Tuesday PM. 6/11-’40
My dear Sweetheart,
Yours of the 31st was returned to the office from you and was received today. I was very glad to read it even though you had told me most of its contents. Also the card and letters from Mother Lewis and Mother Dove were gladly received. I am not returning the latter for I am sure that Claudelle has seen them.

June 11, 1940
I thought I’d hear from the Chief’s decision today but as yet no news from him. I am wonderingif he is going to insist on my going to Man & Animals. I hardly think so, but ordinarily he does not wait this long for a decision. Perhaps he had to develop some information first.
Claude, RA & all are most cordial and there seems to be quite a change in them. RA & Messenger are in the field now. Claude has made several friendly overtures and asked for suggestions on a few things. He does not seem to lock up so much. This makes me feel better though I still feel that they regard me with some suspicion. I think I’ve helped him & he appreciates it, especially on the situation in S. Dak.
The office at Chicago has been turned over to us by Mr. Corliss and they are most cordial. Corliss, Mrs. Corliss, Mitchell, Rainwater & I drove along the lake shore Sunday. There are some beautiful places even though we do not see many in passing through the city. Mrs. Simonson did not go with us as some of her relatives took her for a drive. Mr. Thompson and I will go down there on a moment’s notice, and I imagine as soon as it is time to ship creosote oil.
The buying here is about complete and within about 3 weeks the baiting will be over except for fall baiting. Montana counties have added a little spice to the program, but other than about 5 of these counties the program has been mild, indeed. The cricket program is hardly a drop in the bucket.
I found a little hotel on Michigan Ave. with good rates. All of us are stopping there except Mitchell & I think he and Thompson will stop there. It is known as 830 South Michigan Hotel, which is the street address. So far I have had no mail sent there, but should you phone or wire at night I could be reached there OK.
With love, I am