Tag Archives: correspondence

October 23, 1925 (Ina)

Friday Nite
Oct. 23, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

Your letter of Tuesday night came, and it seemed good to receive one from you there again because that seems more like home. I don’t know why it is, but I sort of breathed a sigh of relief when I knew you were back there. No doubt it is because the mail is more regular, and then too I think there is more comfort in thinking of or writing to a person if you know where he is and that your mail will reach him in due time. It seems so indefinite otherwise. For instance, the letters you found at the Beach on your return were almost history by the time you received them and the ones I wrote you and addressed to Caxambas were no doubt a week or more old by the time they were forwarded to the Beach. At any rate, I love you just the same wherever you are, but the nearer you are, the better it suits me.

October 23, 1925 (Ina)

October 23, 1925 (Ina)

Dear, I appreciate your concern about my being so blue and I suppose I should have written you the reason at that time, but I was in hopes that I could soon decide that it was all my imagination. I was afraid I couldn’t explain it so you wouldn’t misunderstand me, so I thought I wouldn’t say anything. However, as you now know, I did write you a letter later, addressing it to you at Caxambas, explaining my feelings. I feel sure now that I was wrong about it, and I beg your pardon, Dear, for thinking it. Your letters sound differently now. Those others were just written hurriedly I’m sure. No, Sweetheart, not for one moment have I regretted our engagement, but I was afraid you had. You have no idea what a relief it is to have the feeling now that you don’t regret it.

I was very much interested in the real estate letter. I am so glad the value of the property is increasing so rapidly, and I sincerely hope it will continue to do so. Won’t it be fine to make that much on the side? I am so glad you bought it when and where you did.

It makes me so happy, Dear to feel that you still love me as much as you ever did. I didn’t realize how very very much I loved you until I thought you might be getting indifferent. Sweetheart, I will be so happy when we can be together all the time. Then there will not be the trouble of misunderstanding letters. You seem so far far away now, and it takes so long to get a reply to a letter. When we are together, if we are uncertain about anything, we can explain it right then, get a reply immediately and then feel satisfied instead of having to wait a week or two to find out. I think it will be great.

I love you worlds and worlds.

Always, your

October 20, 1925 (Walter)

This letter was out of order in the set, because Walter wrote “November” instead of “October” on it. I’m back-dating this post to put it where it should have been in the sequence on the blog. Sorry for any inconvenience.

The Beach, Tuesday Nite,
Nov. 20, 1925 (sic)

My Dear Sweetheart,

I arrived here this noon and have been busy re-arranging and unpacking. Mrs. McDonald came back with me. Your letters of the 9th and 10th were here when I returned as I did not have mail forwarded to me from here while I was on the east coast.

October 20, 1925 (Walter)

October 20, 1925 (Walter)

Dear, your letter of the 10th was your blue letter and I can’t help but feel concerned and worried about it. It was quite short and you said that if you could cry yourself to sleep that you would feel all right. Sweetheart, I think you should have told me why you felt so blue for I did not like to have you feel that way and I am worried for fear that I might have done something that caused it. This is the first time you have written to me that you were so blue. Please tell me why? Do you regret your engagement to me? Have I done anything to hurt your feelings? You wrote the letter on the 10th just five months from the time of our engagement. Dear, I love you with all my heart and I wouldn’t have done anything to hurt your feelings for anything in the world. You are the dearest one in the world to me and I can’t help but feel worried. Please tell me! I always tell you and I would feel better if you would tell me.

I am enclosing a letter from the Fulford people regarding the value of the lot. I believe that it will be worth twice as much in the spring.

Please write me at once, Dear, and tell me why you felt so blue. I’ll be worried until I hear from you.

I love you and only you and I want you with all my heart.

With a sweet goodnight,


October 19, 1925

Monday Night.
Oct. 19, 1925.

My dearest Sweetheart:

My! but I’m so happy tonight. Your two letters (of Wednesday and Thursday) came this evening just in time to save the day (or me). Honestly, I believe they would have almost had me to bury if I hadn’t heard pretty soon. I have been gazing into that empty post office box for four days, and I was getting desperate. Of course I knew you were on the road a great deal of the time, but I knew at the same time that within four days’ time you could surely find an opportunity to at least drop me a card. It was the longest time I had missed getting a letter since we have become engaged, and, that fact, added to the feelings I expressed in yesterday’s letter, gave my imagination plenty of room to work. So when Papa brought in your two letters this evening I felt thankful enough to shout. And, too, Dear, these didn’t sound a bit like they were prompted by a sense of duty. They “hit the spot” and made me feel so happy. Even the cold wind whistling around the corner of the house doesn’t sound lonesome tonight, and the fire in the fireplace is more cheerful than it has been in nights and nights. Even if a ghost should appear at the window by my side, I verily believe he would brightly smile tonight.

