July 11, 1927

Monday PM. The Lab.

My Dear Little Girl,

Yours of yesterday AM came this noon. Incidentally, I was up early yesterday morning, too. 5:30. Finished the car before the neighbors were up.

July 11, 1927

July 11, 1927

Just returned from town. Nothing definite on the loan yet. The Sec’y wrote Mr. Diffy that it would be brought to the President’s attention PDQ & Mr. Diffy expects an answer tomorrow. The request for advanced funds was answered with a new form of bond. Have just made the new form and mailed it today. This means it will be at least another week before the check will get here. Paid the gas, light & Sanger’s bills, and I have the 160 for the interest. Will pay it when the renewal of the first lien is made.

I love you Dear, with all my heart. I want to see you too.


P.S. Sent you a birthday remembrance today. Sanger’s mailed it. We will get the bill next month.