Sunday PM. 11:00.
My dear Sweetheart,
I have just returned from the Corts. Place card enclosed herewith. The Scotts and the Springlers, Sarles and I were present. The lunch was very nice and informal. I wore my black suit and so did the other men except Scott. He wore a light grey. Chicken a la King on toast, hot biscuits, asparagus, mashed potatoes, some kind of a fritter, olives etc. Fresh strawberries with pineapple etc. for dessert. It was OK. Scott talks as much as ever. Cort said that Scott did not have the Egypt job closed but that it would come OK. They do not feel sure yet.

May 19, 1929
They have a Chevrolet sedan, mileage 10M. Everyone wished that you could have been there. Mrs. Springler was anxious to meet you. She has a position somewhat similar to the one you had. She did not find one until after Xmas. Springler gets his degree this spring and may take a job on swine parasites with Hall, location in Alabama. He is on Cushing’s type. She is quiet, refined and rather good looking.
I have not talked to anyone about the Alaska job. Think it better to keep quiet about it.
Tonight Cort told me that he was “very pleased” with my written examination. That I had a better grasp of helminthology than he had supposed. He also assured me that I would get the degree OK. The oral is a form and it is up to the candidate to make a good impression on the thesis and minors. This sounds good. I feel more certain of it now.
I took a box (2#) of candy to Mrs. Cort and the girls. They were very appreciative. Mrs. Scott’s Xmas cards were returned to her both times.
Am studying bacteriology, protozoology and ento for the oral. Root said in a joking way that he might quiz me on entomology too. I hope he does. I think I’d impress the committee more favorably.
With all my love, your
I have not mailed the Owenwood check. If you need some money draw on the account.
Monday AM.
Just received your letters of Tuesday, Wed & Friday, and I enjoyed them more than you think. I am glad that everything is going OK.
I am going downtown sometime today to look up the sailings for Alaska. Sounds funny, doesn’t it? I’d like to tell Cort but I am afraid that the news would reach persons whom we would not care to know of it. The thesis news seems to be rather general among the Sch. Hyg. folks.
I am sorry that Jimmie has trouble with his car & that he had 25 expense [?]. However it had the earmarks of such a car. Think he will get a lot of good out of it, anyway.
I want to talk to Bishopp about taking Jimmie to Alaska. It is advisable to see how he comes on the exam. It may be better to not interfere with his course work at SMU. Maybe next summer he can go with us.
With all my love, Dear,