October 19, 1925

October 19, 1925

Sweetheart, I’m delighted with the Fulford report. The increase in value of the property there is far better than I dared hope in such a short time. It was evidently a very wise buy, and I am mighty glad you made it. Yes, indeed, that profit will come in fine when we get ready to purchase or build a home of our own. I am very enthusiastic about your real estate possessions. May their value increase! Your account of the conditions and values there was very interesting and made me realize more than ever the Florida boom.

If it takes this letter as long to reach you as it took yours to reach me, you may get it some day next month.

I love you, Dear, worlds and worlds. I didn’t fully realize how very much until I felt that there might be something wrong. But I am so happy tonight and I love you, love you, love you.

Always your

October 18, 1925 (Ina)

Sunday Afternoon.
Oct 18, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

Third time is charm, so you may receive this letter. You may have noticed that you have missed letters for two days, but it was not because I didn’t write – it was because I didn’t mail the ones I wrote. Day before yesterday I wrote, but committed that epistle to the flames. Last night I wrote again, but that one went up in smoke also. I carried it to the post office twice, but couldn’t make up my mind to post it. However, I sincerely hope I can conscientiously send this one.

October 18, 1925 (Ina)

October 18, 1925 (Ina)

Sweetheart, I don’t know how to explain it, but I hope you will understand it just the same and can say that I was entirely wrong, absolutely; that I was perfectly silly for letting such a thing enter my mind, and that I had no grounds whatsoever for doing so. Yes, I do hope that you can conscientiously say every bit of that, and then I’ll be happy once more. The fact of the business is that I have cried myself to sleep several nights lately (and thrown in a few tears during the day), because it seemed to me that as our wedding day drew nearer (forgive me for saying it) you seemed to be losing interest to some extent. Your letters sound different somehow from the ones you wrote a month or two ago – they seem like they are written through a sense of duty or something. Dear, I know you are busy, but surely that couldn’t make you lose interest in – it couldn’t, could it? You do love me just as much as you ever did, don’t you? Please say that all of this is a freak of my imagination, and scold me good – say anything you want to – call me “Mama” or anything – just so I know you love me just the same. Sweetheart, I know you are true to me as far as other girls are concerned, but somehow I couldn’t feel perfectly satisfied about the tiny note of indifference your letters seemed to me to have, until I wrote and asked you.

Forgive me Dear, if I have hurt your feelings, in this letter, because I didn’t mean to do it. I wish you knew how very very much I love you and then maybe you would understand. I love you entirely too much to want to hurt you even the tiniest bit.

Always your loving

October 17, 1925

Oct 17th
Saturday Night.

My Dear Sweetheart,

My note last night was rather short and as there might be a misunderstanding I want you to know that I would not intentionally hurt your feelings for anything in the world. It is a little different in writing to you when I am on the road for I usually have quite a bit on my mind but I think of you often just the same.

October 17, 1925

October 17, 1925

I expect to leave here Monday AM and if I have good luck I’ll drive through in one day. It is about 325 miles and a few detours where they are working on the road. The last 25 miles will be rough too as I take a near cut to the Beach from St. Augustine. This saves about 25 miles but is a little rough. There is a real estate activity at Jupiter where I have been working some, and also a lot here but it does not look as good as Fulford to me. The prices are high enough too. Kelsey City north of here is a mighty good development, but I can’t invest on any more and have not even talked to real estate folks.

I love you, Dear, and I certainly wish that I could be with you now.

Always your

October 12, 1925 (Walter)

Monday A.M.

My Dear Sweetheart,

I was quite busy yesterday and last night, and before I realized it the time had slipped by. I expect to get everything in shape today so that I can leave tomorrow A.M.

October 12, 1925 (Walter)

October 12, 1925 (Walter)

Will go to St. Augustine for a little stop but it will not take long there, probably an hour or two.

This is only a note, Dear, but I wanted you to know that I was thinking of you.

I’ll write as often as I can while on this trip and I hope I’ll have some letters waiting for me at Caxambas.

I love you in the same way and more than I can tell you.


October 6, 1925 (Walter)

Tuesday A.M. Oct 6th.

