Tag Archives: friends

July 24, 1925 (Ina)

Friday Night.

July 24, 1925

My dearest Walter:

Just a few words before saying goodnight. Mama, Claudelle and I have been enjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs. Parman, or rather, Mrs. Parman because Mr. Parman was already asleep when we arrived. We had quite a bit of running around to do before going there so it was rather late. It is now after eleven o’clock.

Mrs. Parman spoke of you a number of times during the evening. She told us of receiving a letter from you and she seemed to be very much pleased over it. In fact, she is very much pleased over our affair and especially in the fact that she was the means of bringing about the acquaintance. We are truly grateful to her, aren’t we? This was the first visit we had made them since you left. I couldn’t help but think of how badly I hated to see you leave that last afternoon you and I were there. Everything there to-night reminded me of the pleasant hours we had spent together.

July 24, 1925 (Ina)

July 24, 1925 (Ina)

Mrs. Parman read us part of a letter she had received from Mrs. Laacke (I don’t remember how to spell it). She wrote of your visit with her and how she had enjoyed it. She also seemed to be very much pleased over our engagement. She said she thought you had lived long enough without happiness. The same applied to me too, I suppose. They are not half as “tickled” as we, are they? I like Mrs. Laacke very much. She said she thought her husband had decided never to come home. Mrs. Parman thinks they will be in Reagan Wells until about the middle of August. They are finding lots of work there to do. She also says Mr. Parman is kept very busy. I wish you could have been here that long, in a way, but still I am glad for you to be in Florida so that you can finish there sooner and then come back.

I love you ever so much.

Goodnight and sweet dreams.

Yours always,

Saturday Afternoon
July 25, 1925

My dearest Walter:

I am writing you early today as we are leaving at 4:30 for Hondo where we are to go as delegates to a meeting of the Southern Pacific Federation of Leagues. They are going to give us a reception tonight, we are to have several services tomorrow and the Uvalde League is to furnish the Sunday evening program. They appointed me the leader for the evening so I am having a rather hard time trying to find enough to serve on the program so that I will not have a talk to make. The first part of the hour is to be taken up with an Epworth League program as it should not be given, and the latter part with the same subject, same speakers etc. in a program as it should be given. Whether there will be much difference in the two, I don’t know. There are about fifteen Uvalde Leaguers going in cars. I am “chaperoning” several in the Willys-Knight. In fact, I am the only “grown up” going so I suppose I’ll have to behave in order to set a good example.

Honey, do you get tired having me talk League work? If you do, please tell me and I’ll hush. Honestly, I’m not crazy on the subject. When I tell you of where I go and what I do I have to bring it in often because about all the places I go are connected with it. When we are married it will be diferent. My principal interests will be different.

I wonder where you are and what you are doing this afternoon. I know you are busy as can be on something.

I miss you, long for you, think of you and love you all the time.


July 23, 1925 (Walter)

Thursday Night 7/23d

My Dear Sweetheart,

Dr. White and I just returned from the station. We went down with Mr. and Mrs. Garrison to see them off, after having had dinner with them. They seemed to have enjoyed the day here and she wished that they could have spent a week. They took the sight-seeing bus to St. Augustine this morning. Her folks live at Waco Texas. During the war she went to Washington on a job in the War Dept, and there she met her hubby.

July 23, 1925 (Walter)

July 23, 1925 (Walter)

Sometimes I feel that I would like a better income in order to take care of you as I should, and I wonder how this couple get along on his salary as she is not working. He gets about $1400* and I hardly know how they can get along, but they seem to make it OK. When I see them I figure that we will probably get along all right.

We are going fishing Saturday and Dr. KS will drive down the state some on Sunday, so it is possible that I will not have an opportunity to write you Sat or Sunday nights. If I can I certainly will, for I enjoy your letters so much. I look forward to them and when they come I read them several times. While it seems like a long time since I came here, it has been only two weeks tonight. I have been very fortunate to have gotten so many sweet letters from you in that time. Best of all, I have had one from Mother and Daddy Lewis with their consent, and Dear you don’t know how glad I am and how proud I am to have them feel all right about it. It means a lot and I appreciate it. They were real sweet about it, and I guess it is because they know that you and I are congenial and that we really do love one another. I’ll be mighty proud to say “this is my wife,” and I feel that folks will think “how did he do it?”

