Friday Evening
Sept. 12, 1924
Dear Walter:
Your nice long letter came yesterday afternoon, and it sounded so nice that I’ve been happy ever since. It was the kind that made me feel like I had been talking with you, and that’s the kind I like.
You said you didn’t care much for posed pictures, but I am sending you two anyhow since I promised you quite a while ago that I would. I didn’t know which one you would like better, so I thought I would give you one of each pose. Guess you think I’m very fond of having pictures made of myself, but, when you get too many, just let me know, and I’ll quit sending them. Ordinarily I dislike very much having my picture made, but you seemed to want some, so I did it.

September 12, 1924
Last Friday morning about six o’clock Mama, Papa, Claudelle and I started to San Antonio in my car and returned that evening. We had a very pleasant trip even though they were working on the roads a great deal, and we had to detour several times.
We unworthy Uvalde people received a wonderful blessing today in the form of a good rain. Can you imagine such a thing in Uvalde? It had been such a long time since we saw anything of the kind that I imagined I saw a shocked look on the faces of some people in town when the drops began to fall. We are having a slow rain tonight, it is so cool and pleasant, and it’s just an ideal night to sit and talk. You don’t know how glad I’d be if you were here right now.
Mr. Bishopp must not have received Mr. Parman’s letter until he returned to Dallas because he would have, of course, mentioned it while he was with you. I hope he has it by now, and will feel that it is absolutely necessary for you to come to Uvalde. It seems most too good to be true, but I can’t help but half way believe that he will.
Walter, you said you are sorry you haven’t more to offer me in a material way. The fact that you are offering me your true love is what makes me happy. If you had worlds of money and offered it to me without love it wouldn’t appeal to me. I have never had wealth, but still, I am happy most of the time, so what more could a person ask than happiness? I am glad you haven’t lots of money because so many young men who have been reared in wealth lack the ambition to get out and try to amount to something. You have accomplished lots already, and are so ambitious that I admire you a great deal more than I would one who had worlds of money and no ambition. I am glad you are just like you are. In other words, I’m glad you’re you.
Did you celebrate Defense Day today? We made a brave attempt, but it was not a wonderful success on account of the frequent showers. We closed the office from ten A.M. until two P.M., but we worked most of that time since they were unable to have the parade etc.
By the way, I talked to Mr. Shirley the other day and he said he would like very much for me to be his deputy at least until my term is up with the Independent School District on the First of April. I was delighted, of course, and consented.
I appreciate your telling me to ask you anything I would like to know. If there is anything, I will ask you and I want you to feel perfectly free to do the same by me. I have confidence in you and feel that you are not trying to keep anything from me. If I should ask you questions, I have confidence enough in you to feel that you will tell me the truth.
It is getting late now, so goodnight and pleasant dreams.