Tuesday Night
Mar. 29, 1938.
Dearest Sweetheart:
We were glad to have your card and letter and endorsed checks.
I made the deposit yesterday. As soon as I get our bank statement I’ll tell you what our balance is. I’m not sure I have everything on my check stubs. I mailed the Mass. Mutual check for the loan and a check to the Southland Mortgage Co.

March 29, 1938
Don’t you love the compliments Messrs. Lawton & Cunningham paid our business ability? Tomorrow I shall send 11 notes to Mr. McAvoy for collection. If he charges the fee that real estate agents charge for collecting rent our “profit” on the sale will be reduced even further. Let’s hope he will be satisfied with the bank account.
Please tell us, did Dorothy Peets marry Albert or the man in Gulfport? We are so anxious to know.
I’m enclosing a card Claudelle wrote Mama & Papa. We have had a letter since then in which she said she was going to ask for leave to come home before we move. I do hope she can. We didn’t go to Uvalde last week-end after all. We found that, although Mama & Papa had moved into the new house the carpenters were still building cabinets etc. We thought we might be in their way. We do intend to go this Friday though.
One evening last week Gilbert came and visited with us. He has been on another visit to Augusta since we last saw him. He is to begin night flying soon. Walter White enjoys his aeronautical conversation.
Your plan for moving sounds good to me except I think I should be here while they are doing most of the packing. You will know the kind of house we will need. I am convinced that it should be much smaller than the one we now are occupying. At Mrs. Schroeder’s one afternoon I met Mr. & Mrs. H.J. Clements of 334 W. 50th St., Minneapolis. They are the elderly couple I was telling you about when you were here. They have been spending their winters in S.A. for several years. They will return to Minn. in May. They have lived there for many years and have children and grand children there. I like them very much. They said they would be glad to be of any service possible to us. Their married son is occupying their home during their absence and the telephone number is Colfax 3622. They live in the Washburn (I believe it is) Park section and said they thought that would be the section we would like. They feel pretty sure that the kind of house we would want would rent for $65 or $70 per month. Is that one of the penalties for living in a cold climate? Of course having Madie with us is going to be expensive but I believe we would have to pay a native more and still we would not be sure of the trustworthiness of a stranger.
Our silver is paid for. I gave the final check the 9th of this month.
The children are feeling fine. The other day while Lewis Dunbar was playing with his toys I heard him say “O dolly, I thought I had this fixed.” I was puzzled at first at the “dolly” until I remembered that little Arthur Johns always pronounces his g’s like d’s.
It is almost ten o’clock and I have some history to study.
We love you, Honey, and hope you sleep good.
Always, your
P.S. A Mr. Leary, from some storage Co. that has handled some things for you before, came here to see about moving us. Mr. Townsend had told him to get in touch with us he said. Of course he had not received a request to bid on it but he wanted to be sure to have a checnce. He wanted to know if Mr. Puchett was going to handle the bids. Is he?