We went to the city dispensary this afternoon as it was Dr. KS’s afternoon for a skin disease clinic. It was very interesting. There were about four well defined cases of pellagra, and I am glad that I had the opportunity of seeing some. When I see the disease side of medicine and what the practitioner has to do, I feel that I like my work more. At one time I thought I would like to practice medicine but the older I get, the more I like my work in preventive work and medical entomology. Dr. White says that he feels that way about it too.

We will not go to the beach until Tuesday and then we may not get located so as to move on that day. It may be Wednesday before we move. I’ll be glad to get Dr. White started on some laboratory work as I want to get his technique on some phases. He has been criticizing the paper, but it will be published in long form. Dr. KS thinks that it was not necessary, but White is so “dog gone” particular about every sentence that he is going over it very carefully. His arrangement is good but not very different from mine, and sometimes I wonder if his editing is worth the additional work it gives both of us. He is an old bachelor and has some set ideas on doing things. He always treats a disease manuscript in the same say. Even when we go to meals he always likes to go the same way. I hope I won’t be that way to such an extent, for it would annoy you. I’ll try not, Dear, and I’ll try to have you know that I love you with all my heart. You are everything to me and I’ll be mighty happy when I can have you with me always.

With a sweet goodnight,


I love you.

* Equal to about $18,077 today.

July 23, 1925 (Ina)

Thursday Nite
July 23, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

Claudelle, Mama and I have just returned from an Epworth League party given on the roof of the Educational Building and I feel like I have been thru a cyclone. The wind was blowing a regular gale, and, for one time, I would almost have been grateful for bobbed tresses. It was mighty nice and cool up there, and you would hardly have recognized the girl who was running around playing games with the sixteen and seventeen year old boys and girls as the same dignified staid old maid you expect to take “for better or for worse” (as the case may be). Evenings spent like this help pass away the time until you return. It is in the evenings that I miss you most since I am always busy at something during the day, and, although I think of you almost constantly, no matter what I am doing, the time passes more quickly when I am busy.

July 23, 1925 (Ina)

July 23, 1925 (Ina)

Your letter of the 20th came today. Your letter seemed to have a tone of relief about it which I am sure you felt after the clinic was over.

I am sorry your finger is giving you trouble. I hope it is well by now. Don’t try to take everything your patients have. You are not going to take creeping eruption, are you? I hope not. I love you so much and hope that you will always be in perfect health and will not have to suffer in any way. I want you to always enjoy health and happiness.

A few days ago I received a long letter from Mr. Owens (the Sabrial [sp?] ranchman). He sent best wishes for happiness but seems to think that, since things have gone as they have, he never expects to marry. However, I am sure he will after awhile because he will get over this and find a girl whom he thinks is the grandest in the world. I sincerely hope so and hope that he will be as happy as I am already. I couldn’t possibly have loved him as he isn’t the kind I could ever love. I value his friendship highly because it is so honest and true, but I told him a long long time before we quit going together that I could never love him. I didn’t suspect then that it would ever be possible for me to care as much for anyone as I do for you.

No, Honey, your bachelor ways, if you have any, will not worry me. I’ll love you just the same.

Your devoted

July 22, 1925

Wednesday Night 22nd

My Dear Sweetheart,

Didn’t write to you last night as it was quite late when we came in and we were damp from the rain. I usually write to you from downstairs and when I had removed the damp clothes, there was a temptation to go to sleep, rather than to dress and come down again.

It has not rained very much since we arrived and from the standpoint of the clinic I am mighty glad that we started the 10th rather than the 20th. However, I did hate to leave Uvalde and it seems like ages since I have seen you Dear. It would have been equally as difficult to have left there at any other time, and as you said, the sooner I left the sooner I would get back.

