Tag Archives: illness

August 20, 1941

Wednesday P.M.
Aug. 20, 1941.

Dearest Sweetheart:

We were so happy to have your card today. Could you write more often? It had seemed such a long time since we had heard.

August 20, 1941

August 20, 1941

It was a great relief to know that Dr. Arman had been been chosen Chief. It probably would have been better if Mr. Hoyt could have been, but Dr. Arman most certainly is better than an outsider. Now that the chiefship is settled, perhaps the ball will begin rolling again. I’m anxious to know what your assignment will be. I know of only one person who qualifies perfectly for Dr. Arman’s former position. It would be nice if others with more authority than I would see it that way, and would act accordingly.

All the boys are fine. W.W. is spending the afternoon at Ina Marie’s. L.D. had his whooping cough shot Saturday. Dr. Fielder used the serum that we brought. Tommy is a little cross because he is cutting some upper teeth. It is the greatest relief to be free of the worry about polio. Have any new cases developed in Bay County?

No doubt you are having a nice, quiet time without your family. We hope you are eating and sleeping regularly, and are feeling well. We miss you lots.

Honey, will you please see that the front shades are kept down in the mornings so that the sun will not fade the furniture and rug? I am so sorry I forgot to give you the key before we left you. No doubt you have received it by now.

Regards to the people at the lab and their families.

I’m sorry that the control project is so slow in going though.

“Associate Chief” is a new position created in the bureau, is it not? That certainly places Mr. Hoyt next to the chief.

Lots of love & best wishes from your family.

Always, your

January 26, 1941

Stationery from the Plaza Hotel, San Antonio, TX; “Come to San Antonio – the Venice of Texas.”

Sunday Jan. 26

Dearest Ina and Walter and BOYS!

We were so glad to hear the news we hardly knew what to do. We had decided you had changed your minds about the whole thing. I know that weary waiting was terribly trying. Ina, you will stay in the hospital until it’s perfectly safe to go home, won’t you? And then take good care of yourself? It’s so important – to all of us as well as to you.

January 26, 1941

January 26, 1941

Even though a little girl might have been nice, another boy will be awfully nice – you have a third of a baseball team now, you know. And I’ll bet Lewis Dunbar and Walter White are glad. What on earth will you name him?

Mama and Papa seemed to be recovering nicely from the flu when we left Wednesday. Mama actually stayed in bed 8 days, but Papa was up and down – continued to take his children back and forth. Mama had no cough at all, but Papa did – that seems to go with flu often. Almost everyone in Uvalde has been sick.

B.M. had to fly back to Washington for almost a week, and just now he’s in Gulfport. He left Friday night and I’m expecting him before noon. We’ll probably leave today for Austin, be there tomorrow and then – probably – on to Gulfport. We’ll have to spend some time there, I don’t know how long. We are still hoping to see all of you, but I’ll try to write you more definitely as soon as we know. You know how that goes.

Just this minute had a wire from B.M. that he’s arriving at 2:40 this afternoon to resume the honeymoon.

We enjoyed so much our stay in Uvalde – everyone was lovely. We had a nice trip to the Valley. Dolph is such a cute child – I don’t see how Thelma can even pick him up, but she does. Ina Marie is so anxious for W.W. and L.D. to get back to Uvalde.

Mama has been so glad she didn’t go to your house and get sick; of course, she might not have gotten sick there.

Who does the baby look like? We’re as anxious to see him. And Ina honey, you will take care of yourself, won’t you? We love you so much.

Love and congratulations from both of us.


June 22, 1940

Sat. A.M. 9/22

My dear Ina,

The enclosed is from Polly & her mother has a malignant cancer which requires 2 more operations. Polly seems to have more than her share of trouble.

June 22, 1940

June 22, 1940

When she came thru Chicago last Sunday A.M. Mrs. Simonson and I met her at Clyde a sub station on the RR & carried her to the airport where we ate breakfast with her.

With love,


1430 E. Greenwood Ave.
Nashville – 6/20

Dear Dr. D. & Lillian –

Arrived still in one piece, and not frothing at the mouth. Altho’ I’d just as soon do my flyin’ low.

Mother is still battling; so are we all. She has 2 more trips to surgery, and Drs. say we must build up her strength as fast as possible for that. It has been definitely determined as malignant but – while they don’t offer too much encouragement, she does have a chance. Only time can tell.

I just don’t know when I’ll be back thru, altho possibly sometime next week. I’d like to stay for next phase of operation if possible as perhaps a little more can be known then.

Her expenses are terrific, so I’m doing hospital duty during days to eliminate nurses’ services – and we’re holding all offers in abeyance until I have to go. After then except few days after surgery, p’raps she won’t have to have anyone full time.

They tell us it means 6-8 weeks in hospital at best, and after that, we’ll just have to wait for developments. They’re not too optimistic about her returning to her usual active life – but – they (medical profession) do not always know.

Let me hear if you have opportunity. You’ll be advised when I come thru you may be assured.

Thanks for everything, and best to all.


December 14, 1939

Thursday Night – 12/14

My dear Sweetheart,

Yours of yesterday morning was received a few minutes ago and I telephoned Claudelle. We are so sorry that Lewis Dunbar has chicken pox and you are correct in keeping him at home. He should not get outside in the cold as it might develop into pneumonia. If he stays in he should have no difficulty.

