8 PM
Sunday the 10th.
My Dear Sweetheart,
I know that weeks ago you planned that I would be in Uvalde today. Only wish I were there now. Have just returned from the Brundrettes’. Had dinner with them about two o’clock, fried chicken, vegetables, ice cream and cake. Also had ice cream and cake again tonight. This PM I drove them around White Rock in the Willys Knight. Finished the paint job this morning. Only used top and seat dressing this A M & it dried quickly. I think it looks better than when you saw it last.

July 10, 1927
Alvis came over this morning. Said his niece was at Mrs. Pettit’s & that I was invited for dinner. Was sorry that I had already accepted an invitation with the Brundrettes. Will try to see Miss Lena tomorrow.
Expect something on the renewal of the loan tomorrow. Hope it is OK at 6-1/2%. According to the Brundrettes the Bishopp house sold for $7500. I think he got a good price for it considering its location. The commission made it about $7250 which was about what it cost him.
Don’t think that I have forgotten your birthday, Dear. I should have sent it before now. Will go to town tomorrow and send it by parcel post. Just as soon as I can find out something from Bish will let you know when I can come & about how long I can stay.
I love you Dear, with all my heart and believe me, I am mighty anxious to see my little wife. Am going with you the next time, for the time I am away from you hangs heavy on my hands. I don’t know what to do with myself.