Jax Beach, Sunday Nite.
My Dear Sweetheart,
It has been a bit cold yesterday and today. It started a few days ago, then rained, and now we have some wind and damp weather. Have had on winter suit and sweater, for I do some work on the porch which is screened. When I have dissections to make or vessels to sterilize, I go out there.

November 1, 1925
The paper says that there are between three thousand and thirty-five hundred people living at the beach this winter. Before last winter there were usually about three hundred. At night I note that most of the houses are lighted. The stands on the board walk are closed with the exception of about two, but there are three restaurants open. The two meat markets, bakery, drug store, and three or four grocery stores are all open. When the weather is nice the crowds still come down on Sat and Sun. Today it is too cold for bathing, but there are a bunch of cars on the beach and I note that the life saving crew are out there in bathing suits and sweaters. There are a couple of girls in the crew and they are said to be good.
I have worked most all day but not steady. I had some stuff in the traps this morning which needed attention so I brought it in and have taken care of the material. It takes quite a while to dissect, fix, preserve and stain the stuff. It is a long tedious job, but I usually have several lots going at one time. At the same time I have cultures of living material which need attention. These are kept in an improvised incubator, consisting of a wood box heated with an electric light bulb.
Mrs. McDonald is living here yet. The people who looked at her cottage, offered the $3500 which she asked for the place but wanted to pay $1000 down. She would have taken this, but the prospect wanted immediate possession or $30 per month rent. If she had wanted possession in the spring Mrs. Mc would have sold it. Instead she asked one-half cash. The prospect did not return. I guess the place is not sold yet. Mrs. Mc hesitates in selling it for her husband does not have a place for her at West Palm Beach. It is practically impossible to get living quarters down there and stay within his income which is $10 to $11 per day for 8 hrs work. He wrote that he would probably come here for a few days Christmas. He may find a place for her before that time, in which event she will go down. She expects to go to work in Jax or may be St. Augustine before very long. She is very ambitious and can’t find enough to keep her busy. Since she has been at home, I have been eating here. It is much better than restaurant cooking and I don’t lose but a few minutes at meal time. She is a good cook, and unusually neat in keeping house.
I’ll be mighty glad, Dear, when we are in a place of our own and located so that we can fix things to suit ourselves. I have been wondering about how I could show you about when we are here together. If Mrs. Mc goes she will probably take her car with her. I want you to know the layout of Jax and vicinity before we pick what we want. Of course we can’t get definitely located in our own place until we return after June 1st, but we might find what we want before that time and have it ready. We may have to build a place as the question of getting living quarters is getting rather serious. Jax is getting in on the boom in great shape and it looks as though most every place will be filled.
I love you, Dear, with all my heart and I want you. I hope that I can take care of you to the extent that you will not regret your choice.
With a sweet goodnight