Walter apparently applied for work with the World Health Organization. At this point, the WHO was five years into the doomed Global Malaria Eradication Programme. The program relied primarily on DDT, a compound on which Walter was probably the world’s foremost expert at that time. It seems the WHO wasn’t interested in what he might have to say about it.
Tag Archives: insecticide
June 14, 1957
As you can see, the letters are really thinning out now. I’m just picking the remaining items that I think will be of interest to whoever is still reading this blog. This letter from the Science Service talks about a radio interview that they wanted to tape with Walter. A follow-up letter indicates they actually did this, for the “Adventures in Science” radio series. I don’t know what became of the tapes after the show aired.
April 22, 1947
Stationery from the Roger Smith Hotel, Stamford, CT, “A Charming, Modern, & Fireproof Hotel.”
Tues. Night – 4/22
My dear Ina,
The speech went over OK & I feel alright about it. About 250 present. Dr. Zink and other USI people were present. Think it will get some publicity on radio & newspapers.
Will be here until Wed. noon & will go to Rye & then home as soon as I can.
Spent AM to good advantage with Stoddard & office folks.
Hope fires are OK and that chickens and Lewis and Tommie are OK.
This pen is terrible.
November 5, 1946
Stationery from the Hotel Urmey, Miami, FL.
Tuesday PM.
My dear Ina & Boys,
This is the second day of the meetings here and my paper comes just before noon tomorrow. The title evidently sounds interesting because I had an AP man to look me up tonight. I am not sure that he will give a good write up because I work for a commercial firm. He did get a pretty complete story and I am to phone him at ten tonight to see if he has any other questions. There are no papers by Bureau men, but I note that FCB, Travis and Doernier are here. I expect some remark from FC for giving the paper here instead of the entomological meetings. Think I’ll tell him that there is a lot to the story and that I think we will pass it around to all the meetings where papers of this kind are in order.
I am stopping at a residence near one of my customers. I spent this forenoon with him, also a while yesterday. He typed my speech for me and he did a very good job. Had a draft typed at New Orleans. I think it is now in pretty good shape. I hope I can make them understand me tomorrow. There is no address system. Now something about where I have been and where I am going from here. I am not satisfied with my arrangements for tests and I think I’ll stop at Ford Lauderdale to see Mr. Morton. I saw him in New Orleans but it was not very satisfactory. I want to get some tests on animals for horse flies. I plan to go to Orlando briefly and see Dr. Miller who works independently there. I want to see a state entomologist at Lake Alfred which is near Orlando, but I may have to go to Gainesville to see him. Think I should go to Gainesville anyway, then to Savannah. Simmons & 3 of his men are here & they had some good papers.
At New Orleans I had a room at the Roosevelt. Dr. Zink left a note for me and he came with Mrs. Zink the next day. They used his brother’s apartment and he made my room his headquarters during the meetings. She is very nice and I am sure that you will like her. They want you and me to eat dinner with them before long & let Tommy play with their little girl. The day after the N.O. meetings they insisted on taking me to Roxie, but I told him that if he had that much time I’d rather take him to see the regional laboratory at New Orleans & then to Gulfport. So we saw Fred Smith & the regional lab, then Mr. Padgets equipment at Gulfport, and then the termite lab at Gulfport.
They put me on a bus at Gulfport on Thursday noon and I arrived at Roxie Thursday night about 6:30. Marshall got there about 15 minutes ahead of me. Ethel and the two younger boys were with him. Marshall & the boys hunted squirrels part of Friday & caught fish in La. on Saturday. Dunbar finished the church painting on Friday & on Sat. AM he went with Revah to Roxie. Ethel & Mama went with me to Hamburg & the Williams Cemetery on Friday PM. Sat. PM Revah and I walked over the back part of th eplace, also a small tract of land that adjoins the place, about 80 acres that you and I are interested in. Some of it is pasture and some in woods. The location is very good and I hope we get it OK.
