Sunday Afternoon.
Oct 19, 1924.
Dear Walter:
Your letter came as a relief, and it made me happy again. I had already figured how long it would take you to receive my letter, and then how long it would be before I could receive a reply. Your letter came exactly the hour I expected it, and it certainly saved me a great disappointment by its being on time. When I mailed my last letter to you I almost felt like doing as our Court house janitor’s little four year old son did a few days ago. The little boy’s Aunt at Yoakum, Texas had just sent his mother some pretty red beads, and nothing would do but that the mother must write the aunt at once to send the little boy some beads too. They sent him down to the postoffice alone to mail the letter. That was at eleven o’clock in the morning – noon came, but the little boy did not return. His parents searched, but he was nowhere to be found. Finally, about three-thirty in the afternoon, Son came home. When they asked him where on earth he had been so long his reply was “Well, I was just waitin’ for my beads.” So I felt very much like sitting in the post office and waiting for a reply to the letter I had just written. I suppose you thought I was foolish for writing such a letter, but I hope you will forgive me for it. That was just the way I was feeling, and just the way I would have talked to you had you been here, so I just wrote it. I want you to know that I appreciated the letter you wrote in reply, and appreciate your frankness in telling me of the things that thappened while you were living in Aberdeen. I sincerely hope that the whole affair will turn out for the best.
Mr. and Mrs. Parman returned from their Tenn. visit two days ago and reported a “grand and glorious” time. They were gone only two weeks, and a high school boy here took care of things while they were gone. None of the entomologists from out of town came for special work while they were gone. Mr. and Mrs. Parman came by this morning and asked all of us to go up in the canyons with them to spend the day, but Claudelle and I had some special church work today, Papa was out of town, and Mama didn’t want to go without us, so we didn’t accept the invitation.
The Baptists have been having a big revival for the past week, and we have been enjoying it very much. I think a revival of the “old time religion” is the finest thing in the world for Uvalde right now. There seems to be so much hatred and strife among the people here and some people refuse to speak to each other – all on account of political differences. It is a terrible condition of affairs, and I can’t help but believe that this revival will do a great deal toward re-uniting them.
No, we haven’t moved yet. I think it will be the first of November before we go. We went up to the ranch a few days ago and think we will like it fine after the house is repaired some. We are very anxious to get out there so that we can begin to make it look more like someone is interested in making it look home-like. The weeds are about waist high in the yard, part of the fence is down, the doorsteps are almost down, and dozens of other things need repairing.
Walter, it makes me awfully happy every time I think of your coming Christmas. It seems like an age since you were here, but really it will have been only about six months Christmas since I first met you. That is a half year though, isn’t it. Anyhow, I surely will be glad when the time comes.
I must hurry and mail this so it will get off on the next train.