Your letters sound differently now. Those others were just written hurriedly I’m sure. No, Sweetheart, not for one moment have I regretted our engagement, but I was afraid you had. You have no idea what a relief it is to have the feeling now that you don’t regret it.
I was very much interested in the real estate letter. I am so glad the value of the property is increasing so rapidly, and I sincerely hope it will continue to do so. Won’t it be fine to make that much on the side? I am so glad you bought it when and where you did.
It makes me so happy, Dear to feel that you still love me as much as you ever did. I didn’t realize how very very much I loved you until I thought you might be getting indifferent. Sweetheart, I will be so happy when we can be together all the time. Then there will not be the trouble of misunderstanding letters. You seem so far far away now, and it takes so long to get a reply to a letter. When we are together, if we are uncertain about anything, we can explain it right then, get a reply immediately and then feel satisfied instead of having to wait a week or two to find out. I think it will be great.
I love you worlds and worlds.
Always, your