July 22, 1925

July 22, 1925

The letter from Mr. & Mrs. Lewis came today and, Sweetheart, you don’t know how much I appreciate it. They were mighty nice and I sincerely hope that I will never give them or yourself an occasion to regret your marriage. I am going to try mighty hard to make you happy and I hope we can have your folks with us enough so that they will know how we get along. I am sure that we are going to get along fine. There isn’t anything to prevent it. I’ll be the happiest man in the world when I have you and a home of our own. I often think of how you would like it down here and I wonder if you will be homesick etc., and while I know it will be trying to be away from your folks yet I can’t help but believe that you will like it here. No doubt the work I will have will be of such a nature that we can go to Uvalde about once a year and I hope that on such visits some of your folks can come back with us and spend a while with us. I am especially anxious that your mother will do this, for it is most difficult for her to be separated from you and I know that she will miss you so much. Of course I want the others to come too, but I believe your Mother will miss you more than either Claudelle or your Daddy.

Tonight, Dr. White and I met the train for Mr. and Mrs. Garrison of Washington. They are a young couple, and he is in our Bureau in Wash. He had been in Quincy on some work and she was down here with him. They are on their way to Washington now, but stopped over to do some sight seeing. He had noticed in the papers that Dr. White and I were here on C.E. so he dropped me a letter. They were especially nice to me last winter and I ate Christmas dinner at their apartment. Mrs. Garrison went to Wash. from Waco and during the winter her sister was with them. I was invited to see them while the sister was there, but I didn’t become interested. I couldn’t help but think of you and wish that I could see you instead.

11:30 PM. They came downstairs for a walk and I have just returned with them. They are going to St. Augustine tomorrow and will probably leave for Wash tomorrow night. You will probably meet them in Wash when we go there and I believe you will like them.

Sweetheart, I did not keep copies of the Kodak pictures as I have others of yourself which I like so much better. I haven’t finished the roll of films in my camera and so have not had the ones of the house developed. As soon as they are finished I’ll send some.

I note what you said about Mrs. H. and E. I haven’t heard anything more from them. When I left Dallas I mailed a Masonic sabre which had belonged to Mr. H and which I sometimes used in lodge. I did not write anything. My mother forwarded a letter which E had written to her, telling how coldly I had treated them and that I did not even see them. She quoted my telegram advising them not to come to Uvalde. There was no other way to do it, and I believe I did the right thing. I know them well enough to know that I couldn’t be courteous. I do not correspond with any one in Aberdeen but I’ll drop some of my friends a line before long, and without mentioning them I am sure that I’ll find out what the story was when they returned.

I love you, Dear, and I often wish for you. Many times everyday. I’ll write Mother Lewis and Daddy in a few days, though I can’t begin to tell them how grateful I am for their consent, good wishes and blessing.

With all my love, Sweetheart, and then some,


A note on the envelope in what appears to be an older Ina’s handwriting says: “Soon after our engagement. Repetition of Mrs. Hulett & Evalyn story.”

July 21, 1925

Tuesday Nite
July 21, 1925.

Dearest Walter:

Claudelle and I have just returned from a hike to the top of the first hill toward town to see the sun set. However, it had already “sat” by the time we arrived. We viewed the landscape o’er and pronounced it very beautiful in spite of the absence of the solar illumination. Since it is Tuesday evening we could also see the fiery cross. We ran a race down the hill, but, thanks to the tight skirts, we were sufficiently hobbled to avoid being arrested for speeding.

July 21, 1925

July 21, 1925

We are having such a fine breeze tonight. No matter how warm the days, we usually do have a cool breeze at night. I am so glad it is so pleasant in Jacksonville. It makes work a lot easier, doesn’t it? You are really fortunate to be escaping some of the days we are having here.

My fountain pen is out of order, and this one I am using is just about the “scratchiest” ever.

I will write you again tomorrow.

I love you so very very much.

Lots of love,

Wednesday Nite
July 22, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

It is now ten o’clock and I am thinking of the pleasant reunion we were having a month ago tonight. It was our first date after the return of the prodigal from Kerrville. I shall never forget how terribly I missed you that week. If it had been two months I don’t believe I could have missed you more. I wish we could have another reunion tonight. We are before so many many months, aren’t we? And you are liable to have to be bothered with me for a long long time then. As for me, I am going to be a mighty happy girl then too.

Your letters of the 18th and 19th came today and they made me feel mighty good. They sounded almost like I was talking with you, and you know how well pleased I would be over that.

The case of Dr. Arms was very interesting. I am glad to know about it because we wouldn’t want our case to be so different from all others, would we? I feel sure that ours is going to be like theirs in the respect that he mentioned, because we are both determined never to fuss, aren’t we? We will not have to wait and make it one of our marriage resolutions because we have already made it.

