Tuesday Morning.
Dear Honey Bird,
Yesterday I sent the little swing for Buddy. Today I am posting the Xmas cards. The latter came this morning. Also, I am forwarding a letter from Baltimore and am enclosing one from AK.

December 2-3, 1930
Yesterday morning I had breakfast with Mrs. Laake. As yet I have not had a chance to take her to dinner. She was invited out yesterday and again today.
Got a supply of mites from Oak Cliff Sunday PM and another lot yesterday PM. Am getting some to feed on the pig sick with typhus. Shelmire will be out this afternoon.
Am expecting news of your trip to Uvalde. I thought of you the whole trip, except when I was asleep, and I hope that you made it OK. Perhaps I’ll get a letter today.
With love,
Tuesday, Dec. 3, 1930 [sic]
My dear Sweetheart,
Your first letter and also one from Claudelle were received just as I posted a letter to you. A second letter was received from you today. Thanks! I am mighty glad to know that our son is getting along OK. Shelmire says that he wants his son to be a good quarter back on the team and that he should not be as large as Walter White. He thinks Walter White should be large enough to play “center.”
Have been feeding mites until it is getting old. Have been using a non infected strain on an infected guinea pig. When these are 7 to 10 days older I’ll feed them on a “clean” pig. Some are to be used for other inoculations and fixations. We, also, have another strain of mites brought in from Henderson by Mr. Somier. We will try to feed them on a clean pig.
This A.M. Dr. Bedford phoned that he had a patient from near Fort Stockton. Bruce and I went down to see him. He was a sheep man. He had a large number of sores which resemble Delhi Boils or Baghdad sores. I don’t know what they are. This man’s brother-in-law will be in tomorrow. We expect to try and find some trypanosomes. I don’t care to go out to Fort Stockton to study the origin. There are about 12 persons affected in this manner. It looks like we are getting our share of the human side of entomology. Bruce is trying to learn something on the reservoir of relapsing fever, which originates from tick bites in caves.
I appreciate Mother Lewis’ thinking of me when she made a chicken pie Sunday.
Am trying to locate your pin. I am quite sure that it did not drop when you gave me your watch.
With all my love to W.W. & yourself, and the folks.