As you can see, the letters are really thinning out now. I’m just picking the remaining items that I think will be of interest to whoever is still reading this blog. This letter from the Science Service talks about a radio interview that they wanted to tape with Walter. A follow-up letter indicates they actually did this, for the “Adventures in Science” radio series. I don’t know what became of the tapes after the show aired.
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July 16, 1956
After inheriting the Dove family farm in Mississippi, Walter and his sister started managing it. This letter marks the beginning of tree harvesting on the place. Walter’s three sons eventually turned the entire property – just over 700 acres – into a sustainable tree farm for lumber and pulp. It still operates that way today.
February 28, 1955
August 7, 1953
Bemis, Tenn. 8-7-53
Mr. W.E. Dove
Gambrills Md.
Your letter received and I don’t like misinterpreted words. First you try to make it sound like I thought Senie had lied to me. Read the letter again & see if that is right. I stated if you Affirm your statement is right, under same token you would [illegible] admit Senie was wrong [illegible] you and your mother don’t have same wording now who is right? As you know you should have sent me a copy of the will when it was written and by who witnessed and by who acknowledgement by who. Walter I’m not mad or threatening you as you know the Dove farm was under a heavy mortgage when Senie Bond married. She told me so and she is the one who cleared the debt as it stands it was a gift and you & Ethel are no more rights of Justice to all of it than I am, since you and Ethel have through some source took my part. I am now quoting[?] Revah Dec. 1946 said to me while we were on the front porch [illegible] you don’t know Walter & Ethel if Mama was to die they would take every thing here if they can and leave you and me out of the picture and neither of them don’t need [illegible] of it they never stayed here to try to work on it. So this end of quotation of Revah. I’m perfectly willing to meet you Revah Senie & Ethel at the Judgement Bar of God to answer why. Please read the Scripture citations here with enclosed.
I’m not going to transcribe the enclosure. Here’s a scan.
July 20, 1953
This letter and the next one from J.D. Stampley are written in a shaky hand with frequent misspellings, so they’re hard to read. I’m transcribing what I can make out, correcting spelling but not grammar. This appears to be the start of a rather unpleasant disagreement in the family.
Bemis Tenn.
July 20, 1953
Dear Walter
Many thanks to you & Ethel for 25.00 check. Ethel & Marshal were here yesterday a few minutes. She brought me a table cloth, said it was her Mama’s. I do appreciate it so much.
Now, about the will to me it don’t make sense you stated I wasn’t mentioned. Your mother said I was. She has also told Enola & Mary & Ida that I was mentioned in the will in 1946. She told me I would share alike as you & Revah & Ethel. Now if you affirm your statement is right by same token you confess your Mother’s statements were wrong, then that leaves your Deceased Mother under the curse of Lying. Bible says all liars will have their part in the lake of Fire. I can’t believe she lied, & about 3 months ago Senie wrote Ida & said she didn’t want me to suffer & if [illegible] thing for her to get it & send her the bill. In 1939 she got on me about church work & I told her I had no way of getting there. She remarked if she bought me a car she would change her papers & show the cost. I thought it too much trouble so we didn’t get the car. Senie has always proved she loved me, and I can’t somehow believe she has thrown me away like you said.
May I have your reply as to what you desire to do.
Thanking you for your reply.
Love to all
J.D. Stampley
P.O. Box 792 Bemis, Tenn.
Circa 1950
These two photos have no information attached. I believe the man on the left in the first photo is Merritt Sarles, one of Walter’s graduate school classmates at Hopkins and later a co-worker at US Industrial Chemicals. Walter is on the right. The second photo shows Walter standing in front of the USI lab.
It is difficult to find photos of Walter without a cigar.
February 27, 1948
This is just one of many odd pieces of domestic paperwork that happened to find their way into the archive, but I’m posting the ones I find especially interesting or poignant. Walter was a tall man, and here we see that Ina has decided to splurge on something special for him: an extra-long boxspring and mattress for their bed. He’d probably slept on beds that were too short his whole life. Hecht Brothers was a high-end department store, the Baltimore equivalent of Macy’s.
