December 11, 1930

Dec. 11, 1930 5 PM.

My dear Sweetheart,

Your letter came last night. I hope you received my check in the next letter. I neglected to enclose it. Had a letter from Mother today. She thought it was nice that W.W. and you could come and visit at Uvalde while I am here.

December 11, 1930

December 11, 1930

Night before last I took Mrs. Laake to dinner and to a movie. She had me eat breakfast with her yesterday morning.

Mr. Wells is leaving tomorrow morning for grub work in Colorado. Dr. Stochick went out there several days ago.

Dr. Bedford just returned from Paris this PM. He gave a talk on endemic typhus last night.

Am sorry that I did not include the spring with W.W.’s swing. Guess I overlooked it in packing.

The pigs are not all normal but the symptoms are not yet exciting. I hope they will hurry up and get sick because I want to see my family. Love and lots of it,
