February 7, 1938

Stationery from the law offices of Lawton and Cunningham, Savannah, GA. I believe Walter and Ina held onto their house in Savannah and rented a place in San Antonio when they moved. Now they’re selling the house in Savannah, as Walter’s new job in grasshopper control won’t be based in either of those cities.

Savannah February 7, 1938

My dear Ina,

Enclosed find Deed already signed and notarized by me. You should go to a notary and with one other witness & execute it in the place indicated for your signature. Be sure to get seal. There is a lady notary on N. Flores about 2 blocks from your house where you and I went. Then mail the deed to Mr. George O’Donnell of above address. The 180 notes @ 37.17 and Debt Deed have been examined and are in good shape according to Mr. O’Donnell & as far as I am able to tell. The insurance check had already been received when I called at the bank this A.M. Having lunch with John Sarah & R.A. tonight. Leaving 8 PM – arriving Wash. at 11:30 AM tomorrow. Check, notes, & Debt Deed will be mailed to you from here, together with statement of adjusted differences on taxes, ins. etc.

With love

February 6, 1938

February 6, 1938