Saturday Night.
Sept. 26, 1925.
My dear Sweetheart:
‘Tis 11:08 P.M. and I wonder what you are doing – slumbering sweetly though I suppose. I am rather late tonight due to the fact that we have company. This afternoon a Mississippi cousin of ours and his wife arrived – coming by to say “Hello-o” before returning to Mississippi. They left home the first of August and drove to California and other states out West. They have seen some wonderful scenery, they say, but have agreed that the old home state will be beautiful to them. It is true that often people have to get away from home for a while in order to properly appreciate it. They expect to leave here Monday morning I think. We have been enjoying them this afternoon – finding out where people we knew back home have gone and what they are doing etc. It is almost equal to a visit there.
September 26, 1925 (Ina)
No, Sweetheart, Claudelle was not trying to tease at all about your calling Mama “Mother Lewis.” I’m sure nothing of the kind entered her mind when she wrote it, and, had I had the slighest idea you were going to take it that way, I wouldn’t have sent you the letter. I’m sorry. It was really just this way: Thelma, Claudelle and I have always said “Mama & Papa,” but, as Lucile and Claudelle’s other intimate friends happen to call theirs “Mother,” she decided she would do likewise as she was going away and ‘twould be easier than if she were here with us. ‘Tis only a whim of hers and didn’t have the slightest reference to or connection with what you said. I told Mama how you took it and she was surprised and sorry too. She said she thought the “Mother Lewis” was nice – she liked it.
In one of C’s letters to me she closed it by saying “I love you and Mr. Dove and everybody.”
I am puzzled over Mr. Bishopp’s writing and not saying anything about your staying in Florida. He evidently hadn’t the information yet from Dr. Hunter. Don’t you wish they were as anxious to let you know as you are to know? It is inconvenient for you I’m sure, as you don’t know what to plan about your work. Surely you will hear soon.
I love you, Sweetheart, and if I could be sitting out in the swing in this beautiful moonlight with you, I believe I would try mighty hard to tell you how much. I’d give ‘most anything to be with you right now.