Thursday AM May 22
My dear Sweetheart,
I have things ready for the little trip to Longview and neighboring towns. Shelmire is to call for me at one o’clock. We are going in his Ford. I cannot tell just how long we will be away but he works rather fast and we may be back before Sunday. It depends upon how easy it is to locate the typhus patients.

May 22, 1930
Everything is going very well. Last night I painted the floor of the front porch, a light gray. It was dry this morning.
Am yet working on the last section of the thesis msc. Also I expect to write a recap of the whole C.E. problem. It is gradually assuming final form. Have photographed drawings made by Claudelle and Jimmy but have not printed them. Also made plates of [illegible] due to pure cultures of two species.
Mr. Laake said that Mrs. Laake had a letter from you. Thanks.
Will take this to the post office this noon. Trust that I’ll have a letter from you before I leave.
I am pretty anxious to see our family. I know that Walter White is changing. From one meal to another I imagine that I can see changes in him. He is getting pretty heavy to handle. If I were you I would not handle him any more than necessary. He will tire you.
The neighbors went to Frost last Sunday. On account of mud they had to leave their car. He went for it yesterday. The high water down there makes my trip on sand flies out of the question. Guess they were washed away with floods. I doubt if I go down there.
I love you Honey and I am anxious to see you and Walter White.
P.S. Your letter received this noon. Please extend our congratulations to Bob & Thelma. Am glad that Thelma did so nicely.