Wednesday Night
My dear Sweetheart,
The time for the written is getting close and I’ll be glad when it is over. I am anxious to get through and leave here. The review conferences add to the length of the day and it makes a long one. This PM the other candidates drove out to the bay to go in swimming. I excused myself and made the call to the Gas Co. office. Did not shake hands with all of them, but made my little spiel to Miss McCann and left a 3# box of chocolates (Martha Wash.) She was pleased etc. and when you come up with me she wants us to come to her home. They will write you of my call etc.

May 15, 1929
Had supper downtown and to break the Baltimore monotony I went to a movie-talkie (Mother’s Boy). It was very good. Did some window shopping and then came to my room.
This morning it really looked as though the sun would shine. It came out like a real sun. Wore the heavy black suit. We had a good shower of rain.
On account of the exam Friday, I’ll probably wait until Friday night before writing again. You should get it Monday. I expect to leave here next Tuesday night just after the oral exam. Can’t tell how long it will take in Wash. but you can bet that I’ll get through as quickly as possible. I’ll try and get through over there on the following Friday or Saturday. I have an idea that I won’t care to make any stops on the return trip. I am getting anxious to see my Sweetheart. It seems like ages since I left you.
With all my love,
Thurs. noon.
Bish phoned this AM. Says the Territory of Alaska has ten thousand for the study of bots in reindeer. He says that I am the best man in sight & he wants me to think it over. Headquarters would be in Nome. The work would consist of this summer & next, should start in June. Will see him at Helm. Soc. Sat. night. Will go over Sat. AM & talk about it. Don’t mention it to anyone except Claudelle. Write me in Wash. and tell me what you think. Hadwen the Canadian parasitologist was up there for about two summers, but evidently he did not give them what they wanted. Would you like to go up there for about three months this summer and next? Don’t know whether we would sail from Frisco or from a point in Oregon. The reindeer are tame and the bots affect them like our cattle grubs do in the U.S. I have an idea the same control methods would be OK. It should be an interesting and profitable trip. They should pay more money than I am now getting, and be liberal for expenses etc. It should help for an increase in the Bureau. It appeals to me.