Saturday PM.
My dear Sweetheart,
All this week I have thought that I would be able to return to Atlanta right-a-way, but the job of getting the work program cooperative statement for states and a thousand other things have prevented it. This noon I gave the information in typed form to Mr. Rohner and I hope that I can get away Monday PM. If so, I’ll be in Atlanta Tuesday noon. After a few days of organization work in Georgia and a conference with Bruce and Roberts I’ll have to return here. As a matter of fact, Mr. Rohner says that I’ll have a lot of travel between Washington and the field until things are going. The job is not easy but I’ll have a lot of experienced men to assist me this time. I have not been officially informed, but I learn that the job is to be set up on a pay with other division chiefs at $5200 or $5600, I do not know which pay. At present it is the same $4200.

March 21, 1936
Headquarters are to be at San Antonio Texas and I guess you will not mind that, except for our house and furniture at Savannah. Think you would want to stay at Savannah until after school closes when we should have an office set up at San Antonio.
Not many men to be used this year, but a variety in the program. More instruction necessary and more supervision & more responsibility. I am to have full charge but that means under Mr. Strong.
The telegram from Ethel shocked me and I hope Marshall is OK to. Did you get word to Frank? I am sure that they had a comfortable place in a neighbor’s home until they could get a place. Ethel & Marshall are known by all there and I am sure that they are well liked. It is a shame to suffer the loss, but I feel that Marshall had some insurance. Too, his bonus should help out some.
I have been stopping at the Hotel Cushing and in spite of their protests I think I can pay them OK. I drew $25 from our account since I left, asked Ethel to draw $100, will need about $30 for Cushings Monday. If our check went from Atlanta, deposit it. If not, there is plenty to take care of everything. I have not given the $100 to the New England for annuity yet and will wait until we can check up at Savannah.
Will ask R.A. to meet me at Savannah for a conference, after I get all of the state supervisors together at Atlanta. I plan to use him as my right hand man if agreeable to him.
Excuse me for running away after I got to Atlanta, but I think it is to our mutual advantage.
With lots & lots of love to the three of you.