At New Orleans I had my pictures in 2 papers. Dr. Zink sent them to N.Y. I gave one to Mother Dove so I do not have any extra copies. You know what I look like anyway (no wisecracks from Walter White and Lewis). One PM at N.O. Dr. Zink and I went to the USI plant and it is a beautiful one. They make alcohols and dry ice from molasses and I found it extremely interesting. The manager & his wife ate dinner with the Zinks and me at Antoine’s. We also had other guests for USI and D&O. A real French dinner of the best they had to offer.
This letter gives some account of my activities, and if you want to reach me during the next few days please try the Hotel Fort Gatlin at Orlando.
With love,
March 11, 1946
Letterhead from the Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, Washington, D.C.
11 Mar 1946
Dr. W. E. Dove, In Charge
Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals
Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine
U.S. Department of Agriculture
Washington 25, D.C.
Dear Dr. Dove:
Forced by enemy action to prosecute military campaigns in tropical areas of such high endemicity as to seemingly preclude chances of success, the Navy, by the adoption of new methods and techniques in the control of insect-borne diseases, was able, not only to bring these campaigns to a successful conclusion, but with a degree of freedom from disease formerly thought impossible.
The Bureau of Medicine and Surgery, Navy Department, recognizes the outstanding contribution by the Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, U.S. Department of Agriculture, to the successful prosecution of these campaigns. By the immediate recognition of the great military potentialities of DDT, insect repellents, miticides and mite repellents, evolving methods and equipment for their application, and by the coordination and execution of a series of brilliant researches converting these chemicals to maximal efficiency for military use, the personnel attached to the Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals has rendered a fundamental and outstanding contribution which has changed the entire methodology for the control of insect-borne diseases. In spite of the terrific pressure of research and development, the Orlando group of the Division, with the assistance of its Division administrative heads, conducted a continuing school of instruction for military personnel. By this instruction, key Naval personnel were enabled to keep informed of the latest developments and trends in research and to coordinate research with field application.
In view of this significant contribution to the war effort, I take this opportunity to express my personal gratitude and to commend the Division of Insects Affecting Man and Animals, Bureau of Entomology and Plant Quarantine, and you, In Charge of that Division, for exceptionally meritorious service rendered to Naval forces throughout the world.
Sincerely yours,
Ross T. McIntire
Vice Admiral (MC)
Surgeon General, U.S. Navy
February 12, 1945
Office of Chief Surgeon, ETO
APO 887, c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.
Feb. 12, 1945.
Dear Walter:
Things are rapidly reaching the stage over here where it seems doubtful if it is absolutely necessary for me to remain in the theater. I feel that to continue on over here much longer will be a waste of my time and I hate for this to happen when I could do so much more work in the Bureau or in some other theater in the Army. We have just about passed the critical season for typhus which is the most important entomological problem likely to be encountered on the continent. Major Bunn and Capt. Barrett are both available to take care of any other minor problem that might come up. Supplies of insecticides for the troops over here appear to be well in hand, and the Q.M. has been fully advised as to requirements. I should appreciate your indirectly mentioning these things to Simmons, if you have the opportunity, without saying I had written. I would not particularly relish the idea of going to another theater unless it was absolutely necessary or I could contribute something very definite to its present program.
Now as to my returning to the Bureau at some future date, say after July 1, 1945, it seems to me that the work of the Division has now increased to the point where it would be advantageous for both of us to be in the Washington office dividing the various phases of it, or some similar arrangement satisfactory to both of us. I should like to have any ideas you have along this line. I’m sure we will not have any difficulty in getting together on something when the time comes for me to return.
Deniza told me about all of you having scarlet fever. That was really tough and I hope you and the family are all recovered by now.
About the supply of live D. variabilis – our experiments which appeared promising at first did not prove out so it is likely now that we shall not need the specimens.
As a last thought, I wouldn’t mind staying in the Army in Washington for awhile.
