Sunday Night Aug 17th*
My Dear Sweetheart,
It really isn’t late but Dr. White has already “turned in” and no doubt I could go to sleep. It may seem strange to be sleepy at 8:30 but we spent a long time in the surf this afternoon and it is the natural result, you will feel the same way, too, Dear.
The Post Office is open only a short time on Sundays and I did not have the opportunity of inquiring for your letter. I have something to look forward to, tomorrow. Everything seems to go so much better on days when I get your letter and other days seem very long. I can’t help but anticipate just how nice it will be when you are with me. It seems almost too good to be true and I certainly wish for you, and wish for you.

August 16, 1925
Yours truly is getting a coat of tan just now which affects the whole body except that covered by a bathing suit. It is a different sort from the one I had in Uvalde, and seems to have spread. The sun burns on my back are about well now, but incidentally the vinegar did not keep it from peeling. Dr. White says it should be applied on the same day and that we waited almost two or three days before using it. I guess he is right.
Dear, I want you to think about what I should give you for a wedding present. I want to give something that you will need or can use and you have a better idea than anyone else. You should suggest it. I hope that in the future you will suggest so that I will not get something which could not be used. There are quite a few things that we will need, but I think this should be something that you will want, and something which we probably would not get when we are furnishing the house.
Before long I expect to get a hardware catalog and list from a hardware concern (wholesale) where we had a buying connection in So. Dak. I will send this to you so that in buying standard material we can save something. As a whole it will probably be quite a saving. The house is a good one. Such things as an ice box, stove, and furniture, we should see and would probably do well to buy them in Florida. The Jacksonville concerns pay freight to any point in Florida. From the Omaha hardware we could probably get such things as kitchen utensils, food chopper, carving set, electric iron and percolator, and other hardware which we will think of. You will know more about these than I do and will have an idea of what is needed. I know that the discounts from the list prices are good ones.
I love you, Dear, and you have heard this a number of times, but you had might as well get accustomed to it for I am going to tell you the same thing real often. I mean it with every time I say it, and I’ll be a mighty happy human when you are with me – always – for keeps.
With a sweet goodnight,
* Once again, right day wrong date.