Tag Archives: scabies

May 29, 1943

Stamped “Restricted.”

Gen’l Medical Laboratory
APO 519 c/o Postmaster
New York, New York
May 29, 1943

Dear Walter:

May thanks for your letter of March 12 and the information contained in the enclosures. The report on the results of tests on scabies is very interesting and I have discussed it with the Dermatologist who is in charge of that disease in our forces. I am interested to learn whether the benzyl benzoate, alcohol, SAT formula would be effective against motile lice and louse eggs on the body. Have any tests along this line been done? I notice in Circular Letter No. 33 Office Surgeon General, Feb. 2, 1943 “Treatment and control of certain tropical diseases,” a formula for delousing the bodies of infested personnel. Would this be one that was developed at Orlando? The possibilities of the impregnated clothing especially with the new insecticide seems like the answer to a prayer, and appears not to be outside the limits of practicability for the protection of all troops. I should very much like to test it on a large scale with troops but this appears to be out of the question here as the incidence of infestation is almost nil. For some time, I have been urging that I or some one else be sent to areas where problems are more acute and where practical tests could be run with new recently developed materials under a variety of conditions. So far, it hasn’t apparently been deemed fit to release me for work of that kind, but to keep me here for odd bits of consultant service in my line of work and more or less to be on hand should something develop. Maybe this is as it should be but it is certainly not what I would expect. There is so much yet to be learned on the practical side for the new methods.

May 29, 1943

May 29, 1943

The box of books and Freon cylinders which you so kindly sent has never reached me and I suppose they went to the bottom somewhere along the way.

I am anxioius to see Gen. B. and Buxton when they return in order to get first hand information on the work there. The OSRD reports are coming through fine now and I read them with intense interest. If you could send one or two pounds of SAT we could do a good test on scabies. Eddy’s report didn’t mention what kind of alcohol was used. Would you let us have that information?

How is everything going in the Division? Deniza tells me that Coeline didn’t get her promotion. It’s a darned shame but I know you did everything possible for her.

Give my regards to everyone there and the rest of the folks in the Division when you see them. Remember me to Ina and the boys.

Sincerely yours
Emory C. Cushing

Attached note forwarding the letter to Knipling: “If you care to answer & send SAT that you have tested, we will ship from here. W.E. Dove.”

January 1, 1943

Central Laboratory 505
APO 505
c/o Postmaster
New York, N.Y.

Personal Please

Dear Dr. Dove:

I suppose you have been advised by this time of my safe arrival at destination. We had an uneventful trip and everything is going along as well as can be expected under the circumstances. Like every ponderous machine it moves slowly but with ever increasing momentum. Living conditions are not at all bad and except for missing Deniza and all my friends I am quite contented with my lot.

January 1, 1943

January 1, 1943

Because of certain restrictions, it is almost impossible to give much in the way of happenings. I am greatly impressed with the importance of the eventual problems with which [redacted] you and I and especially the boys at Orlando are concerned. We cannot do too much too soon. Many problems present themselves and it is difficult to keep on the straight course of dealing entirely with the primary one; nevertheless some of them cannot be ignored and it is often necessary to take on additional responsibilities and give help wherever possible. In this connection I shall appreciate your sending me my copy of “Human Parasitology” by Blacklock, and the copy of “Parasitology” by Hegner, Root, and Augustine. I think you will find them amongst the books I left in the office. If you could procure for me a copy of the recent edition of “Medical Entomology” by Herms I should like to have that too. Deniza will reimburse you for whatever it costs. Perhaps you could expedite delivery to me by asking Col. Stone to send them with other official mail. There is, upon my suggestion, an interest in Freon as carrier and dispenser of bactericides for preventing air-borne infections. You might ask Col. Stone if it would be possible for his office to send me two 25 lb. cylinders of the material direct together with 5 empty 5-lb. dispensers and full instructions as to equipment for filling the small cylinders from the large ones. This equipment is also desired in connection with other work which has been assigned me. There is no use of my ordering it through channels as it does not appear on regular supply tables available here and I shall have to write elaborate specifications. Another problem to which I must give attention is the prevention of scabies. If it is possible and not too inconvenient I would appreciate your discussing this with Dr. Haller and Col. Stone and sending me at least gallon samples of any promising liquid acaricides especially emulsions or solutions of the less irritating derris or cube derivatives. The necessity for liquids is that of rapid application as a spray and the treatment of a considerable number of persons in a short time. As soon as you develop any promising lousicidal powder I should like to have samples to determine their efficacy in preventing sarcoptes infestation. Should opportunity afford research work there on scabies prevention and rapid treatment would be well worth while. One last request, could you discuss with Dr. Calvery of Food & Drug what his organization has found out about commercial wetting agents which are non-toxic to man and if he knows of any forward samples to me through Col. Stone. I know you must be extremely busy at this time and I trust the above requests will not be of too much trouble to you. How is everything going at the office? Give my best wishes to everyone in the Division and all my friends in the Bureau. How is Ina and the boys, Claudelle and B.M.? Please remember me to them. I think the above address will be rather permanent for me so if you can find a spare moment to write I shall be delighted to hear from you.

Emory C. Cushing, Maj. 5th C.[?].

Notes on the back of the envelope in Walter’s handwriting:
cotton seed

Gesarol is the same as Neocid – both are Geigy trade names for a novel compound Walter and his colleagues are testing as a possible lousicide.