Remember me to Ina and the boys and the folks there in the office.
January 20, 1945
Army V-Mail.
Major R.A. Roberts
Med Sec, HQ Fifth Army
APO 464 New York, N.Y.
January 20, 1945
In Italy
Dr Doctor and Mrs. Dove:
How nice of you to remember me with a box of real chocolates for Christmas. I assure you we rarely see anything like this over here and nothing coudl be appreciated more. I think so often of both of you and of the boys. Quarterman writes that he has seen you and that the boys are almost grown up – at least most of them.
I see Dr. Dove’s name often on reports from Washington and you will be interested to know that I adapt my field work to many of the recommendations made. I am having many interesting experiences with DDT and I hope some of my results come to your attention. I am busy all year and no sooner than one program is finished, I am ready to start another. The Orlando Station has done a fine job and I expect to hear good reports from the new station at Savannah.
My best regards to all,
R.A. Roberts
Dec. 26, 1944
Army V-Mail.
Lt. Col. Emory C. Cushing
Office Chief Surgeon
APO 887 c/o Postmaster
New York N.Y.
Dec. 26, 1944
Dear Walter:
Many thanks for the box of delicious candy you remembered me with on Xmas. We don’t get much of that kind over here and it will be a big help in keeping up the calories during the cold days.
How is the Division faring these days? It seems like a lot of organizations want to get on the DDT band wagon and I am concerned about what might happen to the Division’s work during the post-war period with so many chiselers at large. What about the entomologist the SGO wants on its insect committee? For heaven’s sake help them to get someone that’s got his feet on the ground and with lots of common sense. They have needed one for a long time. While I may not be able to furnish the above qualifications, I would certainly like to have that job. Could you put in a plug for me?
Give my love to Ina and the boys. I hope you all had a Merry Xmas and that the prospects for the New Year come to full fruition.
June 4, 1944
Navy V-Mail letter.
Lt. B.V. Travis H-V(S) USNR
NMRU#2 Navy 145
c/o Fleet P.M. San Francisco Calif.
Dear Dr. Dove and staff:
Your letter of May 24 was received June 3 through Comm. Sapeno. Pretty good speed! I was very glad to know of the recommendations as we will have some work under way here in which the altered formulae will fit nicely. I was very glad to see the tests on creams are to be on a large scale. I was however sorry to see the recommended supplement adopted. The material is not too good against the species here and the odor would not be approved in this area at least in forward positions. I’m sorry tests were not available at the time of the conference. A few were made at a location several days’ journey from here shortly after the meetings. A report will be coming through covering these tests and also giving some suggestions for the Orlando group.
Conditions are so much different here than we had them pictured that some of the methods of attack could well be altered at Orlando. This is proving to be a very excellent trip as an educational trip and I hope to be in a position to aid the Bureau. Everyone is well and looking forward to the new work which is just getting under way.
May 26, 1944
This is a piece of “V-Mail,” which the US military used during WWII. Troops would write their letters on the forms, which were then checked by censors before being copied to film to reduce the weight for air transport. The military would print the film once it arrived in the US, producing miniaturized copies of the original letters.
From Lt. R.C. Bushland
3rd Med Lab
APO 503 San Francisco
May 26, 1944
Dear Doctor Dove:
Thanks a lot for your letter and Dr. Roarke’s publication which just arrived. Was happy to hear from you. Although I wear a soldier suit, it’s a Bureau man that’s inside the uniform and news from you folks is always eagerly received.
Have finished my lab work and have put on one small demonstration. Am impatiently waiting for the chance to go ahead on a bigger scale. I still have “itchy feet.” The repellents arrived but there are no mosquitoes to test them against. That’s another reason for my desire to travel.
Lt. Col. Philips arrived last month but moved around for three weeks after that, and has just now settled down here. He’s a very pleasant man to work with, it seems from the little I’ve been around him.
Best wishes to all and thanks for the materials.