Walter, I appreciate your telling me about your salary although it had never worried me in the least. You are certainly to be congratulated on the salary you are making and I want to tell you again that I am proud of you. I am sure we can be as happy as it is possible for any couple to be – much more so than very wealthy people who only have to express the slightest desire and the luxuries are theirs. They are deprived of the joy of dreaming of and planning for a cozy little home, then working toward it and finally having their dream come true. They can’t possibly get nearly as much genuine pleasure out of it as we can. The more dreams, thoughts, plans and work you have to put into anything, the more you get out of it. Oh, I can hardly wait for the time to come when I can be with you always and we can plan things together. Honey, we are going to be so happy!

I received an invitation today from a girl friend of mine who is going to be married on the fifth of August to a young man with whom she has been going during her two years in a Baptist Seminary in Fort Worth. He has been specializing in some kind of Sunday School work, organization or something.

She is in her thirties and is positively the most consecrated and religious girl I ever met (it is genuine too). I always feel so mean when I’m around her. They say she hesitated a year about consenting to marry him because she felt so unworthy of him. She said he is so good. When I heard it I wondered what sort of an angel he was that Jewel Tate was not worthy of him. She was the young lady I succeeded in the Tax Collector’s office (which certainly doesn’t add anything to her worthiness, however). Nevertheless, she is truly a fine girl and I am glad she is not going to be (or shall I say, remain?) an old maid.

I will write you again tomorrow.

I love you so very very very much.

Always your

July 20, 1925 (Walter)

Jacksonville July 20th

My Dear Sweetheart,

You will note that I call you “sweetheart” whenever I write, for at one time I asked if I might do this and you said “no.” I only wish there were a more expressive way, but I am sure that you know that I love you so much that I simply can’t tell you.

The clinic closed today and the majority of them were out there this morning. I feel somewhat relieved that it is over and now comes the follow up work, which consists on checking up the effectiveness of treatments and making further studies on the cause of the disease. Dr. White says that he has never been connected with a problem as interesting to him as this one and I guess he “enjoys every minute of it.” Strange to say we did not have as many cases from the beach this year, as last season, and before last year Dr. KS thought that the majority of them originated down there. Dr. White has some mighty fine dope on related things which he picked up at Johns Hopkins last spring; and having in mind the problem here he has fortified himself with a lot of facts that I am mighty glad to have.

July 20, 1925 (Walter)

July 20, 1925 (Walter)

If my writing is more scratchy than usual it is due to a bandage on the forefinger. Nothing serious. We have been using a treatment on patients to remove the epidermis or horny layer of the skin and the use during the period of the clinic has affected my index finger in a similar manner. Dr. White has the same trouble. It works and both of us are aware of it.

I guess we will be here during the rest of this week and part of next as we have lots of field work ahead before doing the laboratory tests at the beach. I believe that any letter written after next Sunday should be addressed to Dr. KS’s office, as by that time we will probably locate our laboratory at the beach. Maybe I can give an address down there which will give better service on your letters.

I was much interested in what you said about my letter to your mother and Daddy. Mother Lewis seems to be quite a tease, and not so much of a “matter of fact” girl as yourself. However, I love you just that way for I always know just what you mean. You don’t know how glad I am that your folks feel all right toward me, and Dear, as I promised them I am going to try to do my part and make you happy. If you were only here now, I would be the happiest man in the world. I mean every word of it. You are so sweet.

I note what you say about your chum. Incidentally I like the idea of using her maiden name as a middle name after marriage. If you like it too, I think it would be fine to have yours Ina Lewis Dove. Just as you want to, Dear, as the main idea is to have you as a wife and companion.

I am not surprised that the partnership with another family did not terminate well. This is often the case and does not reflect on either family. A house is not large enough for two families.

You have been mighty sweet to write me so often Sweetheart, and I appreciate your efforts. I know that it is rather inconvenient to get them posted so often and I had no idea I would be favored so nicely in this manner. They are always just right and I, too, read them over and over. I always get a kick out of reading them. Only wish I could hear you say such things and that I could hug real hard when you did say them.

