Jacksonville, Florida,
June 12, 1925.
My Dear Sweetheart,
I have re-read your two letters a number of times and I’ll probably read them lots more. You don’t know how much I appreciate them. They sound just like you, Dear, and they make me feel that the one whom I love so much is one who honestly loves me. At exactly this time last week we were in your car under the big tree south of town. I hated to leave you and could not help but think of coming away without you, and that was the reason why I couldn’t talk any. You remarked that it was like the first night this summer when I saw you, when there was very little conversation. The first night was one that was quite different, but I knew that I loved you and hadn’t figured out how I could get the idea across. I was not sure that you would let me tell you.

June 12, 1925
But that has been fixed up and I am mighty happy in the thought that another year you will be down here with me. You are going to like Florida, Honey Bunch, and I hope to know exactly where we are coming to live etc.
I took Dr. White to the beach last night and he thinks it is just right. However, we are going to live here at this hotel for a couple of weeks before we go down there. It is more convenient to the clinic and we will want a few days here before we go to the beach, in order to follow up the clinic cases. Last night we had been here just two days. Dr. White says that we seemed to get into the work enough to cause him to feel that we had been on the job for some time. We have been on the go most of the time, and until the wee hours we have discussed the problem. He and I have two beds in a large corner room and the problem is discussed pretty fully. I am very fortunate to have him here with me as there seems to be no limit to his knowledge, when I can get the information out of him.
Dr. White had a course at Johns Hopkins just before he came to Texas and he has posted himself pretty well on points having a bearing on our problem. He is a mighty fine man and, Dear, when we are permanently located down here I hope it will be possible to have him down here for some work with me. He won’t leave Washington for a period of time, but I hope he can be with us for a few weeks each year. He would not come as a guest, but to help in the work.
This morning the Catholic clock struck six as usual, which is five o’clock at your time, but we did not get up until about 10 o’clock. We talked creeping eruption until we dressed and shaved and this required an hour and one-half.
Dr. White was very complimentary to your photos and from my talking of you, he thinks that you are just right everyway.
This morning after breakfast Dr. K.S. and Elizabeth (11 yrs. old) came down and took us for a drive. We saw his new home under construction and then met Mrs. K.S. They certainly have a beautiful location for the new home and it is a most beautiful structure. He paid $18,500 for the lot, and a similar lot on which there is no building under construction had an offer of $30,000 a few days ago. There is a real estate boom on here too, but not as much as in the southern part of the state.
I haven’t seen Mrs. Gallagher or her children as yet as we have been too busy, but while Dr. White is reading the paper I am going over and calling on them. I am anxious to see them.
We are invited to dinner with Dr. & Mrs. K.S. tomorrow evening.
For this week and next you might address me at Seneca Hotel, as I would get it a little quicker and I want your letters as soon as I can get them. The quickest way is slow enough.
We had 38 cases of skin affections, 18 of which were C.E. during this first day and half. Before the clinic is over we will probably have two hundred cases.
Remember that I think of you many many times each day Dear, and that I love you with all my heart. I want to hear from you as often as you care to write and I am going to write as often as I can.
With a real sweet goodbye,