February 12, 1942

Bellevue Hotel Feb. 12, 1914 (sic)

My dear Sweetheart,

By the time this reaches you it will be Valentine’s Day and I’ll have to get the candy when I come home, because I did not get it today. For the past 3 days I have had some luck in getting material. Two lots have been sent to Mr. Bushand at Orlando so that he can breed up a supply for tests. I have some other material tonight and if I get some more tomorrow I’ll send it down by Air Express tomorrow night. It arrives there about noon of the following day. For the tests I am getting some material now but it is not enough. It looks like we will have to rear it and ship it here for the fumigation tests.

February 12, 1942

February 12, 1942

I saw BM this AM and I talked to Claudelle tonight. Will try to see her in a day or so. On my return I think I’ll come to DC first and then drive to Orlando. Just how soon I cannot tell, but as soon as I can.

With love,

You did just right about WW foot operation.