My Dear Sweetheart,

This morning I received two letters from you and also last night another one came. It made me feel that I had been mean for I did not write to you yesterday. Went to Jax early in the morning and was up there all day. It was getting late when I came back. This A.M. I had a note from Dr. KS that the County Med Society met tonight and that he was on the program. I am going up this afternoon and attend the meeting with him. Will then spend the night at his home with them and will return tomorrow A.M. Dear, I have a lot of work to do and when the letters are short or when I miss a day I hope you will know that I love you just the same. Since I started this I phoned Dr. K.S. that I have no new dope to give out at this time and that I’d like to skip this meeting. He will show the slides used at New Orleans last fall and also at Atlantic City this Spring. His talk will be what was given at those meetings. I am sure that he will mention my work in a creditable manner, as he always gives me a lot of credit and some that I do not deserve.

October 6, 1925 (Walter)

October 6, 1925 (Walter)

I am trying to get away for the southern part of the state this week. It takes a lot to get my work in shape as I cannot leave it with anyone. My landlady here is going to work in Jax and I may be able to rent her auto for the trip. It would be fine if I could, and I am in hopes that I can get it. Can accomplish more if I drive, and I want to study conditions outside as much as possible. Your letters addressed here will be forwarded to me. When you write Sunday, it might be well to address them to Caxambas, Fla, General Delivery, and to mark the envelope Hold. I’ll be at Jupiter, West Palm Beach, Fulford, Miami too, but I won’t spend so much time at those places and will not have any mail sent to them.

It was sweet of Thelma Lee to write to me. I’ll write to her before long. I am pretty busy and I wish you would tell her.

You are just as sweet as you can be Dear and I love you with all my heart.


October 6, 1925 (Ina)

Tuesday Night.
Oct. 6, 1925.

My dearest Walter:

Yes, we have no letters today. I looked in the post office box, but there was not a single solitary one to be found. It had been quite a while since I had missed a day and I had almost forgotten the feeling, but I recognized it at once this afternoon. I can hardly wait until tomorrow when I feel sure I will receive one, and perhaps two, and then I’ll be happy.

October 6, 1925 (Ina)

October 6, 1925 (Ina)

This has been a busy day for me. It seems that I have done a little bit of everything and a great deal of some things. Besides my regular routine, I have almost made a satin dress for Mama, have gone down town, and have made two calls. It has been a regular summer day – the kind that makes you feel like you have been working harder than you really have!

I wonder how you have been spending the day, Dear. You have been busy too, I know. I have been thinking of you lots during the day and am wishing for you right now. I hope your work still looks encouraging, and that you will succeed in accomplishing that on which you have worked so hard since Dr. White left.

I love you, Sweetheart, worlds and worlds, and will be so happy tomorrow when I get a letter.

Always, your own

September 28, 1925 (Walter)

Monday Night 9/28.

My Dear Sweetheart,

The letter came today, three in one, and they were mighty welcome. I certainly missed them the past few days and some how they make everything look different. I have to pinch myself, to see if it is a dream, or if it is true that I have the love of such a wonderful little girl as yourself. You mean so much to me, Dear. I guess I realize it more after I have waited an extra day or two for a letter.

September 28, 1925 (Walter)

September 28, 1925 (Walter)

I had a busy day and I feel that I accomplished quite a bit. I know that your letter helped a lot.

Had a letter from Mr. Laake today to the effect that Mr. Bishopp had written to him asking about the work and whether he considered it urgent that I join them this winter. Laake says that he would like to have me with them but that he does not want to take any steps which might be contrary to my plans. He knows of our engagement, but I haven’t written to Mr. Bishopp as yet. I’ll do so soon so that he will know what is up. No doubt Dr. Hunter mentioned it to him recently.

Am tired and sleepy, Dear, and I’ll try to chat more the next time.

With a sweet goodnight and with all the love that is possible, I am,

Always your,

September 24, 1925 (Walter)

Friday Night, 9/25*.

My Dear Sweetheart,

No letter tonight but I have been favored so well with them that I have no complaint at all. You have been real sweet to write so often. I am a bit lonesome now, and while I do not notice it so much during the day, when I am real busy, I wish for you at meal time and in the evenings. Usually, the pier is my hanging out place just after supper for about a half hour. It is cool out there and to watch the cars pass and the bathers enjoy the surf makes a restful pass time. They don’t dance every night now, but only about twice a week. There are fewer people in the surf than during the season.

September 24, 1925 (Walter)

September 24, 1925 (Walter)

It seems ages since I saw you and I”ll be a happy human when I can see you again. I love you, Dear, and sometime you will know how very much for I cannot express it in words.

With a sweet goodnight,


* This seems to be the letter from the 24th.