Atlanta Thursday AM.
April 2, 1936
My dear Ina and Boys,
I am at the office early this morning. Mr. Strong was here for a call yesterday PM and he spent only about 20 minutes on the conference. He seemed pleased with the progress on the new set up. We have the District and Assistant District men lined up for the Southeastern states, and their districts outlined on maps. All of these are going to Washington by mail today so that they will be there when Mr. Strong gets back. He is not coming to Savannah on this trip.
Day before yesterday I spent a couple of hours with Mr. Yeomans & Mr. Gaddis. Yeomans was not worried over a job but thought that Mr. Strong might have something as he had sent word that he wanted to see him here. Mr. Strong told me that Yeomans was too good a man to let go of, and that if I did not want him on the Screw Worm set-up, that he had several places where he could use him. Told him that I thought Yeomans did not want to leave the state. Strong did not think he should be state supervisor or regional supervisor of the Southeastern states on account of lack of experience with screw worms. He thought Yeomans would make a good right hand man for me at San Antonio, Assistant Director. I asked what salary and he saw at least as much as the regional supervisors. These are considered at $3800. Strong thinks that R.A. should be regional director of the Southwest, just as I originally planned it. Strong said it was up to me and that he was not telling me to use Yeomans. I shall see Yeomans today & find out what other places the chief had in mind for him.
It is likely that I’ll get a call to Washington shortly after Mr. Strong gets there on Saturday. The coop statements should be returned by that time and ready for a conference or for sending out to the states. If I can come home, I’ll do so, but I cannot promise it. I have a return ticket. I have the salary check and I think it best for me to get it into Express Money orders. I’ll be on the go so much, and there will be inconveniences in getting checks cashed. In this way it will not be necessary for me to write checks on an account at Savannah.
Tell Walter White I appreciate the surprise that he and Mother had for me. Also, study hard and try to get into the next grade so he can keep up with the cow puncher kids in Texas.
With lots of love,