Tag Archives: injury

December 9, 1939

Saturday Night
Dec. 9, 1939.

Dearest Sweetheart:

We were so glad to have your letter of Thursday night today. I had been thinking and thinking of your conference with Dr. B., and wondering how it would come out. It looks as if you have things going your way, doesn’t it? I’m glad that you will have so much to say about the consolidation etc; also, I’m glad there was no struggle over the salary. Now I’m wondering where your leave comes in, and when we are going to move. No doubt those things will have to be decided after you have made your trip to Texas.

December 9, 1939

December 9, 1939

Lewis Dunbar was so pleased to have your letter. He wanted to write you and Claudelle tonight, but I persuaded him to wait until morning as he was so sleepy.

We are very happy that Claudelle is coming. Polly and I want to know just when she will arrive, so we can meet her.

I read Polly’s letter from you over the telephone to her. She asked me to thank you for it and to tell you that she would be glad to remain in Mpls. as long as she is needed here; also that she was glad to know that she still had a job. You know her name has been omitted from most of the plans for the personnel. She was glad to continue working this month instead of taking leave, because she really had no place she cared to go, and she would hardly know what to do with a vacation in Mpls. Not that she complained at all when it looked like she was going to have to take leave, but I just know she preferred to continue working.

Kenneth was pleased when I read him the paragraph you wrote about him.

We had a good time last night. I left the children with Louise while Polly & I entertained Kenneth, Helen, and Hallie Fulcher at dinner at the “Wishing Well.” It is on LaSalle back of the Y.M.C.A. The food was good, and Mrs. O’Brian, the fortune teller, is remarkable. I’ll tell you some things she told me when you return. The fortune telling is included in each dinner. Polly & I plan to take Claudelle there. After dinner Kenneth & Helen took us to a movie.

Honey, will you please send me a list of the men in the work to whom you wish to send Christmas cards? Or would you prefer sending them yourself? If so, will you tell me the names so we will not duplicate? Of course I realize that you don’t want to send one to all the men, but I know there were a few special ones you wished to remember.

Dr. & Mrs. Dickinson & baby had hardly gotten out of Mpls on their way east when someone ran into their car and demolished it, but fortunately they were uninjured. The man who caused the accident was sentenced to a number of days in jail, and the Dickinsons hope to get a new car from the insurance co. About the same time, I believe, Mr. & Mrs. Gray Butcher and children were making a trip in their car when a coal truck ran into them as they (the Butchers) were passing another truck at high speed, Mr. Butcher admitted. The children were uninjured, but Mr. B. received a severe cut on the face, almost from ear to mouth, and Mrs. B. was very seriously injured about the head and elsewhere, I believe. She is still in the hospital. I almost forgot to say that the Dickinsons proceeded to the east by train a few days after their accident.

I have mailed all Christmas packages except to Mother Dove & Revah. I thought I would send a shirt to Revah – size 18 collar, I believe – and Mother Dove prefers a check. Would you mail her the check please? I believe she would appreciate it more if it came from you.

Our weather continues to be very mild – down to about 23º at night and up to 45º or 50 during the day – and as dry as a bone. I noticed that last month was the driest November in Minn. for over 100 years.

Your last letter was unique; it is the first one I have received from you in almost 2 years that did not contain a mention of grasshoppers. When I told Kenneth about it he was pleased; he said your change of thought will refresh you. I’m glad you are having a little social life while you are in Wash. Kenneth & I agreed that a touch of that in the future would be of great benefit to you.

We are very happy that you plan to be with us at Christmas; it just wouldn’t be much Christmas without you.

Lots of love to you & to Claudelle.

June 12, 1930

Stationery from the Hotel Mayflower, Jacksonville, Florida – “Radio in every room.”

June 12, 1930
8 PM.

My dear Sweetheart,

Arrived this morning at 7:30. I met a train for B but he did not show up. At Mr. Filby’s office I learned that B will arrive tomorrow morning and that he and I are going down the state. Mr. Filby and a number of the state and city Health folks are attending a meeting at Tallahassee today. I met Dr. Barker at the City Health Dept. He recognized me and spent about one-half of the day with me. We called upon everyone in that building and then one of the Commissioners, Dr. Baker had me eat lunch with him. He was very courteous and showed me every consideration. He planned an appointment for B and I for 11 o’clock tomorrow. The appointment is with Mr. Engle, one who has a half million invested in St. Georges Island, an island just across the St. John’s from Mayport. Think they are going to ask us to make studies down there. It is 20 miles from Jax.

June 12, 1930

June 12, 1930

This PM I called on Dr. Kirby-Smith at St. Vincent’s hospital. He had a nightmare a few nights ago and jumped from a window of the second floor of his home. Luckily, he landed on grass instead of concrete. His head missed the concrete just a little ways. He has some bad bruises on the face, hands and limbs. He hopes to return home tonight and to be in his office Sat or Mon. I did not see the children but his mother-in-law came while I was there. Kirby says the taxes on the new home amount to $100 per month.

The radio is giving me the WJAX program. I guess I’ll listen to the Sharkey fight.

Kirby says that he does not see as many cases of C.E. now. He thinks that knowledge of the causation and the publication of the news by the state Board of Health is responsible for the reduction in the number of cases. Kirby says they have published several short articles and that White and Dove have been mentioned several times.

With love,


October 1, 1925 (Ina)

Thursday Night.
Oct. 1, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

Your interesting letter of Sunday night came this afternoon, and, as usual, brightened up my countenance considerably. It (the letter) was a little longer than usual and I liked that because the pleasure of reading it lasted longer.

October 1, 1925 (Ina)

October 1, 1925 (Ina)

I note what you said about living the year round on the beach. Your view sounds very reasonable to me as I have always thought of the beach as being a temporary resort rather than a permanent home. I am sure it is fine for a while, and, as I can’t speak from experience, it may be all right the year round, but you are in a position to judge whether you would like it for a permanent location. I have never been on the beach longer than two weeks at a time and I enjoyed every minute of it then because it was an ideal place for a vacation. However, I did notice that the salt air made everything look and feel rather “mussy.” Things don’t look fresh and clean very long. Perhaps that is partly because I am accustomed to such a high, dry atmosphere though. At any rate, I think it would be fine for a while, and it would be a mighty fine place to start a honeymoon in the winter. Don’t you think so? No doubt we would prefer a higher and drier location when we were ready to choose a location for a permanent home.

We arrived in town this afternoon just in time to avoid witnessing what seemed to be a very serious accident. A girl friend of ours (newly married) ran into a newsboy who was on a bicycle, and they thought for a while that he was seriously injured but found later that he was just stunned and bruised some. The poor girl saw him lying there unconscious and thought he was killed. She became so hysterical etc. that they had to put her to bed, and her sister in-law said she thought surely for a while that she was going to die. I know it would be a terrible shock to anyone, and especially to one of such a nervous temperament as she is. Such accidents as hers and such a mild one as I had when I ran into the young man’s Ford, all go to prove that we can’t be too careful even though we have had quite a bit of experience in driving. I feel like it would ‘most kill me if I were to really hurt someone seriously like that.

With a heart brimfull and overflowing with love for you, I still am and always will be,

Your own loving