The following are the best addresses I can furnish and I think they will be OK.

December 14, 1939

December 14, 1939

Skipping the names and addresses of friends to receive Christmas cards…

Had a talk with Dr. Annand & later with Mr. Rohner today on my transfer, both of which were quite favorable. Dr. Parker is expected here tomorrow & after a conference on grasshopper research I’ll be ready to go to Orlando & other Fla. stations. I’ll not have time to go to Texas stations until after Xmas, & will return from them to Denver on Jan. 11 & 12th. I am planning to come home about the 24th and will send an arrival letter or a Tourate telegram.

I’ll mail the check to Mother Dove.

I love all three of you lots and lots,


Claudelle has written to you that she is going to Uvalde first but I don’t know when.

October 24, 1938 (Elvira White)

Ina and the boys, and their longtime maid/nanny Madie Johnson, made it to Minneapolis just fine in June. The family settled into their new apartment on Fremont Ave. and the boys presumably attended the nearby elementary school. In October, however, Madie became ill with tuberculosis. Walter and Ina notified her family, as in those days the prognosis for this condition was grim.

Uvalde Tex.
Oct. 24 – 1938

Mrs. Dove,

Dear one, just a few lines to let you know that we got the news about our little sister Meda, and we are very sad, just don’t know what to do. But we know you are doing your best for her. That is the way we feel about it. O, we are praying for her to get well. Meda loves you and your little Boys. Please do your best for her that we may see her alive. May God bless you, and my sweet little sister. Please let us hear from you soon and just how she is getting along.

Meda’s sister
Elvira White
267 N. Grove St.
Uvalde Tex.

October 24, 1938 (Elvira White)

October 24, 1938 (Elvira White)

March 11, 1936 (Ina)

Wednesday A.M.
March 11, 1936.

Is your overcoat heavy enough?

Dearest Sweetheart:

Congratulations and more congratulations! Quite a come-back you’ve made. I’m anxious to know the particulars. I telephoned John and he was elated; so much so, in fact, that he said he was going to wire the news to Frank immediately in a personal telegram. When I questioned the wisdom of it he said he was sure there would be no harm in a personal telegram. He knew R.A. and Frank would be very much interested he said. Of course I’m wondering where your headquarters will be etc. etc.

March 11, 1936 (Ina)

March 11, 1936 (Ina)

Yesterday afternoon Sara and two other ladies were here. She said Dr. Atchley failed his physical examination in the same way that he had done previously. I think the doctor took him through the book. However, he did have the kindness to write a nice letter in which he said he thought this handicap would not interfere with Dr. Atchley’s being able to do his work well. However, I think Dr. A. has given up hope. I’m sorry.

Monday afternoon I carried Walter White to Dr. Lang. He examined his ears and said the tubes were stopped up. As a result of his cold his adenoids are swollen, obstructing the tubes so that he is hard of hearing. He prescribed some nose drops and said they should correct the condition in a few days. He said a great many people were having the same trouble this winter. I see no improvement yet but I’m sure there will be soon. He is the first doctor who has said W.W.’s tonsils and adenoids should be removed. He says it should be done this summer as they are bad. I think you and I agree with each other on such operations though. W.W. is feeling fine, is in school and is so full of pep that a rainy day like yesterday is just too bad. I’m thankful for today’s sunshine so he can play outside.

I think Lewis Dunbar has a little fever today but is at least 50% better than he was yesterday. He wouldn’t sleep anywhere then except on my lap.

Laura came this A.M. but was almost too weak to walk so she went with me after Mazie [?]. Laura thinks she will be able to work again by Sunday.

Please give my love to the Cushings and the Halls.

Lots of love to you.

Always, your

P.S. About half of this letter sounds like a recitation of grief. I don’t mean it that way. I just thought you would be interested. Love, Ina.

May 23, 1932 (from Mrs. Geary)

I think Lucile Geary was Anna Laake’s sister.

Dallas, Texas
May 23, 1932

Dear Mrs. Dove,

Your letter came this A.M. and thanks for remembering me & I did not write before now because I knew that you would understand and did not expect it, however I did make several attempts to write to you while at the sanitarium. I wanted so much to thank you for the beautiful flowers, which she really did see during one of her few conscious moments, but it was impossible for me to do anything but just sit there and see her suffer, which was almost more than I could stand. That is the only thing that helps to give her up was the thought that she was through suffering.

May 23, 1932 (from Mrs. Geary)

May 23, 1932 (from Mrs. Geary)

Ernest was wonderful in every way; he spared nothing for her comfort & had everything in his power done for Anna, besides he never left her only when necessary. He stayed when I thought he would drop, you know he isn’t well. The same trouble seems to be giving him more pain & he lost 10 lbs.

Mrs. Dove, this letter seems to have no connection but I know you will over look it because I’m heartbroken & I know I will miss her more every day.

Ernest said that he had had several sweet letters from you & Mr. Dove & the flowers you sent for the funeral also some that were delivered afterward were all a consolation coming from you who loved her & share our grief & loss. Anna loved you dearly I have heard her say so many times. I wish that I could see the baby. Thanks again & love

Lucile Geary.