Thursday Night 2/19
My dear Ina & Boys,
One print of each of the photos is enclosed. I am having three of each printed and I plan to give Claudelle and BM one set, and a couple of prints of Tommy to the Cushings. You may want some of them enlarged, if so we can select and have them made at DC or Orlando.
The tests here are encouraging but I cannot bring them to a close just yet. With luck we should be able to complete them in another week. Perhaps I can be at home next week end. If the money becomes available for the new work I may leave this part for some one else & come back to get things started at Orlando.
I leave from the Bureau in the morning for Beltsville. Mr. Lata goes with me. I see very little of the Bureau people except a few min. in the morning and sometimes in the P.M.
Yesterday I sent you a box of Martha Washingtons. No, I do not have a guilty conscience. My behavior has been most excellent, if I do say so myself.
With love and looking forward to seeing you soon.