1010 Travis Bldg.
Sunday A.M. June 20, 1936*
My dear Sweetheart,
I am at the office this AM and shortly after noon Mr. Townsend and I will drive to Bryan. The training conference starts tomorrow morning and lasts three days. From the conference I plan to go to Albuquerque New Mexico to talk to the veterinary association of the state. Had planned to pass this up, but Babcock wanted me to write his speech and mail it to him. R.A. and I had declined on meetings out there until the Texas work was under way, but I don’t think we can afford to take the chance of letting Babcock run wild. I’ll probably get back to S.A. about next Saturday night or Sunday. There is a chance that Roberts can go from College Station to the veterinary meeting and if so, I’ll let him make the trip. Mr. Yeomans will probably leave here about next Friday for Atlanta and will join Bruce in the rounds.

June 21, 1936
Things seem to be shaping up very well, considering the man made obstacles in our way. Most of the appointments are made for Texas but none for District men for New Mexico, Arizona and Oklahoma. We have about five places in Texas to be selected for, and will have to get additional names before this can be done. The cattle men seem to be with us in better shape than the sheep and goat men, but I think we are going to be able to make a go with even them. All of them resent the idea of being educated to S.W. control, but they seem willing to try our recommendations.
Claudelle completed a nice exhibit yesterday for College Station. Tomorrow night she is going to Dallas to see the exhibit up there. She will call on Mr. Schoefelmeyer of the Dallas News (Agricultural editor).
The office seems to function in harmony and with practically no interruption on account of the move to S.A.
Invited Mr. Strong to the conference but Rohner wires that he is not in Washington & unable to attend. We are expecting him to drop in on the meeting at College Station unannounced. We think he is in Louisiana or will be there in a day or two.
Have not looked at houses any since Mr. Townsend and I looked at one evening, but will do so when the conference is over. They are not as plentiful as one would expect. Mother Lewis is anxious for you to come out there for a while but I told her that you would have to find a house and get the furniture unloaded before you visited.
I enjoyed Walter White’s letter and I am glad that he is trying to be a good boy. I hope he succeeds. It is pretty hot out here but I think he can stand the heat. The Mexicans don’t care how hot it gets.
With love,
P.S. Will try to get there in time to claim the bonus before 30 days is up. Ask if they can forward or if I can write & have them forwarded.
* The 20th was a Saturday, so I’m assuming Walter got the day right and date wrong.