With all my love, Honey Bunch, and with a sweet goodnight, I am,


July 20, 1925 (Ina)

Monday Nite
July 20, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

It is almost eleven o’clock but I want to say a few words to you before going to dreamland. In fact, I would give – oh, I don’t know how much if I could say lots and lots of words to you in person to-night. It is in the evening that I miss you most because that is when I have been with you most.

We (Mama, Papa, Claudelle and I) have just returned from a visit with Thelma and Bob and the children. We enjoyed the evening very much. They told us that Mr. and Mrs. Parman had just bought the place where Thelma and Bob are living. However, they expect to continue renting it I think. It surprised me a great deal when I heard of the purchase as I thought Mr. Parman was anxious to sell the home he and Mrs. Parman are in and that perhaps he was thinking of leaving Uvalde. He must feel settled here though.

July 20, 1925 (Ina)

July 20, 1925 (Ina)

Well, I suppose the clinic closed to-day and perhaps you are glad. I imagine you feel that you have enough material now on which to work for quite a while.

Your Thursday and Friday night letters came and I enjoyed every word of them. (I didn’t stop at reading them only once either). I know you are mighty busy and you are certainly doing well to write me as often as you do. That makes me appreciate the letters all the more.

Two weeks ago yesterday you left Uvalde and it seems ages and ages. I think of you and wish for you so very, very much and will be so happy when I can see you again and can be with you always.

Walter, I know you do think I go to church an awful lot. Mama thinks so too. She has threatened to send my trunk there so that it will be more convenient to attend all the services. But, seriously, the church here is the center of Claudelle’s and my social life as well as religious. In Uvalde if a girl doesn’t dance, there is no place for her to go except to the picture show, to church and church socials. Don’t misunderstand me by thinking I am placing the church as a last resort, because I’m not, but I am just explaining why I go so often. Of course, when we attend these services regularly, they give us responsibilities which make it almost necessary for us to attend regularly in order not to be a “shirker.” I enjoy the work and everything but would be equally happy without so much of it. I would not have the slightest intention of keeping up such a strenuous routine after I married, no matter whom I married (unless it were a minister, and I have never intended to do that), so you need not worry about my expecting to camp at the church. I think you understand the situation and I am sure we will not have any “falling out” on that score (or any other, are we?) I’ll prove it to you some time if you want me to.

Goodnight and pleasant dreams.

I love you lots and lots.

Always, your

July 17, 1925 (Ina)

Friday Nite.

July 17, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

Claudelle and I have just been singing “Lonesome, That’s All” and other songs of that sentiment, and I felt it too. I feel like I would give most anything for a few hours with you this evening. I think of the pleasant evenings we have spent together and I feel that I can hardly wait for the time to come when we can spend ‘most all our evenings together. I am still so thankful tho that we had so many opportunities to be together while you were here and that we took advantage of them too. We didn’t let many of them slip, did we?

July 17, 1925 (Ina)

July 17, 1925 (Ina)

This afternoon Claudelle and I went shopping and came back by to visit with Avis for a short while. She is certainly perfectly devoted to Lucius. She said she thot before they married that she loved him as much as she possibly could, but that she didn’t really love him at all then compared with the way she loves him now. She thinks that if good, true love is the foundation, a young man and young woman love each other more and more all the time as they know and understand each other better. I am sure that our love is good and true, and if I love you more after we are married it will certainly be a whole lot of love because I already love you so much more than I ever thot I could anyone. Maybe tho, the more you love, the greater your capacity is for loving.

I hope I will get a letter tomorrow.

Always your

I’ve been correcting minor spelling errors in the letters, and will resume doing so after this one, but wanted to give a feel for Ina’s peculiar (and fairly consistent) spelling of “thought” and “though.” I think these might have been common affectations in letter-writing at the time.

July 16, 1925 (Ina)

Thursday Evening
July 16, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

Your Monday letter came this afternoon, and altho it was brief, I enjoyed it all. In fact, I get great pleasure out of reading every word you write. I am sure you enjoyed the dinner with Dr. and Mrs. Kirby-Smith. I think it’s mighty nice that you are associated with them in a social way as well as in a professional way. It makes it all so much more interesting and pleasant.

