Tuesday Night.
Sept. 29, 1931.
Dearest Sweetheart:
Your good letter of Friday night was greatly enjoyed. We were amused at your account of the wedding. I read that part of the letter to the family and they laughed. It was nice that you and the Halls could attend. I’m glad you let them have the furniture. I do not know how much it is worth. Don’t you think it would be advisable to find out from Mr. Firetag what we paid for the bed and mattress & table, then use your own judgement about the worth of them now? They have not had hard usage, but of course they are second hand.

September 29, 1931
I am sure our room looks much better since W.W.’s bed has been moved. Thank you. He should be more comfortable in his own room too. He is getting large enough to want a little privacy now.
Last night Mama, Walter White and I went out to see Mrs. Jackson & family (Lois, Edith etc.) We stayed until nine and he seemed to enjoy every minute of it except when the parrot screamed at him. Mrs. Jackson showed us her pictures and souvenirs from her Gold Star Mothers’ trip to France. They were interesting. I recognized some of the places as names you had mentioned.
Thelma had the last of her teeth extracted today. It was very painful this time as the anesthetic failed to affect the gums around two of the teeth. Mama spent the afternoon at Thelma’s and said she was suffering agonies for hours after she returned home. We are hoping she can rest tonight.
The depression is on. That is practically all people here talk about. I am wondering if it has just now reached this part of the country. Banks in different towns in this part of the state are failing. Yesterday one of the largest banks in San Antonio closed. I’m beginning to feel that money isn’t safe anywhere. Honey, the Citizens & Southern is a chain bank. Do you suppose there is any danger of its suddenly going broke? We are saving money for Owenwood in November and it would mean a lot to us if we were to lose our account in the bank. I would even hesitate to deposit a salary check. Of course I realize that a spirit of that kind is what causes banks to fail. At any rate, we are not going to invest a thousand or more dollars in a car any time soon, are we? It seems that automobiles have been reduced less than most things so far, so there must be a drop in them coming soon. We surely do not want to be paying on too many things right now, do we? So many people are having to let things go back as they are unable to complete the payments.
No doubt you and Mr. Hall will be starting on your Florida trip soon. I hope it will be a very pleasant and successful one. I can hardly wait to hear about the possibilities at Tampa.
Please remember me to the lab force, and to other friends.
I love you lots & lots, Honey – I’d love so much to be with you tonight.
The family sends love.
Always, your
P.S. Today Claudelle wrote us to send her shorthand book. She wants to practice as there is a stenographer’s civil service exam to be given in October. That is lovely, isn’t it?