$62 in 1948 equals $600 in today’s money, but Hecht’s is extinct, and ordinary department store employees who dictate lengthy letters to customers are no longer available.
April 22, 1947
Stationery from the Roger Smith Hotel, Stamford, CT, “A Charming, Modern, & Fireproof Hotel.”
Tues. Night – 4/22
My dear Ina,
The speech went over OK & I feel alright about it. About 250 present. Dr. Zink and other USI people were present. Think it will get some publicity on radio & newspapers.
Will be here until Wed. noon & will go to Rye & then home as soon as I can.
Spent AM to good advantage with Stoddard & office folks.
Hope fires are OK and that chickens and Lewis and Tommie are OK.
This pen is terrible.
November 5, 1946
Stationery from the Hotel Urmey, Miami, FL.
Tuesday PM.
My dear Ina & Boys,
This is the second day of the meetings here and my paper comes just before noon tomorrow. The title evidently sounds interesting because I had an AP man to look me up tonight. I am not sure that he will give a good write up because I work for a commercial firm. He did get a pretty complete story and I am to phone him at ten tonight to see if he has any other questions. There are no papers by Bureau men, but I note that FCB, Travis and Doernier are here. I expect some remark from FC for giving the paper here instead of the entomological meetings. Think I’ll tell him that there is a lot to the story and that I think we will pass it around to all the meetings where papers of this kind are in order.
I am stopping at a residence near one of my customers. I spent this forenoon with him, also a while yesterday. He typed my speech for me and he did a very good job. Had a draft typed at New Orleans. I think it is now in pretty good shape. I hope I can make them understand me tomorrow. There is no address system. Now something about where I have been and where I am going from here. I am not satisfied with my arrangements for tests and I think I’ll stop at Ford Lauderdale to see Mr. Morton. I saw him in New Orleans but it was not very satisfactory. I want to get some tests on animals for horse flies. I plan to go to Orlando briefly and see Dr. Miller who works independently there. I want to see a state entomologist at Lake Alfred which is near Orlando, but I may have to go to Gainesville to see him. Think I should go to Gainesville anyway, then to Savannah. Simmons & 3 of his men are here & they had some good papers.
At New Orleans I had a room at the Roosevelt. Dr. Zink left a note for me and he came with Mrs. Zink the next day. They used his brother’s apartment and he made my room his headquarters during the meetings. She is very nice and I am sure that you will like her. They want you and me to eat dinner with them before long & let Tommy play with their little girl. The day after the N.O. meetings they insisted on taking me to Roxie, but I told him that if he had that much time I’d rather take him to see the regional laboratory at New Orleans & then to Gulfport. So we saw Fred Smith & the regional lab, then Mr. Padgets equipment at Gulfport, and then the termite lab at Gulfport.
They put me on a bus at Gulfport on Thursday noon and I arrived at Roxie Thursday night about 6:30. Marshall got there about 15 minutes ahead of me. Ethel and the two younger boys were with him. Marshall & the boys hunted squirrels part of Friday & caught fish in La. on Saturday. Dunbar finished the church painting on Friday & on Sat. AM he went with Revah to Roxie. Ethel & Mama went with me to Hamburg & the Williams Cemetery on Friday PM. Sat. PM Revah and I walked over the back part of th eplace, also a small tract of land that adjoins the place, about 80 acres that you and I are interested in. Some of it is pasture and some in woods. The location is very good and I hope we get it OK.
At New Orleans I had my pictures in 2 papers. Dr. Zink sent them to N.Y. I gave one to Mother Dove so I do not have any extra copies. You know what I look like anyway (no wisecracks from Walter White and Lewis). One PM at N.O. Dr. Zink and I went to the USI plant and it is a beautiful one. They make alcohols and dry ice from molasses and I found it extremely interesting. The manager & his wife ate dinner with the Zinks and me at Antoine’s. We also had other guests for USI and D&O. A real French dinner of the best they had to offer.
This letter gives some account of my activities, and if you want to reach me during the next few days please try the Hotel Fort Gatlin at Orlando.
With love,