July 16, 1925 (Ina)

July 16, 1925 (Ina)

Claudelle, Thelma and I enjoyed a very pleasant afternoon at a shower honoring Roxie Miller, Mr. Lee’s fiancee. There was quite a crowd and she received lots of beautiful and useful gifts. After the opening and inspecting of the gifts, several tables of bridge and forty-two were arranged. I played forty-two since I knew more about it than bridge. We all had a good time. I did especially, because I am very much interested in everything that concerns a bride or a wedding now. I felt so happy for Roxie and sincerely hoped that she was as happy as I am, and, more important still, will be when my wedding day is as near as hers. They are to be married next Tuesday morning and expect to leave at once for Galveston and Brownsville where some of his relatives live.

When we returned home we found Avis Fisher Bunton, her husband and her little six month old boy. Avis is my chum that you have heard me speak of often. She saw my ring and thought it was beautiful. Everyone who sees it thinks so too, and you don’t know how proud I am of it. Every time I look at it (and that is most of the time) I think of you. Your sister expressed the right sentiment when she said that it would be nice for me to have the ring to enjoy while you are gone. Oh, yes, I got off the subject didn’t I. Speaking of Avis, she said she was glad I was going to be married as she thought that was really the only life. She said she had been happier the past year and a half than she had ever been before even though it had been under adverse circumstances. Lucius, her husband, is a ranchman, and has suffered heavy losses in sheep and everything this year. Avis had never had to do much work before her marriage, but she certainly has done it cheerfully since then. Lucius and a cousin of Avis were in partnership in the ranching business about twenty miles from Del Rio, and it was a sure enough partnership too. The cousin and his wife lived in the house with Avis, Lucius and baby and they had everything together – even the cooking, so I suppose you know the rest. There was a “falling-out,” Lucius sold his part and they are now living in Del Rio. In spite of all this, they are happy as far as their relation to each other is concerned and are certainly a devoted husband and wife.

Reitha is spending the night with us and is constantly chattering away in the “unknown tongue.” She is as sweet as can be when she tries, but, as Thelma Lee says “she can be so naughty” with great emphasis on the “so.”

I know you were glad to see Mrs. Gallagher and the children. It was almost like going home again, wasn’t it? I am sure they are sorry you can’t be with them much while you are in Jacksonville this time. I am anxious to meet them, because I am sure I will like them.

I still love you as much as ever and then some more. I wish I could be with you right now.

Always, your devoted


July 15, 1925 (Ina)

Wednesday Night.
July 15, 1925.

Dearest Walter:

Your letters of the 10th and 12th came this afternoon and they made me feel oh so good. You see, I don’t always get them on schedule time as we don’t always go in town just after train time. Walter, bless your heart, your letters make me so happy and I read them over and over and then read them some more. These two letters were so nice and long and newsy. You seem to know just what I am interested in and just what to write. I especially appreciate the long ones now since I know that you are so busy, but still you take time to write me. I am just as proud of you as I can be and I love you so very very much.

July 15, 1925 (Ina)

July 15, 1925 (Ina)

Your letter to Mama and Papa came also. Mama tried to tease me for quite a while by telling me that she wouldn’t let me read it. Finally, after about two hours’ time she handed it over to me saying that she was trying to see just how anxious I would get to read it. I think it is a mighty nice letter and they do too. They will answer it before long. Don’t be afraid of a refusal or anything of that kind. It didn’t come as a surprise to them since I had told them that you were going to write and ask. Everything is lovely.

Yes, indeed I think it will be mighty nice to have Dr. White down in Florida with you every summer. I feel that you are very fortunate to have him every moment that it is possible to do so. I am so anxious to meet him. I know I shall like him from the things you have said about him. I shall enjoy meeting and being with your friends so much.

I am sure Dr. and Mrs. K.S. are anxious to get into that beautiful new home. I am looking forward to seeing it some time.

I can hardly wait for the time to come for you to return and for me to be with you always. It still seems too good to be true, but still I can’t help but believe that the “too good to be true” is going to happen in this case.

Walter, I don’t want you to hesitate to tell me about your work, the credit that you will receive for it etc. because I certainly will not think you are egotistical. I know you too well to think that. I am very much interested in you and your work, and you can safely write me anything you want to about it without fear of being misunderstood. By the way, I am very proud of your work too.

Goodnight and sweet dreams.

Always your